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T he Parts of Speech

T he Parts of Speech. English 1. There Are 8 Parts of Speech . 1. Nouns 2. Pronouns 3. Adjectives 4. Verbs 5. Adverbs 6. Prepositions 7. Conjunctions 8. Interjections. Definition: Person, Place, Thing, or Idea. Nouns. Ex. boy, mall, toothpick, peace, strength.

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T he Parts of Speech

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Parts of Speech English 1

  2. There Are 8 Parts of Speech 1. Nouns 2. Pronouns 3. Adjectives 4. Verbs 5. Adverbs 6. Prepositions 7. Conjunctions 8. Interjections

  3. Definition: Person, Place, Thing, or Idea Nouns Ex. boy, mall, toothpick, peace, strength Recognition Tools: -”the” in front of common nouns except ideas -you can take a picture of them

  4. Nouns Common Nouns: name any one person, place, thing, or idea and is generally not capitalized. Ex. woman, school, flag, happiness Proper Nouns: name a specific person, place, thing, or idea and generally is capitalized. Ex. Sally, Granite City High School, St. Louis Arch, September

  5. Nouns Compound Nouns: made up of two or more words used together as a single noun. (They may be written as one word, separate words, or as hyphenated words.) Ex. firefighter, fire drill, brother-in-law Collective Nouns: words that name a group of a people, animals, or things. Ex. audience, flock, assortment

  6. Nouns Concrete Nouns: name ACTUAL people, places, and things with physical, material properties Ex. Pencil, bird, swimming pool Abstract Nouns: do NOT have actual physical existence Ex. Freedom, teamwork, evil

  7. Pronouns Definition: Stands in place of a noun. Recognition Tools: -related to nouns -the word they refer to is the antecedent -memorize them!

  8. Pronouns

  9. Pronouns

  10. Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns: used to point out a specific noun when by themselves -this, that, these, those -Example: The tacos I made taste better than those.

  11. Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns: introduce a question -who, whom, whose, which, what Ex. Which of the songs is your favorite? Relative Pronouns: introduce subordinate clauses (not a complete thought) -that, which, who, whom, whose Ex. The ship that you saw is sailing to Greece.

  12. Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns: do not always refer back to any specific noun; names a general group

  13. Adjectives Definition: modifies nouns or pronouns Ex. happy, bright, yellow Recognition Tools: -Adj. answers: What kind? Which one? How many?

  14. Adjectives Articles -a, an, and the are ALWAYS adjectives

  15. Adjectives Nouns as adjectives -Many words that can stand alone as nouns can also be used as adjectives modifying nouns or pronouns. Ex. cheese sandwich, snow sculpture weather report

  16. Verbs Definition:what you do or a state of being Ex. run, think, been (forms of be) Recognition Tools: -action of the subject or other noun

  17. Verbs Helping Verbs- “helps” the main verb express an action or a state of being

  18. Verbs Action Verbs: physical or mental activity Ex. build, think Linking Verbs:connect subject to the complement Ex. is, are, was Other Linking Verbs: appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn

  19. Adverbs Definition: modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs Ex. too, quite, very, rather, almost, always *(Some words are always adverbs) Recognition Tools: Adverbs answer: When? Where? How? To what extent? -by ending “-ly”

  20. Prepositions Definition:show relation between a noun and the object Ex. of, in, under Recognition Tools: -prepositional phrases: preps + (opt. modifiers) + object

  21. Prepositions

  22. Prepositions Don’t forget that prepositions can be compound as well. Ex. according to, because of, next to

  23. Conjunctions Definition: joins words, phrases, or clauses, and they indicate the relation between the elements joined. Ex. but, yet, so Recognition Tools: -connects @ junction -MEMORIZE

  24. Conjunctions Coordinating Conjunctions FANBOYS -for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Correlative Conjunctions -They come in pairs -both…and -whether…or -neither…nor -not only …but also -either…or

  25. Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions- -Introduces a subordinate clause (cannot stand alone as a sentence.) -AAAWWUBBIS (as, after, although, while, when, until, because, before, if, since)

  26. Conjunctions

  27. Interjections Definition: express emotion and have no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence Ex. ah, oops, hey, yippee Recognition Tools: -sometimes have exclamation or a comma following them

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