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Implementation Plans for Recommended Changes to Optimize the Total Force. 29 April 2014 Dr. Shirley Ross, Eric Jorgenson, Bill Nieusma. Implementation Plans for Recommendations. This work is intended to answer the questions: How do we implement the Report’s recommendations ?
Implementation Plans for Recommended Changesto Optimize the Total Force 29 April 2014 Dr. Shirley Ross, Eric Jorgenson, Bill Nieusma Staff Draft
Implementation Plans for Recommendations • This work is intended to answer the questions: • How do we implement the Report’s recommendations? • Where would we start? What comes first? • Who has what responsibility? • On whom will the greatest share of work fall? • How much can we do simultaneously? • How long will all of this take? • How will we know we’ve been successful? Staff Draft
Implementation PlansOverview • Methodology • Clusters and Sequences • Major Stakeholders • Timelines for Implementation • Critical Subset • Measures of Success and End States Staff Draft
Implementation PlansMethodology • Method: • Clustered Recommendations through staff consensus • Sought expert guidance on ownership and timelines • Graphed projected timelines by Recommendation, by cluster, and by owner or function, which clearly pointed the way toward implementation • Identified potential Measures of Success and End States for each Recommendation Staff Draft
Implementation PlansCluster Compositions Staff Draft
Sequences of Recommendations National Security Enterprise Sequence Staff Draft
Sequences of Recommendations- Total Force AC / RC Mission Rebalancing Staff Draft
From Stakeholder chart, can see: RE and ANG involved in all 42 Recommendations Will require additional manpower up front to work changes Other primary owners throughout implementation are SAF/MR, A1, A3/5 and A8 Others rotate on and off as needed (e.g., FM, AETC) This transformation will require a multi-year coalition across functions, commands, and components Important criteria for coalition members include select abilities sufficient TOS and career length remaining to ensure continuity Implementation PlansStakeholder Chart Staff Draft
Implementation Plans: Stakeholder Chart Items bordered in red show which agencies have bulk of work
Gantt Chart by Recommendation demonstrates: • Timeline projections clearly show bulk of work within first two years* • But also: • Change management must be added to blueprint for transformation prior to Day Zero • A Thorough Communications Plan as part of change management must precede any work on Recommendations • * Implementation start dates assume work is approved and ready to begin Implementation PlansGantt Chart by Recommendation Number Staff Draft
Gantt by Recommendation Bulk of Work w/in 1st2 years Staff Draft
Referring to Gantt Chart by Cluster may be most useful and demonstrates: Work in cost and utilization standards starts immediately Resourcing RE (#3) and Increasing ANG Capacity (#20) must be complete in first 12 months Homeland Defense and Security are worked in the second year and…… Implementation PlansGantt Chart by Cluster Staff Draft
Institutional Process changes are concentrated in first two years 10 of 11 either ongoing or should start immediately Fundamental changes in personnel and manpower are addressed in Institutional Process changes Duty statuses and integrated personnel mgmt Residual HRD and HRM changes are more variable But two should be accomplished in first 6 months #35: Integrated Pay and Personnel #39: Continuum of Service and………. Implementation PlansGantt Chart by Cluster Staff Draft
Integration and Rebalancing recommendations must proceed immediately Resourcing Reserve Component capacities will not yet be funded But groundwork for integration/rebalancing of AFSCs and missions should proceed in first year Studies Modeling Plans Implementation PlansGantt Chart by Cluster Staff Draft
Gantt Chart by Cluster Institutional Process Change concentrated w/in 1st two years Resourcing #3 & Increasing Capacity #20 complete w/in 1st 12 mos Should be done 1st 6 months Residual HRD & HRM changes are more variable Integration & Rebalancing recommendations must proceed immediately
Implementation PlansCross-Referencing Clusters, Owners and Timelines Staff Draft
Recommendations by Criticality and SequenceThe Critical Subset Blue indicates the critical subset of recommendations that enables the rest and has the highest change leverage Not all Recommendations have equal leverage Staff Draft
Implementation PlansMeasures of Success and Endstates • Have looked at potential answers to who, what, when, and in what order • But how will we know we have been successful in planning and implementation? • Handout suggests Measures of Success and End States, by Cluster Staff Draft
High Level Summary The clusters appear to be reasonable Ownership and timelines may be one way to frame a high level implementation plan RE and ANG are integral throughout, but are not organized for this amount of transformational work Other primary players are A1, SAF/MR, A3/5 and A8 A long-term coalition will be necessary to achieve this complex and far-reaching transformation Staff Draft
High Level Summary The bulk of the transformational work is in the first two years Change management and a vast communications plan would need to precede the force structure changes Anticipating where the work is concentrated in each phase of the transformation appears to be fairly straightforward Not all recommendations have equal leverage; some are foundational and more critical to success Staff Draft
First Tactical Steps Halt end strength cuts of 22,000; find offsets Use the next 5 months to solidify budget and planning that will enable Implementation Draft ULB changes now for FY18 execution (HYT, end strength revision) With personnel laws changed, reflect new end strength changes in the NDAA Staff Draft