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Bony Fishes – Class Osteichthyes

Explore the unique features of Class Osteichthyes, including bone skeleton, scales, operculum, homocercal tail, fin rays, and more. Learn about their swim bladder and jaw structures that aid in buoyancy and feeding.

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Bony Fishes – Class Osteichthyes

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  1. Bony Fishes – Class Osteichthyes • Skeleton made of bone • Two types of Scales • 1) Cycloid scales – smooth • 2) Ctenoid scales – tiny spines along their exposed borders

  2. Cycloid scales have a smooth edge. Ctenoid scales have a toothed edge.

  3. Scales are covered by a thin layer of skin and mucus • Mucus is a protective feature • Operculum or gill cover – flap of bony plates and tissue that protects the gills

  4. Operculum

  5. Homocercal tail: Upper and lower lobes of the tail are the same size • Fin Rays consist of thin membranes that are supported by bony spines

  6. Homocercal Tail Types

  7. Mouth is terminal and located at the anterior end

  8. Jaws are protrusible because they can beprojected outward from the mouth • Teeth attached to the jaw bones and replaced from below

  9. Swim bladder – gas-filled sac just above the stomach and small intestines– allows the fish to adjust itsbuoyancyto keep from sinking or rising

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