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Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities Lecture Outline

Explore the nervous, humoral, and autoregulation mechanisms of cardiovascular activities. Learn about innervation of the cardiovascular system, cardiac responses to norepinephrine and acetylcholine, autonomic nerve interaction, and the role of higher cardiovascular centers.

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Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities Lecture Outline

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  1. Cardiovascular Physiology Qiang XIA (夏强), PhD Department of Physiology Room C518, Block C, Research Building, School of Medicine Tel: 88208252 Email: xiaqiang@zju.edu.cn

  2. Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities • Lecture Outline • Nervous Regulation • Humoral Regulation • Autoregulation

  3. Nervous Regulation

  4. Innervation of cardiovascular system

  5. Nervous regulation of the circulation

  6. Cardiac mechanisms of norepinephrine

  7. Mechanisms of norepinephrine —increase Na+ & Ca2+ permeability • If , phase 4 spontaneous depolarization, autorhythmicity  • Ca2+ influx , phase 0 amplitude & velocity , conductivity  • Ca2+ influx , Ca2+ release , [Ca2+ ]i , contractility 

  8. Asymmetrical innervation of sympathetic nerve

  9. Cardiac mechanisms of acetylcholine

  10. Mechanisms of acetylcholine • —increase K+ & decrease Ca2+ permeability • K+ outward , |MRP|, phase 4 spontaneous depolarization , autorhythmicity  • Inhibition of Ca2+ channel, phase 0 amplitude & velocity , conductivity  • Ca2+ influx , [Ca2+ ]i , contractility 

  11. Cardiac effect of parasympathetic stimulation

  12. Interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves

  13. Predominance of autonomic nerves

  14. Cardiovascular Center A collection of functionally similar neurons that help to regulate HR, SV, and blood vessel tone

  15. Vasomotor center Located bilaterally mainly in the reticular substance of the medulla and of the lower third of the pons • Vasoconstrictor area • Vasodilator area • Cardioinhibitor area – dorsal nuclei of the vagus nerves and ambiguous nucleus • Sensory area – tractus solitarius

  16. Vasomotor center

  17. Higher cardiovascular centers • Reticular substance of the pons • Mesencephalon • Diencephalon • Hypothalamus • Cerebral cortex • Cerebellum

  18. Baroreceptor Reflexes • Arterial baroreceptors • Carotid sinus receptor • Aortic arch receptor • Afferent nerves (Buffer nerves) • Cardiovascular center: medulla • Efferent nerves: cardiac sympathetic nerve, sympathetic constrictor nerve, vagus nerve • Effector: heart & blood vessels

  19. Baroreceptor neurons function as sensors in the homeostatic maintenance of MAP by constantly monitoring pressure in the aortic arch and carotid sinuses.

  20. Characteristics of baroreceptors: • Sensitive to stretching of the vessel walls • Proportional firing rate to increased stretching • Responding to pressures ranging from 60-180 mmHg • Receptors within the aortic arch are less sensitive than the carotid sinus receptors

  21. The action potential frequency in baroreceptor neurons is represented here as being directly proportional to MAP.

  22. i.e., MAP is above homeostatic set point i.e., reduce cardiac output Baroreceptor neurons deliver MAP information to the medulla oblongata’s cardiovascular control center (CVCC); the CVCC determines autonomic output to the heart.

  23. Reflex pathway

  24. Click here to play the Baroreceptor Reflex Control of Blood Pressure Flash Animation

  25. Typical carotid sinus reflex

  26. Physiological Significance Maintaining relatively constant arterial pressure, reducing the variation in arterial pressure

  27. Other Cardiovascular Reflexes Click here to play the Chemoreceptor Reflex Control of Blood Pressure Flash Animation

  28. Humoral Regulation • Vasoconstrictor agents • Vasodilator agents

  29. Renin-angiotensin system

  30. Juxtaglomerular cell Renin

  31. Physiological effects of angiotensin II • Constricts resistance vessels • Acts upon the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone • Stimulates the release of vasopressin • Facilitates norepinephrine release from sympathetic nerve endings • Stimulates thirst centers within the brain

  32. Epinephrine & Norepinephrine • Sources Epinephrine---- adrenal medulla Norepinephrine---- adrenal medulla sympathetic nerves

  33. Catecholamines Norepinephrine Epinephrine

  34. Effects Epinephrine Norepinephrine Receptor a-adrenoceptor ++ +++ b-adrenoceptor ++ + Heart heart rate + + (in vitro)- (in vivo) cardiac output +++ ± Vessels constriction (skin, visceral) + +++ relaxation (SM, liver) - +++ total peripheral resistance ± +++ Blood pressure systolic +++ +++ diastolic ± ++ MAP + ++ Clinical application positive inotropic pressor agent agent

  35. Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH)

  36. Endothelium-derived vasoactive substances • Vasodilator factors • PGI2--prostacyclin • EDRF, NO--endothelium-derived relaxing factor, nitric oxide • EDHF--endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizing factor • Vasoconstrictor factors • Endothelin

  37. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) • Produces natriuresis and diuresis • Decreases renin release • Reduces total peripheral resistance via vasodilatation • Decreases heart rate, cardiac output

  38. Autoregulation Definition: Intrinsic ability of an organ to maintain a constant blood flow despite changes in perfusion pressure, independent of any neural or humoral influences

  39. The End.

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