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Explore the historical factors and evolving motives behind foreign aid by major donors like the UK, France, US, Japan, and emerging donors. Learn about the changing global development environment and future perspectives for Japan's development cooperation policy.
Development Cooperation Policies of Major Donors Izumi Ohno, GRIPS i-ohno@grips.ac.jp (Room E-411) International Development Policy Lecture #2, February 7, 2013
Different Aid Motives of Donors Historical factors affect the philosophy and motives of foreign aid by donors • UK & France: From colonial administration to foreign aid relationship charity, poverty reduction • US: National security (esp. Cold War) American value such as democracy & market economy • Japan: War reparation and post-war recovery Self-help effort, economic development, non-policy interference • Emerging donors (Korea, China, India, etc.): Bringing new and non-Western/Asian perspectives?
Evolution of Development Thinking and Development Assistance Mid-1970s-late 1980s Late 1980s-early 2000s WW II-mid 1970 THEORY Pioneers Confidence in benevo- lent government Neoclassicists Reliance on market & prices Institutionalists Human capital, Poverty reduction New Development Paradigm? Accelerating globalization in the 21st century End of WWII Marshall Plan and reconstruction End of colonialism Bretton Woods institutions Macroeconomic Turmoil Oil shocks, Debt crises Commodity price collapse End of fixed exchange rates Collapse of USSR Geopolitical change in Europe East Asian economic crisis Stagnation in Africa EVENTS Cold War ACTION Era of Engineers Aid for large-scale capital intensive infrastructure projects Era of Economists Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs) with policy conditionalities Era of Social Scientists Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS) (Source) Adapted from Figure 2 (p.21), Takamasa Akiyama, International Development Assistance: Evolution and Current Issues, FASID 2006.
Official Development Assistance (ODA) Based on OECD, Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Official ~ Grants or loans to developing countries and multilateral institutions, provided by governments or government agencies Development ~ The promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries, as its main objective Assistance ~ Concessional terms, having a grant element of at least 25%
Types of Development Cooperation • Bilateral ODA • ODA Loans • Technical Cooperation • Grant Aid • Debt Relief, etc. Official Flows (OF) Official Development Assistance (ODA) Multilateral ODA Development Cooperation Other Official Flows (OOF) Export credits Investment loans Export credits insurance Private Flows (PF) FDI Portfolio investments Grants by Non-profit Organizations Source: Ministry of Finance Figures are indicated in gross disbursements basis.
Highlights Changing global development environment (esp. post-Cold War era) Development Cooperation policies of major traditional donors – US, UK, and Japan Rise of emerging donors – Korea and China Future perspectives for Japan’s Development Cooperation policy
Background “Aid fatigue” after ending ideological war (Western vs. Eastern camps) Rising roles of civil society and NGOs Increase of regional & ethnic conflicts Transnational, global agenda (e.g., infectious diseases, climate changes, terrorism) Increase of private flows to developing countries Rise of emerging donors; but widening gaps among developing countries 1.Global Development Trend in the Post-Cold War Era New Trends • Revisiting the rationale for aid -- MDGs (international solidarity for fight against poverty) and aid effectiveness • Focusing on poorest countries & fragile states, peace-building, debt relief and grant aid • Tackling global agenda • Public-private partnership, BoP Business • Attempt to engage emerging donors in global rules
More diverse development agenda New actors charged in development Emerging donors (Korea, China, India, Brazil, etc.) Civil society, NGOs, business and private foundations Multi-polar system, global power shift G7/G8 G20 Changing Global Development Environment (esp. Post-Cold War Era) Global health, Global environment Fragile states, etc. MDGs, Social development, Governance, Institutions Economic development, Large-scale infrastructure
G7先進国+韓国によるODAの動向 (支出純額ベース) Trends of Net ODA from G7 Countries + Korea: 1981-2011 (net disbursement basis) Source: OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), Statistical Annex of the 2011 Development Co-operation Report, CRS online database (2012.05.08)) 出所:OECD開発援助委員会(Statistical Annex of the 2011 Development Co-operation Report, CRS online database)
Financial Flows from OECD (DAC) Countries to Developing Countries NGO Private funds Other Official Flows ODA Total (Year (Source) Elaborated by the author, based on the OECD DAC database (StatExtracts)
Rising Share of Asian GDP (esp. China, India) Source: Cabinet Office Trends of the Global Economy 2010 - I, May 2010 ASIA 2050 (ADB Report) envisages that by 2050, Asia could account for half of global output, trade, and investment—if middle-income trap scenario could be avoided.
