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North and Central African Societies. Brittany Williams , DayshaiConway , Aaron James , Ambre’el Veasley. Hunting and gathering societies. The oldest form of social organization in the world began in Africa. Groups spread throughout Africa and they speak their own languages.
North and Central African Societies Brittany Williams , DayshaiConway , Aaron James ,Ambre’elVeasley
Hunting and gathering societies • The oldest form of social organization in the world began in Africa. • Groups spread throughout Africa and they speak their own languages. • The Efe (Ay-Fay) are just one of the several hunting gathering societies in Africa.
Hunting and gathering society • Efe lived in small groups between 10 and 100 members all of whom were related. • Each family occupies its own grass and brush shelter within a camp • Their search for food makes them some what nomadic.
Age-set system • In many African societies , young people from close ties to individuals outside their lineage thought the age set system. • Men and women have different life stages, and each stage has its own duties and importance. • Societies like igbo use the discipline, community service,and leadership skills to their young
Muslim States • White state less societies developed south of the Sahara, Islam played a vital role in North Africa • As Islam spread , some African rulers converted t Islam. These African Muslim rulers than based government upon Islamic claw. • Islamic law in Islam following the law is a religious obligation.
Stateless societies • Family organization is central to African society, in many African societies, families are organized in groups called lineages • South of the Sahara many African groups developed systems of governing based on lineages in some societies lineage groups took place of rulers • Stateless societies didn’t have a centralized system of power instead authority in a stateless society was balanced among lineages of equal power.
Tracing Family Descent • In Africa societies ,the way a society traces lineage determines how possessions and property are passed on and what groups individuals belong to. • Detrilineal society trace ancestors through their fathers. • Matrilineal society, children trace their ancestors through their mothers.
Almoravid Reforms • In the 11th century, Muslim reformers founded the almoravid empire. • It’s members came from berber groups living in the western Sahara in what today is mauritania. • The movement began after devout berberMuslims made a hajj
Almohads Reformers • This group named Almohadsseized the power from the Almoravids. • The Almohads began religious movement in the atlas mountains of Morrocco. • The almohads followed the techings of IbnTumart.
Almohads taking over! • After a pilgrimage to Mecca, Ibn later criticized Almoravids rulers for moving away from the traditional practice of Islam. • By the end of the 12th century, they had conquered much of southern Spain. • While the Almohad empire lasted just over 100 years, it united the Maghrib under one rule for the first time.
QUiZtiME =O • Where did the oldest social organization begin? • What was the most spoken language? • How many members where in an Efe group? • What families organized in groups called? • When did the Almoravid movement begin? • Africa What ever group you were in that was the language. 10 to 100 lineage After devout berberMuslims made hajj
Quiz time =O • Which society traces their ancestors through fathers ? • Which society traces their ancestors through mothers? • What was the strategy of conquering Spain? • How long did it take Almoravids to conquer Spain? • Where did the Almohads begin their religion? • Detrilineal Mantrilineal They made some people convert to Muslims. About 20 years or more • Atlas mountains of Morrocco.