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Nutrition Guidelines during Pregnancy

Nutrition Guidelines during Pregnancy. Ovum 0-14 days Embryo 2-8 weeks Fetus 8 weeks to birth. Fertilization and Implantation. Eggs are viable for 72 hours Sperm is viable for 48 hours. Implantation occurs about 5-6 days after conception. Development Week 1. Blastocyst

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Nutrition Guidelines during Pregnancy

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  1. Nutrition Guidelines during Pregnancy • Ovum • 0-14 days • Embryo • 2-8 weeks • Fetus • 8 weeks to birth

  2. Fertilization and Implantation Eggs are viable for 72 hours Sperm is viable for 48 hours Implantation occurs about 5-6 days after conception

  3. Development Week 1 Blastocyst Inner Cell Mass (Embryonic Stem Cells)

  4. Developmental Week 2 • Embryonic Germ Cell Layers: • Endoderm • Mesoderm • Ectoderm

  5. Neural Development (Weeks 3-4) • Neural Plate • Neural Groove • Neural Fold • Neural Crest • Neural Tube

  6. Neural Development • Mitosis • Migration • Differentiation • Dendritic Sprouting • Synaptogenesis • Cell Death • Dendritic Pruning • Myelination

  7. Dendritic Sprouting

  8. Synaptogenesis

  9. Myelination Major growth occurs from birthto 2 years of age Cephalocaudal Development: from head to toe (tail) Proximodistal Development: from midline to the periphery Readiness Principle: Until children reach a state of readiness, they will be unable to perform a task, even with training and practice.

  10. Weight gain (lb) Increase in breast size 2 Increase in mother's 4 fluid volume Placenta 1 Increase in blood supply 4 to the placenta Amniotic fluid 2 Infant at birth 7 Increase in size of 2 uterus and supporting muscles Mother's necessary 7 fat stores 30 1st trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester Fig. 13-7, p. 491

  11. DO DON’T Do eat enough to support the additional needs of pregnancy plus exercise. Do drink water before, after, and during exercise. Do cool down with 5 to 10 minutes of slow activity and gentle stretching. Do exercise for 20 to 30 minutes at your target heart rate. Do warm up with 5 to 10 minutes of light activity. Do exercise regularly (at least three times a week). Don’t scuba dive. Don’t participate in activities that may harm the abdomen or involve jerky, bouncy movements. Don’t exercise if you experience any pain or discomfort. Don’t exercise while lying on your back after the first trimester of pregnancy or stand motionless for prolonged periods. Don’t exercise when sick with fever. Don’t exercise in hot, humid weather. Don’t exercise vigorously after long periods of inactivity. Pregnant women can enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Fig. 13-8, p. 492

  12. Table 13-7, p. 505

  13. Fig. 13-12, p. 504

  14. Table 13-10, p. 509

  15. Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Adolescents

  16. Fig. 13-11, p. 503

  17. CS 13-1, p. 514

  18. CS 13-2, p. 516

  19. How do I know if my child is eating enough? Children eat when they are hungry and usually stop when they are full. Some parents worry because young children appear to eat very small amounts of food, especially when compared with adult portions. A child who is growing well is getting enough to eat. To check your child’s eating pattern, pay attention to his or her food choices. Make sure no one food group is completely left out. If this happens for a few days, don’t worry. But prolonged neglect of a food group could keep your child from getting enough nutrients. Encourage your child to be adventurous and eat a variety of foods within the food groups too. Even within a food group, different foods provide different nutrients. If the family is adventurous, then the child will likely join in.

  20. Child-size servings: Be realistic • For children, adult-sized servings can be overwhelming. Offering child-sized servings encourages food acceptance. • Here’s an easy guide to child-sized servings: • Serve one-fourth to one-third of the adult portion size, or one measuring tablespoon of each food for each year of the child’s age. • Give less than you think the child will eat. Let the child ask for more if he or she is still hungry.

