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Overview of Cardiovascular Physiology

Overview of Cardiovascular Physiology. right atrium. left ventricle. Katzung. systemic circulation. Flow = gradient resistance. gradient = flow x resistance. MAP = CO x TPR.

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Overview of Cardiovascular Physiology

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  1. Overview of Cardiovascular Physiology right atrium left ventricle Katzung systemic circulation

  2. Flow = gradient resistance gradient = flow x resistance MAP = CO x TPR mean arterial pressure = cardiac output x total peripheral resistance 100 mm Hg 5L/min

  3. Blood Pressures in Systemic Circulation Fig. 21.8 Tortora and Derrickson P = Q x R

  4. The Relationship of Resistance to Flow R  1/r4 Fig. 18 - 10 Guyton Medical Physiology

  5. Cardiac Function Fig. 13-1 Katzung Fig. 29-5 Ganong

  6. Fig. 6-7 Katzung Regulation of Mean Arterial Pressure

  7. Reflex Arc for the Baroreceptor Reflex Fig. 21.13 Tortora and Derrickson

  8. The Conduction System of the Heart Fig. 28-1 Ganong

  9. Fig. 6-7 Katzung 1 (and 2) M 1 1 1 Location of Autonomic Receptors

  10. renin / rennin [diner  dinner] rēnin  rĕnnin renal hormone  enzyme used in making cheese and rennet custards http://biology.clc.uc.edu/Fankhauser/Cheese/Rennet/Rennet.html

  11. Renin-Angiotensin System Tortora and Derrickson (with a modification) Fig. 18.16

  12. Catecholamine/ Sympathomimetic Structures Katzung

  13. Ganong Fig. 20.6 Epinephrine vs. Norepinephrine

  14. Agonists and Antagonists Katzung

  15. Cardiac and Smooth Muscle Function calcium-induced calcium release Katzung Smooth and cardiac muscle require some extracellular calcium for contraction. smooth muscle = 10 - 90 % of total calcium needed cardiac muscle  10%

  16. Angina Pectoris Fig. 6-7 Katzung Brenner, Pharmacology Ganong

  17. Hypertension Fig. 6-7 Katzung (& ) Brenner, Pharmacology

  18. Blood Pressure Classification From: The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) Express (2003)

  19. Brenner, Pharmacology Fig. 6-7 Katzung Heart Failure Fig. 29-8 Ganong cf Fig. 13-3 Katzung Fig. 13-1 Katzung heart failure  venous return   EDV

  20. Afferent arteriole Efferent arteriole Nephron: basic functional unit of the kidneys Katzung

  21. Renal Physiology • Ultrafiltration • GFR = 125 mL/min • Reabsorption • water, ions (Na+, Cl-, HCO3-), small molecules (glucose) • Secretion • ions (H+, K+), certain organic anions and cations, certain drugs (penicillin) • Excretion  1 mL/min Fig. 26.7 Tortora and Derrickson

  22. ClearanceHow many mL of plasma are cleared of a substance in one minute? • Cx = rate of urinary excretion / plasma concentration • GFR = Cinulin Ccreatinine • Cx = 125 mL/min x is freely filtered and neither reabsorbed nor secreted. • Cx < 125 mL/min There is net reabsorption of x. • Cx > 125 mL/min There is net secretion of x.

  23. Renal Moviefrom Martini, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

  24. Proximal Convoluted Tubule • Reabsorption of • most Na+, Cl- and H2O • most HCO3- • all glucose • all amino acids • Diuretic Action • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors • block NaHCO3 reabsorption Katzung

  25. Thick Ascending Limb of the Loop of Henle  • Reabsorption • Na+ and Cl- • Diuretic Actions • Loop Diuretics • block Na+/K+/2Cl- transporter • Osmotic Diuretics • inhibit Na+ reabsorption Katzung

  26. Early Distal Tubule • Reabsorption • Na+ and Cl- • Diuretic Action • Thiazide Diuretics • block Na+/Cl- transporter Katzung

  27. Late Distal Tubule and Collecting Duct • Aldosterone effects • Reabsorption • Na+ • Secretion • K+ • Diuretic Action • K+ sparing diuretics • inhibit the effects of aldosterone Katzung Fig. 15-6

  28. Collecting Duct - ADHantidiuretic hormone/vasopressin • ADH • Reabsorption • H2O • Diuretic Action • Drinking H2O inhibits ADH secretion. • via decreased plasma osmolarity Katzung Fig. 15-6

  29. Conjugation • The liver tags some substances for secretion into the bile by conjugating them with another molecule (e.g. glycine). • After the bile is released into the intestine, many of these substances are reabsorbed into the blood. • Conjugated substances are then filtered into the renal tubules and excreted in the urine.

  30. Ion Trapping • Ionized substances are less likely to diffuse across cell membranes than uncharged substances. BH+ B + H+ HA  H+ + A- lower pH (more acidic) higher pH (more alkaline) • Changing the pH of the urine will change which substances are ionized. • Urine is normally somewhat acidic (pH  6). • Urine can be alkalinized by giving acetazolamide.

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