Source: OECD DAC/DCD and OECD Development Centre (2006) Aid Architecture: Diversification and Fragmentation Public Private Bilateral Donors Multilateral Donors Global Programs NGOs Private Philanthropy Private Commercial Sector 23 DAC donors World Bank GFATM, GAVI & other health funds International NGOs Foundations Firms (e.g., FDI, CSR) IMF Bilateral dvt. banks & agencies Global Environment Facility National NGOs in donor countries Household (e.g., remittances & other private transfers) Commercial Banks (e.g., loans, export credits, financial guarantees) UN Other OECD countries (non-DAC) Regional dvt. banks & agencies Fast Track Initiative EFA National NGOs in developing countries Private Investors (e.g., portfolio & equity investment) Emerging donors (e.g., China, India) EC (DAC donors) UN Specialized Agencies Cf. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (established in 2000): providing more than 3 billion aid – approx. one-third of Japan’s annual ODA (netdisbursements) Indicates observer status in DAC
* 2. Features of ODA Policies of Major Donors under the Changing Global Development Environment
Features of ODA: UK, UK, Japan and South Korea Source: OECD Development Assistance Committee (Statistics on Resource Flows to Developing Countries, as of Dec. 22, 2011)
Policy US Aid System (2001/02- ) • Fragmented aid system • Strong Congressional involvement in ODA strategy and budget • Presidential leadership driving political & public support, incl. significant ODA budget increase Congress Developing countries International community President White House Leadership State Dept. Treasury Defense Dept. Think tanks NGOs Public Admin. USAID MCC (2004- ) Private sector Implementation Peace Corps Other depts, & agencies American public
US: ODA Policy Formulation andImplementation Coordination Development as integral part of the National Security Strategy; Presidential vision matters Fragmented aid system Executive branch: implementation assumed by various depts. And agencies (27 agencies, 50 programs) Strong involvement by the Congress on strategy, basic direction, and the volume/programs of ODA USAID: established under Foreign Assistance Act (1961); traditionally serving as the core agency for aid implementation, reporting to the State Dept. NGOs: the voice of developmental interests and aid lobby, as main contractors of ODA projects Active aid policy debates: civil society and think tanks
ODA Policy and Implementation underthe Bush Administration (2001/02-08) Vision: driven by “War on Terror” Presidential leadership and National Security Strategy (2002, 2006): 3Ds (diplomacy, defense, and development In reality, development was subordinate to the other 2Ds Mobilizing Congressional and public support, significant ODA budget increase But, the role of USAID undermined (strategic planning functions removed, and absorbed by State Dept.) Creating a new aid agency in 2004 -- “Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)”-- to promote core American values Expanding the role of Defense Dept. in ODA Further fragmentation in aid implementation Concern about a declining share of USAID in total ODA (50.2%(02) 38.8%(05)), sacrificing developmental goal
Global Development Policy under the Obama Administration (2009- ) Vision: SMART Power Presidential leadership and new National Security Strategy (May 2010): Role of ODA in promoting global partnership, as soft power Calling for continuous increase of ODA budget US Global Development Policy First presidential decree of international development, announced at the UN Millennium Summit (Sept. 2010) Elevating USAID to participate in the National Security Council of the White House, as necessary Strong support by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton “Leading Through Civilian Power” (QDDR Dec. 2010) and “development diplomacy” Nevertheless, faced with Congressional opposition (the Lower House dominated by the Republicans)
US Global Development Policy • Broad-based economic growth, as the overarching goal • Aimed at increasing “capable partners” (no more fragile states!) • Whole-of-the Government approach, to address the problems of fragmented aid system • Inter-agency Policy Committee, chaired by NSC advisor • Focus on three strategic agenda: food security, global health, and climate change • Assigning a focal agency for each agenda • Greater attention to partnerships with other players and aid effectiveness issues
Policy & Implementation UK Aid System (1997- ) • Coherent aid system • Clear legislative mandate and organized administrative approach • High-level policy commitment and shared vision among Prime Minister, the Chancellor of Exchequer, and DFID Secretary Developing countries International community Leadership Prime Minister Treasury Think tanks DFID (bilateral & multilateral aid) NGOs Public Admin. Private sector FCO DTI British public
