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Collaboration Grid work at Anabas and Community Grids Laboratory

Collaboration Grid work at Anabas and Community Grids Laboratory. Indiana University July 30 2007 Geoffrey Fox, Marlon Pierce Computer Science, Informatics, Physics Community Grids Laboratories Indiana University Bloomington IN 47404 Rui Wang, Alex Ho, Geoffrey Fox Anabas Inc

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Collaboration Grid work at Anabas and Community Grids Laboratory

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  1. Collaboration Grid work at Anabas and Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University July 30 2007 Geoffrey Fox, Marlon Pierce Computer Science, Informatics, Physics Community Grids Laboratories Indiana University Bloomington IN 47404 Rui Wang, Alex Ho, Geoffrey Fox Anabas Inc Bloomington, San Francisco gcf@indiana.edu http://www.infomall.org 1

  2. Community Grids LaboratoryTechnology Expertise • Web Service and Web 2.0 technologies for “Broad Grids” • Open Grid Forum Web Service architectures • Integrate ideas in Flickr Connotea Slideshare Youtabe into large scale systems • Need to build “Broad Grids of Narrow Grids” (Systems of systems) • Geographical Information Systems in Grids • Streaming Sensor data (including audio-video streams) • Portals • Multicore parallel computing

  3. Community Grids Laboratory • Funded by NSF NASA NIH DoE and DoD • Cheminformatics – High Throughput Screening data and filtering; PubChem PubMed including document analysis • Interactive Physics Data Analysis • Earthquake Science • Sensor Grid GPS global positioning system • eSports collaboration for real time trainers and sportsman with HPER IU School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. • Ice Sheet Dynamics – melting of Glaciers • Navajo Nation Grid Education (Science Gateways) and Healthcare • Web 2.0 tutorial and distance education course spring 2007 • Minority Outreach – working with national organizations representing 335 Minority Serving Universities/Colleges • eScience VP for Open Grid Forum

  4. Anabas • Collaboration Systems (Impromptu) • Similar in goal to Webex but with scalable event-based architecture using publish-subscribe model • Works with Community Grids Laboratory on uses of Grids in DoD • Analysis of Net Centric Operations (NCOW) • Analysis of FLTC • SBIR shifted from Grid Information systems to Sensor Grids based around a network of Grid agents • Automate construction of Grid from library of services and dynamically discovered services • Fault Tolerant operation

  5. Essential Ideas • Distributed software systems are being “revolutionized” by developments from e-commerce, e-Science and the consumer Internet. There is rapid progress in technology families termed “Web services”, “Grids” and “Web 2.0” • Many of these developments have important implications for collaboration both in terms of core technology and capabilities • The emerging picture is of distributed services with advertised interfaces but opaque implementations communicating by streams of messages over a variety of protocols • Complete systems are built by combining either services or Grids (predefined/pre-existing collections of services) together to achieve new capabilities

  6. The Three Technology Families • Web Services have clearly defined protocols (SOAP) and a well defined mechanism (WSDL) to define service interfaces • There is good .NET and Java support • The so-called WS-* specifications provide a rich sophisticated standard set of capabilities for security, fault tolerance, meta-data, discovery, notification etc. • Web Service (OGF) Grids build on Web Services and provide a robust managed environment with growing adoption in Enterprise systems and distributed science (so called e-Science) • Web 2.0 supports a similar architecture to Web services but has developed in a more chaotic but remarkably successful fashion with a service architecture with a variety of protocols including those of Web and Grid services • Over 350 Interfaces defined at http://www.programmableweb.com/apis • Web 2.0 also has many well known capabilities with Google Maps and Amazon Compute/Storage services of clear general relevance to DoD • There are also Web 2.0 services supporting novel collaboration modes as seen in social networking sites, portals, MySpace, YouTube,

  7. The three service technologies and DoD • The Web Service, OGF Grid and Web 2.0 approaches differ in important detail but their broad architectures are similar and so it is possible to use them all in DoD applications • We expect growing support with rich functionality for all three technology approaches and this plus the broad interoperability enabled by a service architecture, has important implications for capabilities and ease of maintenance and upgrade for DoD systems built on these broad-based service technologies • Anabas analyzed in detail the Net Centric NCOW specifications and showed how they could be mapped into Web and Grid services • This included the NCOW Core Enterprise Services and also Sensor Grids and the NCOW Data Model • Anabas also addressed how one could achieve managed consistent architecture with the intrinsically distributed architecture