  21. Snacks make up an important part of childhood nutrition. Children must eat frequently. With their small stomachs, they cannot eat enough at meals alone for their high-energy needs. Three meals and 2 or 3 healthy snacks a day help children to meet their daily nutrition needs. To make the most of snacks, parents and caregivers should offer healthy snack choices and be consistent with the time snacks are served.

  22. Offer a Variety of Snacks. • Choose mostly healthy snack foods that are a good source of nutrients • (protein, vitamins, minerals) as well as calories. • Examples include: • raw vegetables • fresh or dried fruits • low-fat dairy products • 100% fruit juices (unsweetened) • are an alternative to soda and fruit drinks but should be limited to 4 to 6 ounces per day.

  23. Plan Snacks. Schedule snacks around normal daily events Space them at least 2 hours before meals. Children should not feel full all the time. A feeling of hunger between meals and snacks encourages children to eat well when healthy foods are offered. If your schedule is hectic, pack a snack. This helps prevent a cranky, hungry child with no options besides fast food.

  24. Foods to choose: Foods from all the groups work together to supply energy and nutrients necessary for health and growth. No one food group is more important than another. For good health, you and your child should choose foods from all 5 food groups. Grains:Whole-grain products such as breads, crackers, cereal, pasta, brown rice, bagels, tortillas, corn bread, pita bread, bran muffins, English muffins, matzo crackers, pancakes, breadsticks, and pretzels. Vegetables:Asparagus, beets, bok choy, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, collard greens, corn, cucumbers, green and red peppers, jicama, kale, okra, peas, potatoes, pumpkin, snow peas, squash, spinach, string beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, vegetable juices, and zucchini. Fruits:Apples, applesauce, apricots, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, figs, 100% fruit juices (unsweetened), grapefruit, kiwi, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, plums, pineapple, raisins, prunes, starfruit, strawberries, tangerines, and watermelon. Many of these can be offered as dried fruits as well. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Legumes:Lean cuts of beef, veal, pork, ham, and lamb; skinless chicken and turkey; fish; shellfish; cooked beans (kidney beans, black-eyed peas, pinto beans, lentils, black beans); refried beans (made without lard); peanut butter; eggs; reduced-fat deli meats; tofu; nuts; and peanuts. Dairy:Low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, string cheese, cottage cheese, pudding, custard, frozen yogurt, and ice milk.

  25. Soft Drink Consumption Milk Consumption

  26. High School Students taking Daily PE Classes

  27. Fig. 14-3a, p. 523

  28. Nutrition Guidelines for the Elderly

  29. Nervous System Decline with Age • Decrease in brain size/weight • steady, slow, and mild • Decrease in Brain blood flow • Decrease in the use of Glucose • Decrease in Sensory Systems

  30. Senses Decline with Aging

  31. Recall and Recognition in Adulthood • Recognition • stable • Recall • declines

  32. Table 14-6, p. 539

  33. Alzheimer's Disease: Symptoms • memory impairment • starts slow and gradual • forget events, lose objects • agnosia - can’t recognize objects • aphasia - language problems • apraxia - motor problems • emotional changes • aggressive, agitated, public displays, wandering • average survival is 8-10 years

  34. General Brain Atrophy

  35. Neuronal Degeneration Normal Alzheimer’s

  36. Decreased Cerebral Metabolism Alzheimer's Normal

  37. Beta-Amyloid Plaques Beta-Amyloid Plaques Tau Filaments • Pathology: • Interferes with Ca2+ regulation • Increases free radicals • Stimulates mircroglia aggregation • Increases inflammation

  38. Table 14-10, p. 546

  39. Alzheimer's: Treatment • nothing can correct the damage • possible agents that slow the deterioration: • education • tacrine hydrochloride • estrogen replacement therapy • vitamin E • aspirin • helping patients adjust to memory loss • memory wallet, key baskets, tags

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