UK (1997- ): Int’l Development Policy Formulation and Implementation Policy coherency and organized approach Creation of DFID as the Cabinet-level Dept., charged with policy formulation and implementation of int’l development (both bilateral and multilateral aid) Clear legislative mandate and organized administrative approach (International Development Act 1997) Cf. Past trend: Labor administration independent aid ministry, Conservative administration aid agency under FCO High-level policy commitment shared by Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Secretary of State for Int’l Development Overarching vision: poverty reduction and MDGs 3-year Public Service Agreement with the Treasury, based on the achievement of MDGs Active engagement in the int’l community and global debates
FASID Jan. DFID Chart DFID strategy and performance management – how it fits together Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) At the global level, the UN monitors the MDGs and donors report on, for example, Monterrey commitments Public Service Agreement At the corporate level, we monitor progress against PSA and key corporate management indicators, through the Autumn Performance Report, Departmental Report, Quarterly Management Reports and corporate risk register Directors’ Delivery Plans At the divisional level we monitor progress against DDPs during the year and annually through DDP reviews and risk matrices Country Assistance Plans Regional Assistance Plans Institutional Strategies At the country, regional and institutional levels, we monitor our work through CAP, RAP and IS reviews and risk matrices Department and Team Objectives At departmental and team level we monitor outcomes against objectives and departmental risk matrices Personal Development Plans At an individual level we use mid-year reviews and annual performance assessments Source: DFID Departmental Report 2005 (p.9)
UK (1997-2010): Key Actors and Interests Prime Minister (Blair, Brown): attach high priority to development, incl. aid to Africa Chancellor of the Exchequer: strongly committed to development, supportive of aid budget increase DFID: the voice of developmental interests, standing up for poverty reduction in the faces of diplomatic interests (Foreign and Commonwealth Office: FCO) and commercial interests (Dept. of Trade and Industry: DTI) Abolishing the Aid and Trade Provision in 1997 (tied grant aid) Strong civil society sector, active think tanks, Christian concept of charity High-level political and public support “Aid for poverty reduction” attracts votes (connected to daily lives – e.g., refugees and asylum seekers, immigrant workers)
Engagement in Global Agenda DFID: entrusted with leading policy coordination for international development Joint unit with other ministries, by agenda: Joint Trade Policy Unit (DFID-BERR), Post-Conflict and Reconstruction Unit (DFID-FCO-DOD), etc. Active use of multi-donor framework Influencing policies of multilateral organizations Global health: IHPA PPP: PIDG (privately financed infrastructure), BoP Business Active involvement in the G8 & G20 processes Commission for Africa (2005 Gleneagles Summit), led by PM office Global Development Partnership Programme launched (2011), to engage emerging partners in the global agenda Aimed at gaining public support by leading the rule-making of international development policy and system (esp. poverty reduction in Africa and South Asia)
Int’l Development Policy underConservative and LDP (May 2010) Maintaining DFID as a cabinet-level ministry for international development policy and implementation Commitment to MDGs achievement and ODA increase (to raise ODA/GNI ratio to 0.7% by 2013) Keeping untied aid New aid policy (March 2011) Further concentration of bilateral aid (to 27 countries) in the next five years; selectivity in multilateral aid based on performance Emphasis on value for money (VfM), transparency, accountability for tax payers, results orientation Further promoting private sector development Independent Committee for Aid Impact (May 2011), reporting to the International Development Committee of the Parliament
Policy Japan’s Aid System • Recent efforts to improve coherence in aid implementation • Limited involvement by Diet in aid policy, and weak political interest *In Oct. 2008, new JICA was established by incorporating the ODA loan operations of JBIC. Leadership Developing countries International community Prime Minister ? MOF MOFA METI Private sector Public Admin. JBIC* JICA Implementation NGOs Other ministries & agencies Japanese public
Japan: ODA Policy Formulation and Implementation Coordination Efforts underway to improve coherency of aid system: Strengthening of MOFA’s overall policy coordination functions Establishment of new JICA through the merger of ex-JICA (TA) and ODA Loan operations of JBIC Lack of political and popular interest in ODA (Prime Minister’s vision?) Limited involvement by the Legislature on strategy and basic direction of ODA, leading to inactive policy debates Why and for what aid? -- domestically, views are divided Severe ODA budget cut (cumulatively -50% from the peak of 1997)
Trends of ODA Budget and the Other Major Expenditures (Index) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan’s ODA White Paper 2011
Popular Perception of ODA: Opinion Polls on Japan’s Engagement in Economic Cooperation Source:Opinion Polls on foreign policy, the Cabinet Office, October 2011.Note: The polls were conducted August 1977-79, June 1980-85, October after 1986 (except for November 1998).
