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Ch. 9 Civil War. Section 2 The Early Stages Key: (U) Union, (C) Confederate. Mobilizing the Troops. Lincoln under pressure to strike quickly Confederate troops were gathering 25mi. south (Manassas Junction) Union pushed (C) back ~Bull Run~
Ch. 9 Civil War Section 2 The Early Stages Key: (U) Union, (C) Confederate
Mobilizing the Troops • Lincoln under pressure to strike quickly • Confederate troops were gathering 25mi. south (Manassas Junction) • Union pushed (C) back ~Bull Run~ • South reinforcements came in under Thomas J. Jackson “Stonewall” • Union fell back • (U) defeated at the 1st battle of Bull Run • Significance: Pointed out (U) needed a well trained army • 1863 congress introduced a national draft
The Naval War • Union Navy became operational against the south • 1861 Lincoln proclaimed a blockade of Confederate Ports • 1862 Union sealed off every major S. Harbor along Atlantic Coast except Charleston SC and Wilmington NC • Blockade: • (blockade runners): small fast vessels the south used to smuggle goods past the blockade usually at night • Blockade effective as time passed-Union vessels were thinly spread and found it difficult to stop runners • (C) ships in foreign ports attacked N. merchant ships at sea • Alabama and Florida-destroyed 28 merchant ships • Captured 64 ships before a (U) warship sank it off the coast of France 1864
Farragut Captures New Orleans • (U) was preparing to seize New Orleans and gain control of the Lower Mississippi • Feb. 1862 David Farragut took command of (U) forces led by Gen. Benjamin Butler • Bombarded S. forts with no success • At 2am April 24,1862 ships headed up river, single file, exposing themselves to attack- all but four ships survived • April 25, 1862 he arrived at New Orleans- Butler’s troops took control of the city • Significance: South’s largest city-center of cotton trade
The Monitor vs.the Merrimac The Battle of the Ironclads,March, 1862
The War in the West • Grant began a campaign to seize control of two rivers the Cumberland River and Tennessee River • Control of the two would give (U) a route deep into (C) territory • 1st Grant seized Ft. Henry, surrounded Ft. Donelson and Ft. Henry • Shiloh • Grant’s next move was to seize Corinth Mississippi • Would cut the only rail line connecting Mississippi and W. Tennessee • April 6,1862 (C) launched a surprise attack on Grant’s troops near Shiloh (sm. Church) • Grant raced to battle (U) forced back-rushed rushed around battlefield and assembled a defensive line fighting off repeated (C) attacks • Grant’s commanders advised him to retreat-he refused-went on the offensive the next day • Shiloh shocked people-20,000 were killed or wounded
War in the West • Murfreesboro • (C) troops evacuated-shifted east by railroad to Chattanooga placed under command of Braxton Bragg-into Kentucky • Kentucky invasion failed-stopped at the Battle of Perryville • Buell (U) ordered to seize Chattanooga • He was slow-Lincoln fired him-replaced with Rosecrans (U) lines fell back-ended inconclusively • 4 days later Bragg retreated
The War in the East • Major campaign to capture Richmond • General George McClellan lead (U) army • Moved his troops by ship to the mouth of the James River • Cautious-unwilling to attack without overwhelming strength • Mistake #1-took to long to capture Yorktown-(C) had time to move into position at Richmond • Mistake #2-allowed his forces to be divided by Chickahominy River • (C) Johnston- attacked, inflicted heavy casualties • He was wounded put Lee in command • June 1862 Lee begins Seven Days Battle • Heavy casualties-forced McClellan to retreat • Lincoln ordered withdrawal
The War in the East • Second Battle of Bull Run • McClellan withdrew-Lee decided to attack near Washington • Led to another Bull Run • South forced north to retreat-Lee crossed into Maryland began attack on North • Battle of Antietam • Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee decided an invasion would result in North accepting Southern independence, British recognition and support and Peace Democrats winning a midterm election • September 17, 1862-McClellan order his troops to attack • Bloodiest 1 day battle • (U) inflicted so many casualties Lee forced to retreat • Crucial victory for (U)
September 17, 1862 23,000 casualties
Emancipation Proclamation • Democrats opposed to ending slavery • Republicans divided • Many abolitionists • Others thought it risky • North began thinking slavery had to end b/c it would punish the south and justify soldiers sacrifices • Lincoln said if the (U) drove the south from north soil he would issue a proclamation • Sept. 22, 1862 Lincoln publicly announced Emancipation Proclamation • Only freed slaves in the states at war with the Union • Transferred the War into a war of liberation