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Summative Time!. Computer lab 228 days will be Friday (June 6), June 12 (Thu), June 13 (Friday), June 17 (Tu), June 18 (Wed) and Today You can use “graphic springs” website when making your logo.
Summative Time! Computer lab 228 days will be Friday (June 6), June 12 (Thu), June 13 (Friday), June 17 (Tu), June 18 (Wed) and Today You can use “graphic springs” website when making your logo. Shism students must incorporate their Shism theme in their summative. Talk to me individually after my lesson.
15 % - Your Task: • You are a marketing agent for a professional marketing company. • Your company has been recently struggling to keep up with competition and as a top executive of the firm, you have been asked to create a new product or servicethat is sure to sell. • Your task is to create a marketing plan for a product or service. • This must not be of an existing product or service – this must be something that does not currently exist in the marketplace.
Eight Days – 15 % - Your Task: • Be sure to do your research before you select your product to ensure it is new and unique! • This assignment is to be done individually and in class. You will start your final performance task today and the project will be completed and submitted on Monday, June 16, 2014. • Wed June 18 is the absolute deadline because it is the last day of school.
Requirements – Part A • Covering Page • Title, Name, Teacher Name, Due Date • Page one of your report • Table of Contents • Page two of your report • Align page numbers
Company Description • Begin this on page 3. • This is your introduction. Set the tone and introduce your company name, what your company does, whether your company is brand new or not, etc.. be imaginative! • Company Mission Statement (10 marks) • Company Goals – must have at least three. (3 marks)
Product/Service Description • Describe your product or service fully: how does it work, the brand name/trademark, its features, colours, size, accessories, slogan, logo, packaging, etc… any detail that explains how your product or service operates and its look. • Describe your packaging. What is it made of and what shape. How will your package attract customer’s eyes? (5 marks) You do not have to make it. If you make it then there will be a bonus mark. • Include a blueprint (10 marks) of your product in your appendix. This can be hand drawn or done via computer software (paint, publisher, etc).
Product/Service Description • You must include one advertisement (20 marks) that you created. It could be magazine ad, facebook ad or radio ads etc... Explain why you will use this ad. • Some additional visual elements you may consider including: map of your service (ie: restaurant design), fabric swatches, different des aign shapes, etc.. be creative!
Strategic Mission • Pricing Strategy: be specific. Which strategy will you use and why? You may select more than one ( 5 marks) • Place Strategy: where will you sell your product? Which method of distribution will you use? Explain. (5 marks) • Target Market Strategy: be specific when you explain the market(s) you have selected and why you have selected said market(s). (5 marks) Incorporate info on demographics, psychographics and geographics. Will you target more than one market?
Situational Analysis (SWOT) and Market Research • What are your company strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats? Put this in graphical or chart form in your appendix. (10 marks) • Marketing Research – what types of market research strategies will you use? Describe how you will use them. How will you choose the sample? (10 marks)
Promotional Strategy • Compose a slogan and logo for your product. Include a drawing of your logo (whether drawn by hand or through a computer software program) and include in your appendix. (5 marks) • Sales Promotion: Create a sales promotion that you will use to boost the sales of your product/service. This can include: a contest, coupon (include in your appendix), giveaway or any other idea you design! ( 5 marks)
Promotional Strategy • Publicity: Describe a publicity event you could use to introduce your new product or service. This can include: a press release, event, publicity stunt, etc. Feel free to write a press release and include it in your appendix if you’d like! (5 marks) • Advertising: Describe the various advertising mediums you would use and why (ie: TV commercial, radio, billboard, magazine). Include ONE of these mediums in the appendix of your report (ie: create a radio script, a PSA or a magazine advertisement). (20 marks)
To Conclude: Proper Conclusion: • Summarize your marketing plan and end with a bang! What does this product mean to your company? How do you know it will be successful? (5 marks) • Appendix: • An appendix follows the conclusion of your report. It includes the various visual materials you have created to support the written component of your report. For instance, your blueprint, SWOT analysis, print advertisement are all visuals that you would incorporate in your appendix and refer to throughout your report.
Tips! • This report must be written with business report writing conventions. • Report must be double spaced in Ariel or Times New Roman, size 12 font. • Page numbers must be present on the top right hand side of the page. • Your title page is page one. • Include an Appendix and Works Cited at the end of your report. Refer to them throughout the report where needed. • Include headings and subheadings. Subheadings should be indented. • PROOFREAD!
Works Cited and Reflection: • MLA Citations: • You must include at least one MLA citation in your Works Cited page at the end of your report. This may include a reference from your text book or an online source that supports your writing throughout this report. • Reflection: • To be completed on the final day of assignment submission. In your own words, answer the following: What did you learn from this assignment process? What did you learn from this course? Do you think that your good or service would succeed in the global marketplace? Why or why not? Anything else you would like to add!