Institutional Framework for Japan’s ODA Tooyama • Overseas Economic Cooperation Council (OECC) <April 2006- > But, cease to exist under DPJ admin. Prime Minister Chief Secretary MOFA Minister MOF Minister METI Minister 2. Strengthening of MOFA’s policy planning and coordination capacity MOFA Minister <Aug. 2006- > Global Issues Dept. Policy Planning for Int’l Cooperation Development UN Admin. ECB ICB Foreign Policy Bureau Regional Bureaus 3. New JICA with multiple aid menu <Oct. 2008- > New PFI New JICA JBIC JICA MOFA OOF ODA loans TA Grants Public Financial Institutions OOF ODA loans TA Grants Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Framework for Japan’s ODA Policy Implementation (2002/03- ) • New elements from the 1992Charter: • Articulation of goals: (1) Peace & development for the world (2) Prosperity & security for Japan and East Asia • - Human security & peace • building • - More concrete guidelines for effective & efficient aid delivery ODA Charter (revised: Aug. 2003) Medium-Term Policy (revised: Feb. 2005) Goals & policy framework Country Assistance Plan Sector Initiatives Aid delivery: Greater delegation to field-based “All Japan” teams: - Embassy of Japan - JICA (and JBIC, JETRO) Programmatic approach, cost-efficiency, evaluation, etc. Programs & Projects Implementation
Opportunities About new JICA (Oct. 2008- ) Largest bilateral donor agency, in terms of aid volume (gross disbursements) Broad menu of assistance: loans, TA, grants (about 60% of grant aid to be transferred from MOFA); greater synergy effects expected Potential for further strengthening country-based approach, with enhanced functions of field offices Potential for stronger research and dissemination capacity, by possessing a holistic view Potential for linking business and NGO sectors, in light of recent interest in social business & CSR.
Challenges • ODA does not give additional votes in Japan • Many competing priorities (e.g., reconstruction from earthquake damages, pension, economic reactivation) • Weak civil society and think tanks, leading to inactive policy debates • Bleak prospect for ODA budget increase • Rather, JICA activity has been severely scrutinized as part of DPJ’s administrative reform campaign • Heavy fiscal burden; huge resource needs for 2011 3.11 earthquake reconstruction • Frequent staff rotation at the govt. level; bureaucratic rigidity in administrative procedures and systems, etc. But, recent sign of citizen awareness of global links (consequence of the Great East Japan Earthquake)
History of Japan’s ODA Policy End of Cold War 1946-51: Received US foreign aid (GARIOA & EROA) 1953-66: Received World Bank loans 1991: Repayments to WB completed $million Top Donor (1989~2000) ODA Doubling Plans: surplus recycling (1977~88) US-Japan Trade Frictions ODA Expansion: Linked to economic interest, “Fukuda Doctrine” (1964~76) Post-war Reparation (1954~63) Debate on Defense Budget (1% ceiling of GDP) 1964: OECDmembership Exploring vision… 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1954: Colombo Plan membership Medium-Term Goals Source: Elaborated by the author, based on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance
3. Emerging Donors in East Asia <Korea> EDCF: Economic Development Cooperation Fund, KOICA: Korea International Cooperation Agency <Thailand> NESDB: National Economic and Social Development Board, NEDA: Neighboring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency, FPO: Fiscal Policy Office, TICA: Thailand International Cooperation Agency <Malaysia> MTCP: Malaysia Technical Cooperation Program <Singapore> SCP: Singapore Cooperation Program, SCE: Singapore Cooperation Enterprise Source: Adapted from Presentation by Takaaki Kobayashi at FASID DASU (March, 2008)
Korea: Dual History of Development Cooperation Source: Updated by the author based on Wonhyuk Lim, Korea’s Development Cooperation Agenda, presentation in May 2011, Seoul.
