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Discover the most biodiversal ecosystem in the world through our activities

The Yasunu00ed National Park, territory in which Napo Cultural Center is located, houses a world of biodiversity and one of the largest natural treasures on the planet.

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Discover the most biodiversal ecosystem in the world through our activities

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  1. ECUADOR AMAZON ECO LODGE ECUADOR AMAZON ECO LODGE | | 3 MIN READ Discover the most biodiversal ecosystem in the world through our activities 3 MIN READ s Written by Equipo Napo Cultural Center The Yasuní National Park Yasuní National Park, territory in which Napo Cultural Center world of biodiversity and one of the largest natural treasures on the planet. Declared a "biosphere reserve" by Unesco Unesco, this natural habitat, heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon, hosts a third of all Amazonian mammals, including an astonishing 60% of all wild cats of the new world, 106 types of reptiles and 610 bird species, as well as more than 4.000 species of plants. Napo Cultural Center is located, houses a      This website stores cookies on your computer. These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to remember you. We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and other media. To find out more about the cookies we use, see our Privacy Policy. Accept

  2. Yasuní, which means "sacred land", has one million hectares which, for every square meter, concentrate more species of organisms than in the entire European continent. Here it is possible to see wildlife in all its splendor through the different activities that our itinerary includes to our guests, in order to appreciate the native flora and fauna in their natural context. Through the various activities that Napo Cultural Center the magical landscapes of the Amazon rainforest and the life that lies on the banks of the Napo River. Programs such as hiking or kayaking, offer the opportunity to meet closely with the diversity of species that inhabit there, as well as experience their places. Walks are also offered to observe animals and vegetation and interact non-invasively with them. For the more lively, there is the possibility of organizing long walks for those who spend more time in animal company. Napo Cultural Center offers, it is possible to discover Napo Cultural Center also has two observation towers landscape from the heights, offering a unique view of the Amazon from 40 meters high. In this tower, it is possible to appreciate a panoramic view of the forest, inhabited by some 610 different bird species, native to the Yasuní National Park. two observation towers that allow you to appreciate the

  3. The waters of the Napo River, on the other hand, offer another spectacular experience. Here it is possible to contemplate the life that hides in the nearby streams: giant river otters, caimans and monkeys, are part of the panorama that can be expected by those who dare to navigate the rivers in search of endemic life. For those who prefer to see the landscape place imaginable to observe the various beings that haunt the reserve: frogs monkeys monkeys, bats bats, birds birds and various types of insects and lovers of nature and lovers of nature, who come to the corners of the Amazon that nature extends to those who know how to observe. landscape from afar, the Yasuní Yasuní represents the best frogs, reptiles photographers Amazon to marvel at the offerings reptiles, insects, are the ideal setting for photographers A completely different perspective offers the nocturnal walks through the jungle, in which the spectrum of creatures changes to let shine its most exotic side. The night invites you to sharpen your eyes and pay attention to the strange wildlife that inhabits the jungle in the dark. Undoubtedly, an experience that few have had the luck to enjoy. Bird lovers Bird lovers also have a special place in the activities of Napo Cultural Center. scheduled visits to the most incredible saladeros of parrots one of the undisputed favorites, thanks to the spectacle of colors and sounds they offer, without counting the incredible environment in which they find themselves immersed. Acceding through a path, real bird real bird walls rise up: meet face to face with up to 11 species Napo Cultural Center. The parrots and macaws macaws stand out as 11 species

  4. of parrots of parrots, guacamaya guacamaya and macaws and peccaries peccaries that come to this place to drink water and obtain minerals vital to their bodies. Undoubtedly, one of the most amazing shows that the Amazon macaws; and even mammals, such as howler monkeys howler monkeys, tapirs tapirs Amazon has to offer. Napo Cultural Center Napo Cultural Center has different tours where you can choose to venture into the jungle and know the benefits of its biodiversity biodiversity. All are based on the premise "sumak kausay kausay", an ancient teaching of indigenous people indigenous people that seeks to maintain a balance with the environment as we live with it and appreciate it. A deep concept to live in harmony with ourselves and the ecosystem. We have tours between 3 to 5 days and fauna and fauna, but above all, its people people. sumak 3 to 5 days to know its flora flora Our tours seek to link not only the ritual, but the cosmic vision that the Kichwa Anangu community community provides, as part of a comprehensive experience for our visitors. The community teaches us from first source about their crafts beliefs beliefs and medicines medicines, as they share stories and legends of their ancestors and life in the jungle. You just need the desire to visit Napo Cultural Center Napo Cultural Center! Kichwa Anangu crafts, their gastronomy gastronomy, music music, An important fact to note are the benefits includes, in addition to accommodation and internal transfers by motor boat or paddle canoe: all soft foods and drinks -except alcoholic beverages and tips-, the entrance to the Yasuní National Park Yasuní National Park and the parrot salons and a tour guide activities and excursions according to itinerary. benefits included in the travel package offered travel package offered. This tour guide, In addition to all Find out about all the details of our programs and activities here! Related Categories Related Categories

  5. Ecuador Amazon Eco LodgeEcuador Amazon Rainforest ToursNapo Cultural Center Equipo Napo Cultural Center Equipo Napo Cultural Center Vive el lugar más biodiverso del planeta, junto a una ancestral cultura kichwa en el Parque Nacional Yasuní. Let Us Know What You Thought about this Post. Put your Comment Below. You may also like: Discover our luxury facilities in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest Tips for your trip to the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador Are you planning to travel to the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador? We can help you with that! The Napo Cultural Center is t... Our ecological hotel offers wide cabins with private bathroom and balcony, to enjoy an authentic Amazonian experience, p...

  6. Does this look like fun? Check out our virtual tour! Through the various activities that Napo Cultural Center offers, it is possible to discover the magical landscapes of the Amazon rainforest and the life that lies on the banks of the Napo River.  

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