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University-Business collaboration at the heart of a modern economy

University-Business collaboration at the heart of a modern economy . Professor Sir Tim Wilson DL www.wilsonreview.co.uk.

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University-Business collaboration at the heart of a modern economy

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  1. University-Business collaborationat the heart of a modern economy Professor Sir Tim Wilson DL www.wilsonreview.co.uk

  2. Just as castles provided the source of strength for medieval towns, and factories provided prosperity in the industrial age, universities are the source of strength in the knowledge-based economy of the twenty-first century. Lord Dearing, speech at Newcastle University, September 2002

  3. It is not a coincidence that those communities possessing the best research and graduate facilities – from MIT to Cal Tech – tend to attract the new and growing industries. Speech by President John F Kennedy, undelivered, Dallas November 22nd 1963

  4. “Terman came up with this great idea that did more than anything to cause the tech industry to grow up here” Steve Jobs 2011

  5. Principles Diversity of higher education Supply chains Collaboration Themes People development (skills) Knowledge exchange Research exploitation Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

  6. Skills development • Specialist professional skills • Employability skills development • diagnostics, self awareness, development • Enterprise skills • integration into the curriculum • Entrepreneurial development

  7. Collaboration in Skills development • Work integrated learning • Internships • Integrated in company learning • Sandwich programmes • On campus enterprise • Industry sponsored programmes • Employer advice in curriculum design • Certification (eg CISCO, Microsoft) • Professional body accreditation • In-company programmes • Fully sponsored

  8. Research and Innovation • Emergence of strategic relationships • Personal relationships, people exchange, communication • Importance of intermediaries • Government sponsored • Private agencies • Informal and Structured networking • Government interventions • Employability/Entrepreneurship amongst PhDs

  9. Collaboration: The importance of locality Networks Enterprise Culture development Strength in HE diversity Inward investment Planning and facilitating economic growth Enterprise zones Science parks

  10. University-Business collaborationat the heart of a modern economy Professor Sir Tim Wilson DL www.wilsonreview.co.uk

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