Korea: Coordination Mechanism for Development Cooperation Policy 2006: CIDC established (Committee for Int’l Development Cooperation) 2010: Basic Law on Int’l Development Cooperation
Korea: Priority Agenda for Development Cooperation DAC membership, assuming global responsibility Strategic use of ODA, as an instrument to enhance national brand G20 Seoul Development Consensus (Nov. 2010) OECD/DAC Busan HLF for Aid Effectiveness (Nov.-Dec. 2011) Promoting Green ODA Commitment to tripling ODA by 2015 (to raise ODA/GNI ratio to 0.25% from current 0.1%) Launching “Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP)” MOSF & KDI (100 modules under preparation); implementing intellectual cooperation MOFAT & KOICA (integrating intellectual cooperation into Country Partnership Strategy) Philosophy: emphasis on economic development, growth, self-reliance (similar to Japan)
Presidential Committee (Lee Myung-bak Administration, 2008- )
China: History of Foreign Aid (1953- ) 71 (UN membership)90 (End of Cold War) 78 (Economic Opening & Reform) 5358626671768186919601062010 <5-Year Plan> 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th Socialist Economies in Asia & Africa Expanding to Latin America & Pacific Islands Resource-rich Economies <Countries> Grant Aid Interest-Free Loans Concessional Loans <Instruments> Generous Foreign Aid Diversifying Aid Resources Linking Aid, Trade & Investment <Strategy> Ideology-based Cooperation Leader of Third World China’s Economic Development <Motive> Self-Reliance <Philosophy> Mutual Benefits (Win-Win) <Principle> China-Soviet International Isolation US-China Huge Resource Needs for Globalization Cooperation Approach Domestic Reform Source: Adapted from Takaaki Kobayashi “China’s Foreign Aid Policy”, JBIC Research Institute, Oct. 2007.
Features of China’s Foreign Aid Policy • Equality and mutual respect (partners, not “donor-recipients”) • Bilateralism and co-development (mutual benefits) • No-political strings attached and non-interference of domestic affairs • Stress on the capability of self-reliance
Geographical Distribution of China’s Foreign Aid Funds (by end-2009) Sectoral Distribution of Concessional Loans from China (by end-2009) Source: Information Office of the State Council The People’s Republic of China, April 2011 • Emphasis on economic infrastructure • From late 1990s, major shift to economic cooperation; linking aid, trade & investment -- “Going out” strategy (2001) under the 12th Five-Year Plan • Forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), every 3 year since 2000 -- First multilateral consultative mechanism btw. China and Africa
China’s Aid System (1995 - ) Source: Takaaki Kobayashi (2007) Financial Market State Budget Foreign Aid Budget Aid money of other donors Central Govt. Local Govt. State Council MOF Others Min. of Commerce (MOFCOM) MOFA Dept. of Aid Contributions Grant Aid Interest-Free Loans Subsidy EXIM-Bank State Devt. Bank Own Foreign Aid Own Foreign Aid Conces sional Loans Int’l Org. China-Africa Devt. Fund Export Credits Debt Relief Domestic Competitive Bidding Int’l Competitive Bidding Aid via. Int’l Org. Volunteer Chinese Companies Exports/Consultancy/Construction TA, Equipment Training, Seminar, Youth Full-set Projects JV Projects Business Activity Trade/Labor/Contract Works/FDI, etc. < Business via. Aid Projects> <Overseas Business by Chinese Companies> Other Developing Countries
4. Future Perspectives: Japan’s Development Cooperation Policy I believe that: • Japan can make valuable contributions to international development, by focusing on its core competence and working with a broad range of development partners. • Further efforts are needed to sharpen its visions and strengthen political commitment and public awareness, while making sure that the current reforms be properly institutionalized. • Japan should clarify selectivity and strengthen its support to country-specific growth promotion -- not only in Asia, but also in eligible African countries. • Japan should embrace the concept of “Development Cooperation” -- shifting from “ODA”.Various actors cooperate with each other as equal partners by bringing respective strengths.
Focusing on Japan’s Core Competence (1) • Catch-up, latecomer perspectives • Utilizing its aid and development experiences in East Asia • Collaborating with emerging donors (e.g., South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, China), based on shared development visions • Growth-driven, poverty reduction • Potential for playing a catalytic role in Asia-Africa cooperation • Mainstreaming East Asian perspectives into global development debates
Focusing on Japan’s Core Competence (2) • Growth strategy with “real-sector concern” • Trade, investment, industries, technology, human resources, etc. • To complement Western approach • Long-term perspective • Development is a long-term undertaking and path-dependent in nature • Respect for each country’s uniqueness • Realistic and pragmatic approach in aid delivery • “Best mix” approach to aid modality and harmonization “Aid for graduation”, diverse paths to development
Complementarity with Western Donors • Good potential exists for Japan to enhance partnership with other Western donors, based on complementarities • Western approach and strengths: • Policy framework; designing international architecture; communication strategy and stakeholder engagement; knowledge and experiences in Africa, etc. • Japan’s strengths: • Concrete, process-oriented support; field-based expertise; infrastructure development • Sharing knowledge and experiences in Asia (incl. a possibility of engaging emerging donors), etc.