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¡Missionworks! Closing Worship . Gathering Music Invitation to Learn and to Listen God , who comes as the disturbing comforter, shatter the rigid preconceptions of our minds and hearts, give us the grace to welcome your coming, to trust beyond where we can see,
¡Missionworks! Closing Worship
Gathering Music Invitation to Learn and to Listen God, who comes as the disturbing comforter, shatter the rigid preconceptions of our minds and hearts, give us the grace to welcome your coming, to trust beyond where we can see, to have hope in the midst of chaos, to learn from our mistakes, to truly listen to others, to accept your forgiveness, and to walk steadfastly in the way of Gospel gladness. Amen.
Sung Response Praise to God (Japan) (#5 New Century Hymnal) Verse 1 Praise to God, praise to God, For the greenness of the trees, For the beauty of the flowers, For the blessing of the sky, For the greatness of the sea. Praise to God, praise to God, now and forevermore.
Verse 2 Thanks to God, thanks to God, For the gift of friends in Christ, For the church, our house of faith, For the gift of wondrous love, For the gift of endless grace. Thanks to God, Thanks to God, now and forevermore.
Verse 3 Sing to God, sing to God, For the grace of Jesus Christ, For the love of parent God, For the comfort and the strength Of the Spirit, holy God. Sing to God, sing to God, now and forevermore.
Holy Wisdom Matthew 5: 43-45 Meditation
Prayer for Partnership and Mutuality Leader 1: God, we belong to your beautiful, but fragile creation. Give us compassion, that we may nurse it and be nursed. Give us knowledge, that we may protect it and be protected. Give us love, that we may love it and be loved. Give us the desire for reconciliation with all your creation. Leader 2: God, you have brought us together in partnerships, You have caused us to depend on each other. We thank You for this. Through our relationships may we truly discover each other. Sometimes giving of ourselves is the easy part. But God, we truly desire to receive the gifts of our sisters and brothers. Enable us to share our weaknesses, and strengthen us as we receive and give.
Leader 1: We pray for our partners wherever they may serve, that in Your presence and power You will walk with them as they seek to serve You. Give them peace in the midst of conflict, strength when they feel weak, and courage as they stand against injustice. And give us open hearts as we all seek to walk together in your peace. Leader 2: God, we belong to one another; help us to see one another as you see us. Help us to challenge structures that are unfair, and may we follow just practices that bring us closer to one another. Help us to be followers of your true image, Jesus Christ, appreciating our differences, not as dividing facts, but as gifts of being and belonging in your divine multitude, so that peace in the world may grow. Amen!
Offertory Invitation We are gathered here to worship God, a God who calls us into relationships with sisters and brothers around the world, a God who calls us to give of ourselves and our lives, and to receive the gifts and lives of others. May we each give as we can this morning to support the work of Global Ministries as we seek to follow God’s call to live in relationships of love and solidarity around the world.
Prayer of Dedication Universal God, accept the offerings of your people. May these gifts be used to share the good news of Christ throughout the world. We especially pray for our partners this morning, where in many places extraordinary spiritual and social vitality abound. As we give our gifts, may we be equally willing to receive the witness of the world church to our own land. We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, who prayed that we might all be one. Amen.
Sacrament of Communion We are invited Leader 1:We invite all, who seek security in riches and possessionsto come and sit at the tablewith those who have nothing to lose. Leader 2: We invite allwho seek to be comfortablein the circle of partner, family, and friendsto come and sit at the tablewith the different and outcast. Leader 1:We invite all,who seek power and status,driven by ambition and insecurity,to come and sit at the table with the humble and gentle. Leader 2: We invite all who seek conformityand live according to customs and codesto come and sit at the table with the free and the dancing.
Leader 1:We invite allwho seek stability,accepting peace that is no peace,to come and sit at the tablewith the prophets and visionaries. Leader 2:In Christ, God invites us, saying:‘I am the bread of life.Whoever comes to me shall never be hungry.Whoever trusts in me shall never be thirsty.Whoever comes to meI will never turn away. All: Christ, we want to accept your invitation. Empower us by your Spirit to risk, to venture, to dare, to dream, to dance and to celebrate. Make us worthy guests at your great table. Amen.
Sung Response We Are People on a Journey (#340 New Century Hymnal) We are people on a journey Pain is with us all the way Joyfully we come together At the holy feast of God. God has sent the invitation To the humble and the poor Joyfully we come together At the holy feast of God. Somos pueblo que camina Por la senda del dolor Acudamos jubilosos A la santa comunion Los humildes y los pobres Invitados son de Dios Acudamos jubilosos A la santa comunion
This is bread that God provides us Nourishing our unity Joyfully we come together At the holy feast of God. Christ is ever present with us To unite us all in love Joyfully we come together At the holy feast of God. All who truly thirst for justice Seek their liberation here Joyfully we come together At the holy feast of God. Este pan que Dios nos brinda Alimenta nuestra union Acudamos jubilosos A la santa comunion Cristo aqui se hace presente Al reunirnos es su amore Acudamos jubilosos A la santa comunion Los sedientos de justicia Buscan su liberacion Acudamos jubilosos A la santa comunion
Prayer for Divine Presence (unison) Merciful and gracious God, send now your Holy Spirit to settle on this bread and wine and fill them with the fullness of Jesus. Let that same Spirit rest on us, transforming us from the patterns of this passing world, until we are like the One whose food we now share. Amen. Sharing the Feast Prayer
Sung Response • Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ • Let us talents and tongues employReaching out with a shout of joyBread is broken, the wine is pouredChrist is spoken and seen and heard.Jesus lives again, earth can breath again,Pass the Word around: loaves abound. • Christ is able to make us oneAt his table he set the tone,Teaching people to liveLove in word and in deed expressJesus lives again, earth can breath again,Pass the Word around: loaves abound.
3. Jesus calls us in, sends us out Bearing fruit in a world of doubt Gives us love to tell, bread to share God (Immanuel) everywhere! Jesus lives again, earth can breath again, Pass the Word around: loaves abound.
Benediction Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the quite earth to you. Deep peace of the shining stars to you. Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you. Amen Passing of the Peace Leader: We worship God together this morning in this place, a place of peacewhere we befriend one another in the name of Christ. All: We enter as strangers. We leave as friends. Leader: May we greet one another as a sign of God’s peace and Christ’s friendship. May the peace of Christ be with each of you. All: And also with you.