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Evolution of Tetrapods: From Fish to Crown Tetrapods in the Terrestrial Environment

Explore the fascinating evolution from fish to crown tetrapods in the terrestrial environment, highlighting key ancestors such as Ichthyostega, Acanthostega, Tiktaalik, and more. Learn about the challenges posed by terrestrial life and adaptations that emerged along the evolutionary journey.

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Evolution of Tetrapods: From Fish to Crown Tetrapods in the Terrestrial Environment

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  1. Actinistia - Coelacanth Osteichthyes Acanthodians Actinopterygii Sarcopterygii Osteichth ancestor

  2. Latimeria chalumnae

  3. need africa-indian ocean map here

  4. Osteichthyes Actinistia - Coelacanth Dipnoi - lungfishes Sarcopterygian ancestor

  5. Dipnoi

  6. Osteichthyes Actinistia - Coelacanth Dipnoi - lungfishes Osteolepiformes Sarcopterygian ancestor

  7. Ichthyostega Evolution of tetrapods Eusthenopteron “50 things…” Osteolepiform ancestor

  8. Evolution of tetrapods Eusthenopteron bones of dermal skull roof bones of appendicular skel labyrinthodont teeth palatine fangs Osteolepiform ancestor

  9. Ichthyostega

  10. Ichthyostega Evolution of tetrapods Eusthenopteron Osteolepiform ancestor

  11. Eusthenopteron: dermal skull roof… appendicular skeleton… labyrinthodont teeth palatine fangs terete large, predatory, freshwater well-developed median fins occipital condyles, notochord vertebral centra (PC and IC) ribs…

  12. Evolution of tetrapods a fish!!!! Panderichthyes Eusthenopteron dorsoventrally flattened dorsal orbits reduced median fins frontal bones (!) Osteolepiform ancestor

  13. Evolution of tetrapods Tiktaalik Panderichthyes Eusthenopteron head… pectoral girdle… pectoral fin… Osteolepiform ancestor

  14. Evolution of tetrapods Acanthostega Tiktaalik Panderichthyes zygapophyses iliac crest… ribs… Eusthenopteron Osteolepiform ancestor

  15. Acanthostega

  16. Ichthyostega

  17. Ichthyostega Evolution of tetrapods Ichthyostega Acanthostega Tiktaalik olecranon process Panderichthyes Eusthenopteron Osteolepiform ancestor

  18. Evolution of tetrapods Tulerpeton Ichthyostega Acanthostega Tiktaalik reduction of digit # Panderichthyes Eusthenopteron Osteolepiform ancestor

  19. “crown tetrapods” Evolution of tetrapods Tulerpeton Ichthyostega Acanthostega Tiktaalik occipital condyles notochord… Panderichthyes Eusthenopteron Osteolepiform ancestor

  20. 50 things… Tournasian…

  21. Lepospondyls: an unresolved polychotomy… Batrachomorphs intercentra cheekbones firmly attached toes 4/5 Reptilomorphs pleurocentra cheekbones loosely attached toes 5/6 crown tetrapods

  22. problems posed by the terrestrial environment • H20 in terrestrial environment… • O2 in the terrestrial environment… • these affect… • water balance (organisms are…) • gas exchange – mechanism, rate • internal transport mechanisms • metabolic rate…

  23. problems posed by the terrestrial environment • specific heat capacity? • water = 1.0 • air = 0.24 • thermoregulation • difficult… • necessary…

  24. problems posed by the terrestrial environment • density… • viscosity… • better support • different locomotion patterns

  25. problems posed by the terrestrial environment • Reproduction… • fertilization (deposition/transport of gametes) • development • dispersal

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