  8. Anabas SBIR Approach • This is in collaboration with Community Grids Laboratory at Indiana University • We follow the OGF Grid architecture and use Web services for all capabilities; if one needs a capability like Google Maps from Web 2.0 it is wrapped as a Web Service (and in fact to use an Open Geospatial Consortium Interface) • We use the powerful open source publish-subscribe messaging NaradaBrokering environment to provide collaboration (via software overlay networks) and fault-tolerance • The same software is used to support both Web Service messaging (TCP) and audio-video conferencing (UDP) • We package collections of services as Grids which provide particular composite capability such as hosting a sensor Grid or supporting one or more collaboration functions • We are improving core Anabas collaboration technology to support shared video not supported well by Webex • We provide Grid Builder tool to build Grids by composing other Grids together and to dynamically manage them • We provide sensor Grid architecture and will demonstrate with many types of sensors

  9. Comparison of Web 2.0 and Grids See http://grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/presentations/CTSpartIMay21-07.ppt

  10. Architecture of Streaming Grids of Grids And describing the underlying messaging system NaradaBrokering and how message multicast enables collaboration

  11. SS Database SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Raw Data  Data  Information  Knowledge  Wisdom AnotherGrid Decisions AnotherGrid SS SS SS SS FS FS OS MD MD FS Portal Portal OS OS FS OS SOAP Messages OS FS FS FS AnotherService FS FS MD MD OS MD OS OS FS Other Service FS FS FS FS MD OS OS OS FS FS FS MD MD FS Filter Service OS AnotherGrid FS MetaData FS FS FS MD Sensor Service SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS AnotherService

  12. Grid Service Philosophy I • Services receive data in SOAP messages, manipulate it and produce transformed data as further messages • Knowledge is created from information by services • Information is created from data by services • Semantic Grid comesfrom building metadata rich systems of services • Meta-data is carried in SOAP messages • The Grid enhances Web services with semantically rich system and application specific management • One must exploit and work around the different approaches to meta-data (state) and their manipulation in Web Services

  13. Grid Service Philosophy II • There are a horde of support services supplying security, collaboration, database access, user interfaces • The support services are either associated with system or application where the former are WS-* and GS-* which implicitly or explicitly define many support services • There are generalized filter services which are applications that accept messages and produce new messages with some data derived from that in input • Simulations (including PDE’s and reactive systems) • Data-mining • Transformations • Agents • Reasoning are all termed filters here • Agent Systems are a special case of Grids • Peer-to-peer systems can be built as a Grid with particular discovery and messaging strategies

  14. Grid Service Philosophy III • Filters can be a workflow which means they are “just collections of other simpler services” • Grids are distributed systems that accept distributed messages and produce distributed result messages • A service or a workflow is a special case of a Grid • A collection of services on a multi-core chip is a Grid • Sensors or Instruments are “managed” by services; they may accept non SOAP control messages and produce data as messages (that are not usually SOAP) • Collaborative services share either input (replicated model) or output ports • Collaboration involves a sharing messaging system (naturally publish-subscribe) and a control formalism (XGSP is SOAP compatible H323/SIP)

  15. SS Database SS SS SS SS Portal SS SS SS Raw Data  Data  Information  Knowledge  Wisdom AnotherGrid Decisions AnotherGrid SS SS SS SS FS FS OS MD MD FS Portal Portal OS OS OS FS SOAP Messages OS FS FS FS AnotherService FS FS MD MD OS OS OS FS MD Other Service FS FS FS FS FS MD OS OS OS FS FS FS FS MD FS Filter Service OS AnotherGrid FS MetaData FS FS FS MD Sensor Service SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Collaboration by Message Replication AnotherService

  16. S S S U U U WSViewer WSDisplay F F F F F F I I I I I I WebService WebService WebService O O O O O O WS Viewer WS Display WS Viewer WSDisplay Master Event(Message)Service OtherParticipants Shared Input Port (Replicated WS) Collaboration with UFIOas User Facing and SFIO as Service Facing Ports

  17. WSDL S U Application orContent source F F WSViewer WSDisplay I I O O Web Service Master WS Viewer WS Display Event(Message)Service OtherParticipants WS Viewer WSDisplay Shared Output Port (Single WS) Collaboration that Can be shared at any point on visualization pipeline

  18. SS Database SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Raw Data  Data  Information  Knowledge  Wisdom AnotherGrid Decisions AnotherGrid SS SS SS SS FS FS OS MD MD FS Portal Portal OS OS FS OS SOAP Messages OS FS FS FS AnotherService FS FS MD MD OS OS FS Other Service FS FS FS FS MD MD OS OS Portal OS FS FS MD MD FS Filter Service OS AnotherGrid FS MetaData FS FS FS MD Sensor Service SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Collaboration by Message Replication at any point infilter chain SS Shared Display is the “last” filter AnotherService

