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Arctic Energy Technology Development Laboratory 2007 Annual Review

Arctic Energy Technology Development Laboratory 2007 Annual Review. Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use Daniel M. White University of Alaska Fairbanks Michael R. Lilly Geo-Watersheds Scientific January 22, 2007. Water and Environmental Research Center. Project Partners.

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Arctic Energy Technology Development Laboratory 2007 Annual Review

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  1. Arctic Energy Technology Development Laboratory 2007 Annual Review Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use Daniel M. White University of Alaska Fairbanks Michael R. Lilly Geo-Watersheds Scientific January 22, 2007 Water and Environmental Research Center

  2. Project Partners • NETL/Arctic Energy Office • UAF Water and Environmental Research Center • BP Exploration • ConocoPhillips Alaska • Geo-Watersheds Scientific • Bureau of Land Management • North Slope Borough • Northern Alaska Environmental Center • The Nature Conservancy • National Weather Service • University of Delaware (Fritz Nelson) • Alaska Department of Natural Resources • Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (new) • Mineral Management Service (new) • International Arctic Research Center (new)

  3. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Arctic Lakes, and Variations Due To Water Use • Ice roads are the preferred method for providing access to exploration drilling sites (new fields), pipeline O/M and restoration on the North Slope of Alaska. • Infield drilling uses ice roads and pads. Infield drilling and production and facilities are significant long-term water users. • The State limits arctic lakes water use to 15%~30% of under-ice volume and species for fish bearing lakes. • There is little precipitation and little surface-water flow on the Arctic Coastal Plain except during spring snow melt. • We are evaluating annual water use and developing hydrology-based engineering and management tools to improve water-asset understanding and use across the North Slope.

  4. Water Use • Road, Pad Infrastructure • Exploration, Largest User • Road construction speed is highest priority • Operations and Maintenance of pipelines • Short/Long-term use • Facilities • Mud and drilling support operations • Enhanced recovery • Processing facilities • Main camp operations and potable water • Long-term use

  5. Operational Watershed Modeling Tools to Support North Slope Field Transportation Operations • Objectives: • Establish cooperative data-collection network meeting weather and tundra travel objectives • Provide operational modeling tools to improve estimates of available water assets and usage risks • Develop annual and winter water-use models • Develop models and improve process understanding of chemical changes in arctic lakes and reservoirs • Cooperative environment to help improve understanding and permit processes

  6. Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use Annual Project Highlights: • Winter monthly sampling of study lakes and reservoirs • 2006 snowmelt and lake recharge monitoring • February Alaska Forum on the Environment Project Workshop • AWRA summer meeting on Adaptive Management of Water Resources in Missoula, Montana, June 26-28

  7. Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use Annual Project Highlights: • Project coordinating meetings with Canadian study group working on similar water use issues in Mackenzie River Delta region • Fall AAAS Meeting poster presentation • (2) 2006 Fall AGU Meeting poster presentations

  8. Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use Annual Project Highlights: • AWRA Featured Collection of Papers • Phase 1 – Lake Hydrology • Phase 1 – Lake Geochemistry • Phase 2 – Lake Water Use • Phase 2 – Lake DO Modeling • Joint Canadian – Lake Bathymetry • Joint Canadian – Fisheries/DO • Planned publication late 2007

  9. Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use Annual Project Highlights: • Two new coordinated projects with Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities • Bullen Point Road-Corridor Design Project (oil/gas potential lease areas) • Foothills Road-Corridor Project (gas potential lease areas) • BLM cooperating project to support NPRA Network area • New coastal stations and support from MMS

  10. Project Highlight: DO Budget Modeling Tools Calibrated Constants Data Inputs • Water column oxygen demandSediment oxygen demand • Ice growth • Oxygen Diffusion/mixing subroutine • Freezing exclusion efficiency • Lake type • Lake area and average depth • Critical oxygen concentration • Pumping information Oxygen Demand/Diffusion Model Model Outputs • Dissolved Oxygen Profiles • Average DO Concentration

  11. Project Highlight: DO Budget Modeling Tools

  12. Project Highlight: DO Budget Modeling Tools

  13. Project Highlight: Lake Characteristics Cott and others, 2005

  14. Project Highlight: Lake Characteristics Cott and others, 2005

  15. Project Highlight: Lake Characteristics Cott and others, 2005

  16. Project Highlight: Lake Characteristics Cott and others, 2005

  17. Project Highlight: Water Asset Permitting

  18. Project Highlight: Water Asset Permitting Inflow ?? Outflow ??

  19. Project Highlight: Hydrology and Water Use

  20. Project Highlight: Hydrology and Water Use

  21. Project Highlight: Hydrology and Water Use

  22. Project Highlight: Hydrology and Water Use

  23. Project Highlight: Hydrology and Water Use

  24. Project Highlight: Hydrology and Water Use

  25. Project Highlight: Hydrology and Water Use

  26. Project Highlight: Hydrology and Water Use Kuparuk Canning NPRA

  27. Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use Project Recommendations In Action! • Gravel mine sites allow cumulative volume permitting to support single point of extraction • Mine Site B, Kuparuk Deadarm Reservoirs • Surface Ice Removal be Treated Separately • Alpine Field Lakes allowed for Ice Removal (selected lakes) • Annual Water Use Permitting Moving to Water Year (selected new lakes)

  28. Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use Water Asset Management Considerations • Adopt a common approach to defining full volumes • L9312, Mine Site B good example cases • Improve water asset accounting to include overfull volumes and inputs during summer periods • All study lakes and reservoirs are good examples • As more independent companies become active, how will they have access to processed water assets?

  29. Alaskan North Slope Lakes and Water Use 2007 Activities: • Publication of Phase 1 report • Monthly sampling trips • Incorporation of MMS stations into NSL Network • Completion of DO predictive model • Study Lake Watershed Modeling • Start Distributed Watershed Modeling • Publication of AWRA Journal articles • Alaska Section, AWRA North Slope Hydrology and Water Use Special Session, April, Fairbanks

  30. Budget Summary • Estimated Economic Benefits: • Exploration Costs for saving one extra season • $2,500,000 ice-road construction costs • $5,000,000+ rig and mobilization costs • Reduce O/M Ice Road Costs • Reduce potential expansions to additional lakes • Increase water availability for in-field development and operations • DOE 3-Year Budget FY05-07: • DOE/NETL: $1.12M total • BLM: ~$50k/yr + ($70 Cash) • Non-Fed Match: $500+k/yr • ADOT 3-YearBudget FY06-08 • $5.5M/total for both projects • Lakes, Hydrology, Climate • BLM 2-YearBudget FY06-07 • $104K project total

  31. Thank YouQuestions?

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