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Safety. Todays Objectives. Financials – Cost of ineffective safety programs Our Expectations Legal Obligations What’s Really Required in Safety How You Can Meet These Requirements How HFHI U.S. Safety Specialist Can Help You Meet Your Requirements Moral Obligations.
Todays Objectives • Financials – Cost of ineffective safety programs • Our Expectations • Legal Obligations • What’s Really Required in Safety • How You Can Meet These Requirements • How HFHI U.S. Safety Specialist Can Help You Meet Your Requirements • Moral Obligations
The Financials - Cost & Claims Common Theme: Slips, Trips, Falls • Almost 50% of legal claims are fall related • Losses of $17 + million over last 10 years • Claims include: • Ladder fall resulting in paraplegia • Fall through unprotected wall openings causing paraplegia • Fall from unprotected floor opening causing same
Loss Experience – General Liability & Umbrella • Fall through floor opening - $4,219,633 • Fall from ladder - $2,938,920 • Slip, Trip or Fall - $2,374,936 • Fall from scaffold - $2,166,388 • Misc. volunteer injuries - $2,095,005 • Electrocution - $1,339,332 • ReStore - $1,988,247 Total GL claims: $17,269,937 Falls: $7,599,877 Since 2001 Total Umbrella claims: $4,375,000 Falls: $4.1 million
NRI / ABWK Risks Different twist on safety risks: • Rehabs, Demolition & Repairs • Asbestos & Lead Paint • Owner occupied property
HFHI Expectations • We expect everyone to go home at the end of each day. • We expect full compliance with our safety beliefs, policies, manuals, etc. • We expect for you to strive for “zero accidents”.
OSHA • Occupational Safety & Health Admin. Formed in 1970. • Code of Federal Regulations Known as CFR. • CFR 1910 for ReStore. • CFR 1926 for Construction. • CFR is written in blood & by blood!!!
OSHA 10 Hour Training • This is the bare minimum in getting started with your HFH safety program. • It will be offered around the country at various locations or can be offered near your location with enough participants. • At your request, specialized training can be tailored to meet your needs.
Legally Speaking • You are required to provide a safe & healthful place of employment for your employees. • You are required to keep an OSHA 300 Log if you have 11 employees or greater. • You are required to report a death of an employee to the nearest OSHA office within 8 hours.
If you have an event that hospitalizes 3 or more employees for overnight stay, you must call your local OSHA office. • You must meet or exceed your OSHA requirements; remember 27 states have their own OSHA and therefore exceed Federal rules. • See: www.OSHA.gov to determine if your state is one of the 27 states.
Key Elements of a Safety Program;“But Not a Complete List” • Hazardous Communications Program. • Create & maintain a listing of all Chemicals that are available for use on all work sites. • Train workers of hazards & how to eliminate the hazards associated with these chemicals. • Properly document this training and keep for 30 + years. • Make the overall program available to any worker or legal partner at any time for review.
Properly placed & working EXIT signs. • Emergency Action Plan. • What role(s) does each employee play in evacuations. • Who’s responsible for calling emergency help. • Do this for FIRES. • Do this for SEVERE WEATHER. • Do this for TERRISTIC THREATS. • Do this for anything else you can think of. Be proactive!
Competent Person Involvement in High Hazard Areas. • Fall Protection. • Scaffolding. • Trenching & Excavations. • Hazardous or Toxic Substances. • Crane or Boomtruck Rigging Operations.
Properly Trained Workforce in Safety. • This will be in the form of about everything you do! • Detailed training requirements will be provided at the end of this program in the form of web links. • The short list to emphases the key points are; Slips, Trips & Falls. Personal Protective Equipment. Scaffolding. Fire Protection & Prevention. Trenching & Excavation. Material Handling & Storage. Chemical & Toxic Hazards. Forklift Operations. Electrical Safety. Concrete Related Issues. Motor Vehicle Safety. Power Tools Stairways & Ladders.
Periodic Review of Your Safety Program. • A Safety Committee should be formed to review the overall effectiveness of your current Safety programs. • Is your training working or does it need adjustments? Are evaluations given out at end of training opportunities? • Can your working team answer tough safety questions? i.e. Explain Haz. Com. Program; Emergency Action Plan; Fall Protection Procedures; Etc. • How is your overall safety record? Are you satisfied with it? Have you had any insurance or medical cases? • What are your plans to improve your safety program?
Making it all Work for You • Contact HFHI U.S. Safety Specialist for advice, training & OSHA Rule clarifications. Don Hartle US Safety Specialist dhartle@habitat.org O. 404-420-6730 ext 6730 C. 404-859-7146
You will see; • We are currently working to improve our overall website at www.my.habitat.org • Under the “Knowledge Center” a sub-tab for Construction. • Under the “Knowledge Center” a sub-tab for ReStore. • Soon you will see under both sub-tabs; • A “Safety” sub-tab. From the Safety sub-tab you will be able to find any and all of your safety information including training links, PPTS, pre-recorded Webinars, Podcast, Policies, Manuals, OSHA Standards, etc.
Our Moral Obligation • “Legally” we are responsible by OSHA to provide a safe workplace for our Employees. • “Morally” we are responsible by OSHA, Court of Law, Family Members, Jury, to provide a safe workplace for our Volunteers. • Some Affiliates ask “are we legally responsible for our volunteers?” “Does OSHA apply to us?” Why? They don’t get it? I hope you do!
Program Website: http://hfhafiliateinsurance.com To Access the Online Training Courses Password - Lockton
OSHA Training Requirements Detailed OSHA Training Requirements Link - http://osha.gov/Publications/2254.html Follow this link and review it from beginning to end. Tip: Take a highlighter and start highlighting items that pertain to your operations. Note: After highlighting you will see that many areas do not apply to you at this time. Some may apply at a later time as you expand. It’s not as bad as you first thought!
Roof Safety???? • What’s Wrong in This Picture?