  19. NaradaBrokering 2003-2006 • Messaging infrastructure for collaboration, peer-to-peer and Grids Implements JMS and native high-performance protocols (message transit time of 1 to 2 ms per hop) • Order-preserving message transport with QoS and security profiles • Support for different underlying transport such as TCP, UDP, Multicast, RTP • SOAP message supportand WS-Eventing, WS-RM and WS-Reliability. • Active replay support: Pause and Replay live streams. • Stream Linkage: can link permanently multiple streams – using in annotation of real-time video streams • Replicated storage support for fault tolerance and resiliency to storage failures. • Management: Scripting Interface to streams and brokers (uses WS-Management) for initialization, firewall issues and fault tolerance • Broker Topics and Message Discovery: Locate appropriate • High Performance Transport supporting SOAP Infoset for GIS applications

  20. These measurements are messages from client to broker and back using latest Java 1.6 release that is about twice performance of earlier releases

  21. These measurements are messages from client to broker and back using latest Java 1.6 release that is about twice performance of earlier releases. This graph is identical to previous one for small messages

  22. Multiple sessions One session Latency ms 30 frames/sec # Receivers Average Video Delays UDP Performance when NaradaBrokering used for audio-video conferencing

  23. Broad Grid of Narrow Grids

  24. Grid Builder and Dynamic Sensor Grids Separate Talk by Rui Wang

  25. What is a Simple Service? • Take any system – it has multiple functionalities • We can implement each functionality as an independent distributed service • Or we can bundle multiple functionalities in a single service • Whether functionality is an independent service or one of many method calls into a “glob of software”, we can always make them as Web services by converting interface to WSDL • Simple services are gotten by taking functionalities and making as small as possible subject to “rule of millisecond” • Distributed services incur messaging overhead of one (local) to 100’s (far apart) of milliseconds to use message rather than method call • Use scripting or compiled integration of functionalities ONLY when require <1 millisecond interaction latency • Apache web site has many (pre Web Service) projects that are multiple functionalities presented as (Java) globs and NOT (Java) Simple Services • Makes it hard to integrate sharing common security, user profile, file access .. services

  26. CPUs Clusters Compute Resource Grids Overlay and Compose Grids of Grids MPPs Methods Services Component Grids Federated Databases Databases Data Resource Grids Sensor Sensor Nets Grids of Grids of Simple Services • Link via methods  messages  streams • Services and Grids are linked by messages • Internally to service, functionalities are linked by methods • A simple service is the smallest Grid • We are familiar with method-linked hierarchyLines of Code  Methods  Objects  Programs  Packages

  27. Component Grids? • So we build collections of Web Services which we package as component Grids • Visualization Grid • Sensor Grid • Utility Computing Grid • Collaboration Grid • Earthquake Simulation Grid • Control Room Grid • Crisis Management Grid • Drug Discovery Grid • Bioinformatics Sequence Analysis Grid • Intelligence Data-mining Grid • We build bigger Grids by composing component Grids using the Service Internet

  28. Using the Grid of Grids and Core Services to build multiple application grids re-using common components. BioInformatics Grid Chemical Informatics Grid … … 15: Application Services Sequencing Tools Biocomplexity Simulations 15: Application Services Screening Tools Quantum Calculations Domain Specific Grids/Services 14: Information Instrument/Sensor 11: Portals Services 13: Data Access/Storage 17: Collaboration 12: Computing 9: Management 18: Scheduling 10: Policy 4: Notification 8:Metadata 7: Discovery Core Low Level Grid Services 5: Workflow 6: Security 3: Messaging 9: Management Physical Network (monitored by FS16)

  29. Flood CIGrid Net Centric Grid … … Flood Servicesand Filters Military Servicesand Filters Electricity CIGrid Information Management Grid Portals Collaboration Grid Sensor Grid GIS Grid Compute Grid Data Access/Storage Registry Metadata Core Grid Services Physical Network Security Notification Workflow Messaging Net Centric and Critical Infrastructure (CI) Grids built as Grids of Grids and re-using subGrids

  30. Mediation and Transformation Services External facing Interfaces Port Port Port InternalInterfaces InternalInterfaces InternalInterfaces Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Messaging Subgrid or service Subgrid or service Subgrid or service Mediation and Transformation in a Grid of Grids and Simple Services

  31. Technology Nuggets produced for Collaboration Grids Group Support in Anabas Collaboration Framework Hybrid Shared Display GlobalMMCS is a collaboration system built using services and publish-subscribe messaging Improved Java Media Framework

  32. Collaborative Groups Illustrated In Anabas Impromptu • Examples of applications: • private discussions in conference/lecture • simultaneous breakout groups • Multiple broadcasting in the same session (e.g. audio/voice or video/TV channels for user-defined, such as particular need-to-know, groups)

  33. Group & Sharedlets • An Anabas Sharedlet is a shared application, e.g. TextChat, VoIP, Video Conferencing, Shared Applications, Whiteboard • GroupManager provides preliminary Group information to each sharedlet, include joined sessions, active session, session participants, participant privileges (e.g. host, presenter) in each session • Each Sharedlet has its own specific method to handle Group. E.g. • Text Sharedlet stores all conversations in every sessions • Video Sharedlet displays the videos in the active session only • Audio Sharedlet plays the audio in the active session only • Shared Display Sharedlet may store data in every sessions or in the active session only • The Sharedlet specific method depends on network bandwidth requirement (e.g. Is the network bandwidth sufficient?) and usage difference (e.g. Can past data be disposed? Who can share information?)

