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1 st Grade Reading Quiz. Ms. LaMagna. What is this a picture of?. a school bus a computer an orange a swimming pool. Sorry! Try Again!. Correct!. Sound it out: C O M P U T E R COM PU TER COMPUTER. What is this a picture of?. bicycle elephant umbrella railroad. Correct!.
1st Grade Reading Quiz Ms. LaMagna
What is this a picture of? • a school bus • a computer • an orange • a swimming pool
Correct! Sound it out: C O M P U T E R COM PU TER COMPUTER
What is this a picture of? • bicycle • elephant • umbrella • railroad
Correct! Sound it out: U M B R E L L A UM BREL LA UMBRELLA
What is this a picture of? • bicycle • elephant • umbrella • railroad
Correct! Sound it out: E L E P H A N T EL E PHANT ELEPHANT
Where do you live? • Virginia • The Moon • Outer Space • The Sun
Correct! Sound it out: V I R G I N I A VIR GIN IA VIRGINIA
Which picture shows mountains? C. D. A. B.
Correct! This is Castle Mountain, which is in Canada M O U N T A I N MOUN TAIN MOUNTAIN
Who was the first President? • Patrick Henry • Betsy Ross • John Adams • George Washington
Correct! George Washington
Who sewed one of our first flags? • George Washington • Pocahontas • Betsy Ross • Abraham Lincoln
Correct!! Betsy Ross
What comes next?Thursday, Friday, _____ • Sunday • Friday • Thursday • Saturday
Correct!! Sound it out: S A T U R D A Y SAT UR DAY SATURDAY
Ron sits in class on Friday. His pen is in his hand. His test is empty. The test is on his desk, but there is not yet a spot of ink on it. Problem one is hard. The rest are extra hard. He sees the clock. The bell will ring. He must not hand in an empty test. He must finish the test. What does Ron have in his hand? • pen • desk • money • ring Reading selection from: http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Decodable_passages
Correct!! Ron has a pen in his hand!
Ron sits in class on Friday. His pen is in his hand. His test is empty. The test is on his desk, but there is not yet a spot of ink on it. Problem one is hard. The rest are extra hard. He sees the clock. The bell will ring. He must not hand in an empty test. He must finish the test. When did the story take place? • Saturday • Friday • Thursday • Sunday Reading selection from: http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Decodable_passages
Correct!! Sound it out: F R I D A Y FRI DAY FRIDAY
Ron sits in class on Friday. His pen is in his hand. His test is empty. The test is on his desk, but there is not yet a spot of ink on it. Problem one is hard. The rest are extra hard. He sees the clock. The bell will ring. He must not hand in an empty test. He must finish the test. Who is the main character in the story? • Mom • Ron • Dad • Ted Reading selection from: http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Decodable_passages
Correct!! Ron is the main character!
There is a cast on Jen's leg. Gus pokes it. He asks, "What is that?" Jen tells him, "It is a cast. I broke my leg." Gus asks her, “Your leg is broken? It is still one big leg, not bits of leg." Jen yells, "Do not be silly. I broke the bone in the leg. It will mend in the cast." Why does Jen have a cast on her leg? • she broke her leg • she went to the beach • she is silly • she wanted to ride her bike Reading selection from: http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Decodable_passages
Correct!! Jen broke her leg.
Frogs are called tadpoles when they just hatch. They seem nothing like adult frogs! They are like eels. A tadpole makes its home in a lake or pond. It will eat small plants. Tadpoles swim. They can not jump. They do not have legs. Tadpoles form legs as they get big. Then they can hop from the lake to the land. They are adult frogs, and they can eat bugs! What is the best title for this story? • Tadpoles and Frogs • Tadpoles Eat Plants • Frogs Are Adults • Frogs Eat Bugs Reading selection from: http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Decodable_passages
Correct!! The story is about tadpoles and frogs, so the best title is: Tadpoles and Frogs
Frogs are called tadpoles when they just hatch. They seem nothing like adult frogs! They are like eels. A tadpole makes its home in a lake or pond. It will eat small plants. Tadpoles swim. They can not jump. They do not have legs. Tadpoles form legs as they get big. Then they can hop from the lake to the land. They are adult frogs, and they can eat bugs! Why would someone want to read this story? • to learn about plants and bugs • to learn about lakes and ponds • to learn about frogs and tadpoles • to learn how to jump and swim Reading selection from: http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Decodable_passages
Correct!! The story is mostly about frogs and tadpoles, so someone would want to read the story to: learn more about frogs and tadpoles
Who can you ask for a hug? You cannot ask a napkin. You cannot ask a lump. You cannot ask a muffin, and you cannot ask a bump. You cannot ask a carrot. You cannot ask a log. You can ask one if you want to, but I will not ask a frog. You cannot ask an animal. You cannot ask a mug. You cannot ask a dragon, and you cannot ask a bug. Well… …you can ask them if you want to, but it’s Mom that I must hug. What is this poem mostly about? • Mom • Frogs • Dragons • Hugs Reading selection from: http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Decodable_passages
Correct!! Yes – this poem is mostly about: Hugs
Cass and Dan had a picnic. Cass had a big basket. She had a banana, a pretzel, and a plum in the basket. Dan had a wagon. He had a blanket and a drink in the wagon. They had a picnic by the pond. They had fun. The picnic lasted until the skunk stunk up the spot by the pond. Then they left. Which picture shows what the story is mostly about? A. B. C. D. Reading selection from: http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Decodable_passages
Correct!! Cass and Dan had a picnic. Thanks for playing!!!