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IT’S IN OUR HANDS. 2010 Census: A snapshot. What: Count of everyone residing in the United States. Including D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands.

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  2. 2010 Census: A snapshot • What:Count of everyone residing in the United States. Including D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands. • Who:All U.S. residents must be counted—people of all races and ethnic groups, both citizens and non-citizens. • Why:U.S. Constitution requires a national Census once every 10 years. • When:Census Day is April 1, 2010. • How:With YOUR help!

  3. Complete Count Committees • What: Volunteer committee are established by local government. • Members appointed by the Mayor. • Who: Representatives from local government, education, business, religious organizations and media. • Why: Increase awareness and motivate residents to respond. • How: Develop and implement a plan to increase community response. • Conduct community outreach • Educate and inform community residents • Host 2010 Census events and promotions • Encourage 2010 Census participation

  4. Why are partners so important to the 2010 Census • Approximately 140,000 organizations partnered and supported the 2000 Census including state and local government, schools, community and faith based organizations, media, businesses and others. • The Census relies on partners to help explain the importance of completing the Census form. By joining forces, the Census Bureau has a greater chance to reach every U.S. resident than attempting it alone.

  5. 2010 Census: Communication program goals Response: Increase mail response. Accuracy: Improve accuracy and reduce the differential undercount. Cooperation:Improve cooperation with Census takers.

  6. Complete and accurate count • Why is a complete and accurate count important? • Every year, the federal government allocates $400 billion to states and communities based, in part, on Census data. • Census data shapes the future of your community. • Census data guides local decision-makers on where to build new roads, hospitals, child-care and senior citizen centers, schools and more. • Businesses use Census data to locate retail stores, new housing and other facilities. • Census data determines how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives and the boundaries of legislative districts.

  7. Arizona Population • In Arizona, every person counted represents approximately $1,250. • Approximately $1,000 per person in federal dollars. • Demographics: A state's share of residents aged 65 or older and under 18 helps determine spending levels for many federal programs that assist elderly and children. • Economic well-being: High poverty rates & low income levels increase federal spending on assistance programs.

  8. Arizona Population • Industry mix: A concentration of defense industries boosts federal procurement dollars, and a concentration of farming increases federal expenditures for agricultural assistance. • Federal facilities: The location of federal facilities, ranging from military bases to offices to research labs determine state-by-state federal spending on employee benefits, wages, and salaries, among other items. • Emergency situations: Targeted federal spending helps offset the impact of unexpected and adverse developments, including natural disasters and human catastrophes.

  9. State Shared Revenues • Approximately $250 per capita in state shared revenues are distributed to municipalities. • State shared revenues are essentially sales tax redistributed to municipalities based on population. • Town of Florence receives approximately $5,429,000 per year in state shared revenues which equates to 59 percent of the total general fund revenues. • Shared Revenues are used to fund: • Police • Fire • Library • Parks & Recreation • Senior Center • Planning • Administration Services

  10. 2010 Census questionnaire • Easy:Shortest Census questionnaire in history. 10 questions, takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. • More detailed socioeconomic information will be collected annually from a small percentage of the population through the American Community Survey. • Safe:By law, responses cannot be shared with anyone, including other federal agencies and law enforcement entities. • Important:Census information helps determine locations for schools, roads, hospitals, job training, child-care and senior citizen centers, and more.

  11. Questionnaire Assistance • Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QAC) • QACs provide respondents with assistance to include: • Completing questionnaire • Providing special language assistance • Answering general questions • Denver Region will have approximately 1,800 QACs open from February 26 through April 19, 2010. • QAC in Florence: Old Main Building at Florence High School, Florence Chamber office, and Pinal County office. • Toll-Free numbers will be available to assist with language needs. 19

  12. Operations: Be Counted The “Be Counted” program provides a means for people to be included who believe they did not receive a questionnaire or were otherwise excluded. Denver Region will have approximately 2,300 “Be Counted” locations “Be Counted” boxes will be available April 1-30, 2010. Locations are to be determined. 20

  13. 2010 Census: Key dates  One-year-out milestone: April 1, 2009 (Census Week)  Verifying the Census address list: April – July 2009  National Media Campaign Kick-Off – January 2010 Delivery of 2010 Census questionnaires: March 2010 2010 Census Day: April 1, 2010 Final counts delivered to President: Dec. 31, 2010 Redistricting counts delivered to states: February – March 2011

  14. Questions about the Census? Town Contacts: Mark Thompson, 520-868-7572 mark.thompson@florenceaz.gov Lisa Garcia, 520-868-7552 lisa.garcia@florenceaz.gov To partner, contact Magdalena Barajas in the Tucson Census Office at 520-975-3309 or magdalena.barajas@Census.gov For additional information on the 2010 Census, visit www.2010Census.gov. Thank you!

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