  34. Video Group Text Audio

  35. HSD – Hybrid Shared Display • HSD builds on a combination of Classic Shared Display (CSD) and Video Shared Display (VSD) • Problem: Video sharing using lossless encoding scheme consumes very high network bandwidth • Motivation of HSD: Find the video or fast changing regions in the shared application, and encode them using video codec e.g. H.261 and MPEG4 to save network bandwidth while retaining good visual quality

  36. Illustration of Hybrid Shared Display on the sharing of a browser window with a fast changing region.

  37. HSD Flow Screen capturing Region finding VSD CSD Video encoding SD screen data encoding Presenter Through NaradaBrokering Network transmission (RTP) Network transmission (TCP) Participants Video Decoding (H.261) SD screen data decoding Rendering Rendering Screen display

  38. Session Server XGSP-based Control Media Servers Filters NaradaBrokering All Messaging Admire SIP H323 Access Grid Native XGSP GlobalMMCS Web Service Architecture Use Multiple Media servers to scale to many codecs and many versions of audio/video mixing WebServices High Performance (RTP)and XML/SOAP and .. NB Scales asdistributed Gateways convert to uniform XGSP Messaging NaradaBrokering

  39. Global-MMCS Community Grid • This includes an open source protocol independent Web Service “MCU” which will scale to an arbitrary number of users and provides support for thousands of simultaneous users of collaboration services. • The function of A/V media server is distributed using NaradaBrokering architecture. • Media Servers mix and convert A/V streams • Open XGSP MCU based on the following open source projects • openh323 is basis of H323 Gateway • NIST SIP stack is basis of SIP Gateway • NaradaBrokering is open source messaging • Java Media Framework basis of Media Servers • Helix Communityhttp://www.helixcommunity.org for Real Media • http://www.globalmmcs.org open source release

  40. Break up into “Services” • Monolithic MCU becomes many different “Simple Services” • Session Control • Thumbnail “image” grabber • Audio Mixer • Video Mixer • Codec Conversion • Helix Real Streaming • PDA Conversion • H323/SIP Session/Signaling Gateways • As independent can replicate particular services as needed • Codec conversion might require 20 services for 20 streams spread over 5 machines • 1000 simultaneous users could require: • 1 session controller, 1 audio mixer, 10 video mixers, 20 codec converters, 2 PDA converters and 20 NaradaBrokers • Support with a stream optimized Grid Farm in the sky • Future billion way “Video over IP” serving 3G Phones and home media centers/TV’s could require a lot of computing

  41. Gateway Gateway Gateway Gateway XGSP Media Service WS-Context Collaboration Grid NaradaBroker Audio Mixer HPSearch Video Mixer UDDI NaradaBroker Transcoder Thumbnail WS-Security Replay NaradaBroker Record Annotate SharedWS SharedDisplay WhiteBoard

  42. GlobalMMCS and NaradaBrokering • All communication – both control and “binary” codecs are handled by NaradaBrokering • Control uses SOAP and codecs use RTP transport • Each stream is regarded as a “topic” for NB • Each RTP packet from this stream is regarded as an “event” for this topic • Can use replay and persistency support in NB to support archiving and late clients • Can build customized stream management to administer replay, and who gets what stream in what codec • NaradaBrokering supports unicast and multicast • Use firewall penetration and network monitoring services in NB to improve Q0S

  43. XML based General Session Protocol XGSP The XGSP conference control includes three services: • Conference management supports user sign-in, user create/terminate/join/leave/invite-into XGSP conferences conference calendar service • Application session management provides users with the service for creating/terminating application sessions, managing session related services such as audio/video mixing • Floor control manages the access to shared collaboration resources in different application sessions for example, in a large scale of meetings having thousands of people, only limited people are allowed to become presenters so that they can send audio/video

  44. Improved Java Media Framework Performance Video Rendering performance (left: still desktop, right: movie sequence) We plot CPU percentage use versus number of streams rendered

  45. GIS TV GlobalMMCS SWT Client Chat Video Mixer Webcam

  46. Integration of PDA, Cell phone and Desktop Grid Access NB Support for optimizedPDA Communication

  47. Real time annotation and replay I

  48. Snapshot during a recording/annotation session

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