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NOAA IOOS Program Model Data Interoperability for IOOS (In 12 months or less). Dr. Rich Signell USGS Woods Hole/NOAA Silver Spring NFRA Modeling Reps Brief: Jan 21, 2009. 12 Month Work Plan (Nov 08-Sep 09). Work with Federal Backbone providers to provide CF-compliant native grid data
NOAA IOOS ProgramModel Data Interoperability for IOOS(In 12 months or less) Dr. Rich Signell USGS Woods Hole/NOAA Silver Spring NFRA Modeling Reps Brief: Jan 21, 2009
12 Month Work Plan (Nov 08-Sep 09) • Work with Federal Backbone providers to provide CF-compliant native grid data • Establish standard model data delivery in each IOOS regions • Identify resources for development of standards-based library for unstructured grid and development of standards-based tools • Coordinate with DMAC, IWGOO and others
MAST Modeling Meeting (Arlington, July 22-24, 2008) • Over 50 representatives of the IOOS National Backbone, RCOOS modeling and analysis communities, NSF Ocean Observing Initiative and other program observers Workshop resulted in 9 Findings and Recommendations • Recommendation VI. Developa first-generation conceptual design and implementation plan for a national data portal and archive strategy for IOOS. Selected cyberinfrastructure experts and ocean scientists, specifically including ecological, biogeochemical, and sediment transport modelers, should be suitably engaged in the study process. The standards and standards-based toolsets that need to be implemented (and/or developed) should be identified to ensure that the national data portal and archive system can be efficiently used by the modeling community and others.
Result: Inability to compare and assess model results & underutilization of model products The GoMOOS Nowcast/Forecast Circulation Model (University of Maine)
Solution? Fix it! The Interoperability Experiment on Model Data in the Gulf of Maine • Gulf of Maine Ocean Data Partnership Modeling Committee: Five different groups (UMAINE, UMASS, BIO, WHOI and UNH) • Each group had: • A different oceanographic, met or wave model: POM, ECOM, ROMS, WaveWatch 3, WRF • A different toolkit for analysis • But each group also had: • NetCDF output files • A public web server
Issue: Ocean grids are not regularly spaced! Curvilinear orthogonal horizontal coordinates Stretched surface and terrain following vertical coordinates
NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions provide a solution Groups using CF: GO-ESSP: Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal IOOS: Integrated Ocean Observing System ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework OGC: Open Geospatial Consortium (GALEON: WCS profile)
CF Toolkit for Matlab(google ‘GOMODP’) • Objective: make it simple to access CF-compliant data • Example function: • [t, geo]=cf_tslice(uri,’temp’,itime); • t = 22x120x180 single • geo = • lat: [120x180 single] • lon: [120x180 single] • z: [22x120x180 double] • jdmat: 733582 • cf_tslice works identically for FVCOM, POM, ROMS, ECOM, WRF, Wavewatch3
Gulf of Maine Data System Design THREDDS Data Server StandardClients API NonstandardOutput Files(distributed) Standardized (CF) Virtual Datasets Web Services ROMS Matlab NetCDF-Java NcML OPeNDAP POM NetCDF-Java Common Data Model = CF NcWMS NcML OGC WCS ECOM NcML IDV NcML NetCDF Subset Service WW3 Panoply NcML WRF ERDDAP NcML, NetCDF-Java and THREDDS Data Server built and supported by Unidata under NSF-support
Application 1: Comparing Models with Data Model 1: UMASS-ECOM Model 2: UMAINE-POM Data: SST 2008-Sep-08 07:32
Conclusions • Technology exists for standards-based delivery of geospatial data from native model grids that puts little or no effort on the data provider. It’s ready right now. • Demonstrated interoperability with 5 different models in the Gulf of Maine • What did we get? • Single point of access for regional model results • Interoperable software • More eyes on the model results • More usage of model results • Faster feedback to modelers • Improved models! • We can replicate this success in each IOOS region and with the National Backbone models
Questions, Feedback? Dr. Richard SignellWoods Hole Science CenterWoods Hole, MA(508) 548-1831rsignell@usgs.govrich.signell@noaa.gov
Glossary (1/6) • CF Conventions: NetCDF Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventionshttp://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/(Standards for identifying geospatial coordinates in NetCDF files andgrid relationships) • DMAC: Data Management And Communications subsystem http://dmac.ocean.us/ (One of three subsystems of IOOS, providing the infrastructure that will link the Observing and the Modeling and Applications subsystems) • ECOM: Estuarine, Coastal, and Ocean Model. http://www.hydroqual.com/ehst_env_hyd.html (3D ocean circulation model developed principally by Alan Blumberg) • ERDDAP: Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program http://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/index.html (A web service that aggregates data from diverse remote sources and offers a simple, consistent way to access the data)
Glossary (2/6) • ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework http://www.esmf.ucar.edu/ (Software for building and coupling weather, climate, and related models) • GO-ESSP: Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal http://go-essp.gfdl.noaa.gov/ (Collaboration designed to develop a new generation of software infrastructure that will provide distributed access to observed and simulated data from the climate and weather communities) • IDV: Integrated Data Viewer http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/ (Java-based software for analyzing and visualizing geoscience data) • IOOS: Integrated Ocean Observing System http://ioos.noaa.gov/ (Multidisciplinary system designed to collect, deliver, and use ocean information) • IWGOO: Interagency Working Group on Ocean Observations
Glossary (3/6) • MAST: Modeling and Analysis Steering Team http://www.ocean.us/Models (Guide the development of ocean and coastal modeling activities in support of the goals of IOOS) • NcWMS: Web Map Service http://www.resc.rdg.ac.uk/trac/ncWMS/ (ncWMS is a Web Map Service for geospatial data that are stored in CF-compliant NetCDF files. ) • NcML: NetCDF Markup Languagehttp://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/ncml/(Used to standardize and aggregate non-standard NetCDF files) • NetCDF-Java: NetCDF-Java Libraryhttp://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/(Library that takes advantage of CF conventions, NcML to facilitatebuilding standards-based clients)
Glossary (4/6) • NSF: National Science Foundation http://www.nsf.gov/ (independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…“) • OpenDap: Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocolhttp://opendap.org(allows efficient hyperslabbing of geospatial data) • POM: Princeton Ocean Model http://www.aos.princeton.edu/WWWPUBLIC/htdocs.pom/ (Sigma coordinate, free surface ocean model with embedded turbulence and wave sub-models, and wet-dry capability) • RCOOS: Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System (Generic term for one of the 11 regional observing systems in IOOS)
Glossary (5/6) • ROMS: Regional Ocean Modeling System www.myroms.org (A free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model widely used by the scientific community for a diverse range of applications) • SCCOOS: Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System http://www.sccoos.org/ (Brings together coastal observations in the Southern California Bight to provide information necessary to address issues in climate change, ecosystem preservation and management, coastal water quality, maritime operations, coastal hazards and national security. One of the 11 IOOS regions.) • THREDDS (Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services) http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS (Services for delivering standards-based geospatial data via OpenDAP, WCS and more, works with NcML)
Glossary (6/6) • WCS: Web Coverage Servicehttp://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wcs(OGC standard for serving gridded information: time series, profiles,hyperslabs of remote sensing data, bathymetry, model output) • WW3: WaveWatch III http://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/waves/wavewatch/wavewatch.html (Ocean wave model developed by Hendrik Tolman) • WRF: Weather Research and Forecasting Model http://www.wrf-model.org/index.php (Next-generation mesocale numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs)