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Try and figure out how to form it…

Try and figure out how to form it…. J’aurais mangé J’serais arrivé. Le Conditionnel Passé (PCOND). He would have returned at 11pm. (PCOND) (if his mommy let him). Noon. 11pm. 9 pm. Paul returned at 9pm. (PC ).

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Try and figure out how to form it…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Try and figure out how to form it… J’auraismangé J’seraisarrivé

  2. Le Conditionnel Passé (PCOND) He would have returned at 11pm. (PCOND)(if his mommy let him) Noon 11pm 9pm Paul returned at 9pm. (PC) Used to talk about what someone would havedone or what would have happened

  3. Brief overview- J’auraismangé Past Participle (normal formation) ER – É IR – I RE – U Helping verb (either être or avoir) in the CONDITIONAL TENSE Je seraisarrivé(e)

  4. Let’s review the Conditional (since it’s kinda key for this tense) • Take the infinitive of any* verb (present tense) • Add on endings: -ais -ions -ais -iez -ait -aient • *drop “e” if RE verb • IRREGULAR= avoir = aur • IRREGULAR= être = ét

  5. STEP #1: Helping Verb in the Conditional. For the sake of the PQP… we only use AVOIR and ETRE AVOIR J’aurais Nous aurions TuauraisVousauriez Il/Elle auraitIls/Ellesauraient Dr & Mrs V ÉTRE Je serais Nous serions TuseraisVousseriez Il/Elle seraitIls/Ellesseraient

  6. STEP #2: Then just add the past participle! • for ER verbs: É • for RE verbs: U • for IR verbs: I

  7. MANGER J’auraismangé Nous aurionsmangé I would have eaten We would have eaten TuauraismangéVousauriezmangé You would have eaten You would have eaten Il/Elle auraitmangéIls/Ellesauraientmangé He/She would have eaten They would have eaten

  8. ALLER J’seraisallé(e) Nous serionsallé(e)s I would have gone We would have gone Tuseraisallé(e) Vousseriezallé(e)(s) You would have gone You would have gone Il/Elle seraitallé(e) Ils/Ellesseraientallé(e)s He/She would have gone They would have gone

  9. When to use this tense??? (not all instances are shown) • A regret (aimer, devoir, pouvoir, vouloir)  I would have liked/wanted to go…  J’auraisvoulualler...

  10. Nous aurionsaimévoirle film hiersoir. • Vousauriezdûétudierun peu plus. • J’auraispualler! • Elle auraitvoulut’inviter. • Ilsauraientaimédanser avec les filles.

  11. Continued… • A “si” statement  If it had snowed last night, we would have had a snow day.  Si ilavaitneigéhiersoir, nous aurionseuun jour de neige!  If I had known, I would have bought you a gift.  Si j’avaissu, je t’auraisachetéun cadeau

  12. Si je avaisdansé avec lui, j’auraiseu un petit ami • Si tuavaisacheté un lotto, j’auraisgagné de l’argent. • Si j’avaiseul’argent, je seraisallé en France. • Si nous étionsallés, nous aurions vu Mickey Mouse. • Si seulementelleétaitretournée chez elle, elleauraitévitél’accident.

  13. Continued… • Describing events that were to have taken place at a later time…  Mom told us that she would have returned before midnight.  Maman nous a ditqu’elleseraitrentréeavantminuit.

  14. Il a ditqu’ilseraisarrivéun peu plus tard. • J’aiexpliquéquevousauriezattendujusqu’à midi. • Max a déclaréqu’ilauraitdansé avec moi. • Julie a annoncéqu’elleauraitmangé le gâteau. • Ma mèrenous a proclaméqu’elleserait venue à notre match à 7h.

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