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A WEEK WITHOUT TV OR THE INTERNET. prepared by the coordinator on the basis of the students’ presentations. INTRODUCTION.
A WEEK WITHOUT TV OR THE INTERNET prepared by the coordinator on the basis of the students’ presentations
INTRODUCTION • TV is not as popular as computer and the Internet amongst students. They watch it almost every day, usually from one to three hours a day, mostly for their favourite soap operas, sports or news as sometimes it is a part of their homework. • The Internet is very important for students, they use it mostly for chatting with friends, playing on- line games, searching for information or preparing some homework like albums, reports, essays. • Students use the computer every day for far too many hours, that’s why many parents forbid their children to use it when they want to punish them. TV THE INTERNET
More students chose to stay a week without TV In this presentation you will see only some students’ work. Out of many presentations there were chosen some representative ones. As you will see only few students decided to stay without a computer for a week, more decided to stay without TV, although there is also one suprise! Enjoy our presentation
A WEEK WITHOUT TV- a victory • Natalia 15: • When I didn’twatch TV I hadmorefree time. Atthebeginning I was bored and I didn’tknowwhat I could do. Later I startedplaying games, spent more time with friends, helped my mum in household chores and didsomething I liked- readingbooks and swimming. • To killthe time I went to a cinema, to a pizzeria, to a fitness club, painted and playedboardgameswith my parents. • I thought I wouldn’tmanage as there was my favourite serial on TV’ Dr House’ but I succeeded! • .
A WEEK WITHOUT TV- a failure • Patrycja 14: • On the first day I felt okay, even little better than usual. I had more free time so I went to my grandparents and I went to a library. • On the second day I read two books borrowed from the library .Normally I would not have time for reading. On the third day I folded clothes in my closet and I learned to bake a cake. • On the fourth day I gave up and watched my favourite TV series. • To sum up: it’s difficult to endure a whole week without TV and I think it was possible100 years ago when TV did not exist
28th December Today I’ve started ‘A week without the Internet’. Unfortunately I can’t only lay on the bed and watch movies with Johnny Depp – I’ll have to motivate myself and do something productive, to make my work more interesting. Only today (because it’s already late in the evening) I’ll do a night maraton with Pirates of the Caribbean and from tomorrow I am going to get to work. You know, I can’t wonder how I can spend a day without checking Facebook or Kwejk. It’s stupid, I know, but it’s like addiction. I hope I’ll manage. Goodnight. 29th December Today I went out with my friends – Martyna and Alicja. We went to Telepizza and later we went for a long walk. It took us about 6 hours – I am so exhausted that I can barely hold a pen in my hand. I am going to take shower and go to sleep. Goodnight. 30th December Today I went shopping with Martyna. We were in Silesia City Center – I totally love shopping there. After I had bought 2 tops and a cardigan, we went for something to eat and then we went back home. Tomorrow we’ll do some shopping for New Year’s Eve. Bye. 31st December I’m so excited! We’ve already bought some chips, jelly beans and something to drink. Right now we’re waiting for some friends and then we are going to a disco. I feel that it’s gonna be the best New Year’s Eve in my life.Okay, we’re going out, I’ll write later. Bye. A diary of Magda- aged 15a weekwithoutthe Internet
1st January Happy New Year! It’s 2AM and we’ve just returned. Now we’re watching some movies. You know, I have just noticed, that I don’t care about Facebook – maybe I’m not addicted. I think I’ll endure till the end of the week. Okay I’m going to sleep. Tomorrow I’ll go to my friend’s house- Monika for dinner. Goodnight. 2nd January Yesterday I slept all day long. I was really tired after the party. But today I went to Monika, we ate dinner and later we went to our friend’s party. Now I’m listening to music – I’ve found a few new songs. Well, I should go to sleep, actually it’s already 3rd Jan. Goodnight. 3rd January First thing I did today was checking info on Facebook. I was so curious what is happening with my friends, that I couldn’t resist. So it’s the end of this challenge. I’ve found that I can live without the Internet, even if I don’t want to. Well, goodbye. A victory
A real challenge!Two girls decided to staywithout a computer and TV for twoweeks.Let’sfind out iftheysucceeded. „ I did not watch television for two weeks and I did not play computer as well . To kill the time I was learning and doing homework. Besides much time I spent outdoors hanging out with my friends and also going shoping for clothes . Sometimes I went to a swimming pool with my schoolmates . I missed TV and my computer. For the first day I thought that I could not stand it , but I finally managed . I learned that without these two things , you can see the world in a different way and appreciate the company of your family and friends more”. • „ Not watching TV for 2 weeks and not using my computer, I wrote a diary of what I was doing. So duringthat time I was going for a walk withfriends, went to a churchfewtimes and I went to a store. Besides, I readobligatoryschoolbooksalthough I do not likedoingit, but whenyouarebored, you do itwithpleasurelike learning for lessons, revising for tests.So far I didn’t miss the computer or TV atall. Theworst time was thesecondweek as it was cloudy and rainy.I was verybored, but somehow I couldalways make upsomething to kill my time. • I found out many importantthingsabouttheworld and I found out thatwithout TV and computer theworldisnicer and moreinteresting”. Monika Angelika
STUDENTS’ OPINIONS ON THE TASK The students didn’t want to take part in this project as it seemed impossible for them to stay a week without TV or the Internet. That’s why some of them gave up at the beginning. Fortunately, there were some ambitious ones and they took the challenge. Out of all the students who took part in this project, only two didn’t manage to finish the task. After all, students liked the task and it gave them a real lesson. The coordinator of the project Agnieszka Gąsior- Tomanek