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The impact of the ECoC title on international student recruitment. Gyöngyi Pozsgai – Tímea Németh University of Pécs. Contents. Mission of Ecoc Role and neccessity of international student recruitment Factors motivating students decisions Survey results Conclusions.
The impact of theECoCtitleoninternationalstudentrecruitment Gyöngyi Pozsgai – Tímea Németh University of Pécs
Contents • Mission of Ecoc • Role and neccessity of international student recruitment • Factors motivating students decisions • Survey results • Conclusions
European Capital of Cultureprogramme Purpose The European Capitals of Culture initiative was set up to: • highlight the richness and diversity of European cultures • …… • regenerate cities • raise their international profile • give new vitality to their cultural life • boost tourism (EU ECoCwebsite http://ec.europa.eu/culture/our-programmes-and-actions/capitals/european-capitals-of-culture_en.htm)
Educationaltourism • New type of tourism is emerging – educational tourism • International student mobility is crucial not only from an educational point of view but for tourism as well • Students often choose their universities not only because of the educational advantages of the university but also because of the attractiveness of the cities
University –localeconomy TheUniversityhas positive effects on localeconomic development These effects can be classified into two categories: • supplyeffects—related to human capital and research • demand-side effects—related toexpenditure and its multiplier impact on local economy
ECoC-internationaluniversities • ECoC should generate local economy – so does an international university through the spendings of the foreign students What do universities gain? • The location of the univ gets more widely known nationally and internationally – crucial in domestic and international student recruitment • Boosting cultural life – appealing to all students • The better the ECoC is the more attractive the city is – the more foreign students a university can attract • Possibility of paralellism between the success of the ECoC and the success of international student recruitment – do univs make use of the ECoC title in order to recruit more international students?
Role and neccessity of internationalstudentrecruitment Hugeincreaseininternationalstudentenrollment - 2009: 3,3millioninternationalstudents 2025: 8 million (UNESCO estimation ) benefits 1. oninstitutionallevel – • tobalancegrowingcosts, decreasinggovenmentalsupport-substantialrevenue • solutionfordemographicdecline 2. onsocietallevel - importantfinancialcommodity - contributiontothe US economy – 19 billion USD, UK economy – 14 billion USD ( 2010) • Canada : ( 2010) • International studentsspentinexcess of 7.7 billion USD ontuition, accommodation and discretionaryspending • Created over 81.000 jobs • Generated 450 million USD ingovernmentrevenue • Inaddition 34 million USD spentonadditionaltourismbytheinternationalstudents and theirfamiliesandfriends
Factors motivating international student choice of host country ‘Push-Pull’ model • Pushfactors economic and social forces within the home country serve to ‘push’ studentsabroad • Pullfactors the decision as to which host country they will select - itis dependent on avariety of ‘pull’ factors. - student’s prior knowledgeand awareness of a host country or institution, - recommendations made by thestudent’s family and friends Internationalstudents tend to select a country first and then an institution within that country.
International studentdecisionmodel-levels of possibleinfluenceonstudentdecision (Bohman 2012) Step 1. Preliminary Key question: Should I studyabroad? Elements: students’ globalidentity and push-pullforces Step 2. Destination Key question: Whereshould I go? Elements: perceptions of countries and pullforces Step 3. Institutionaltype Key question: Whattype of school is bestforme? Step 4. Schoolselection Key question: Whichschoolshould I attend? Elements: Personalpreferences and pullforces ( costs, schoollocation, studentservicesetc)
Role of location • A more known location can attract more international students – visibility and reputation as key pull forces
Marketing activityforinternationalstudentrecruitment How can a university attract international students? • product, price, place, promotion ( 4 Ps) – marketing mix elements Product: programme, all services offered by the university Price: tuition fee, living expense, travel costs Place: sales channels Promotion: promotion of the programme, services, distinguishing features HU: 70 universities – demographic decline, growing competition for domestic and foreign students – the city’s ECoC title can be a determining distinguishing feature, an advantage towards the competitors
Surveyamongthe Erasmus students of Pécs Online surveyamongtheincoming Erasmus students of Pécs 2012 – 200 students • Beforeapplyingtothe University of Pécs didyouhearthatPécswas a European Capital of Culturein 2010? Yes 47% No 53 % • Diditstimulateyourapplicationtothe University of Pécs? Yes 68 % No 32 % More then 50 % of our Erasmus students had no informationaboutthe Pécs ECoCtitle, however, iftheyknowaboutit ,ithighlystimulatestheirapplication
Decisionmakingfactors of UP students - Surveyresults 2011 • I can study subjects here that meet my interest • University with a high reputation • The degree I receive here helps me to get a good job • The city, where the university is located, is attractive • Traditional university with long history
Reasons/benefits of theECoCtitleforthecities 3 main ECoCcategories : • Wellknownplacewithactivecultural life ( famousforitsculturallife) A rewardfortheongoingculturalboost of the city/ forthebestapplication ( Luxemburg, Avignon, Antwerp) 2. Wellknownplacewith a previouslydifferent (industrial) image Canhelpinchangingthe image of the city, industrial image to a culturallyvibrantplace ( Liverpool, Essen, Marseilles) 3. Less knownplacewith an activecultural life Canputthe city intothe map of Europe – increasethe EU- widerecognitiation ( Sibiu, Pécs, Maribor, Kosice) hugeopportunityinpromotingtheexistence of the city
Surveyamongtheusage of theECoCtitleinuniversity marketing communication 13 completedquestionnaires 1. Wellknownplacewithactivecultural life - 4 2. Wellknownplacewith a previouslydifferent (industrial) image - 3 3. Less knownplacewith an activecultural life - 6
Does your university use in its marketing communication that your university is located in a past/future ECoC? • No : wellknown places famous for their cultural lives
In which of your marketing communication tools do you mention it • Universitiesfrom less knowncitiesuse ALL marketing communicationtoolstopromotethattheuniversity is locatedin an ECoC
More important for Erasmus students Is it an important factor in the decision making process of your international students that your university is located in a past/future ECoC?
Have you ever asked your international students whether your city’s ECoC title was important for them in the university selection? • Universities from less known cities surveyed their international students about it
Before After How many years before/after the ECoC position of your city is it worth communicating that your university is located in an ECoC?
Conclusion • The competitiveness of a university is largely influenced by the competitiveness and attractions of the city where the university is located • The marketing activity of the university should be in harmony with the marketing activities of its city • University cities should harmonize their tourism destination management activities with the aims of their universities – univ cities should serve the needs of the potential foreign students of their universities • In marketing activities the universities and their cities should work together more actively and more efficiently • An effective ECoC can result in a more effective collaboration of city and its university – can have a positive effect on the international student recruitement, too • A ECoC title is a unique distinguishing feature to speak about – in a growing competition it is a MUST to • Distinguish our universities from the competitors’ • Use the ECoC title in all our marketing communication activities/ tools • Thus help the students to make their choices
Thank you for your attention! pozsgai.gyongyi@pte.hu