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Pp paper update October 1. Flemming Videbæk BNL. Progress. Revisiting text and figures. Found issue with figure plotting (dx vs. binsize in some data files. Used the latest analysis of Kris spectra.
Pp paper updateOctober 1 Flemming Videbæk BNL
Progress • Revisiting text and figures. • Found issue with figure plotting (dx vs. binsize in some data files. • Used the latest analysis of Kris spectra. • The global fits has some small issues due to using 4 parameters to describe the rapidity dependence of the T and n in the Levy fits. Went to 3, chisq still good; The problem was treatment of y~0 point giving a unexpected behavior from 0->1. • Revisited 4pi yields and extracted those and widths of Gaussian fits
K/pi ratio’s Took the data from the figure in draft, and added as open squares for all available pbar/p values from 62 GeV by interpolating the graph of K/pi Clearly the 62 and 200 is not on a common curve. I think this is surprising since if longitudinal scaling is fulfilled I would have expected this to be the case. Is it possible that p-bar do not adhere to this?
4pi yields Fitted the 200 and 62 GeV data with Gaussians to extract total yields and width. The fig here is for positive and negatives. Added the 10% systematic additional error to each dn/dy point.
Literature data for total mult from PDG The data from ISR INL at 62.2 is 12.25+-0.21. We observe 11.72+-0.6, certainly consistent with SFM resultsatISR. Our ratio betweeninel and NSD is 15% also close to their différence. At 200 gev the PhobostotalNchis 19.6+-1.5 slightl;ylowerthanournumber of 21.5 . The UA5 is 21.4 for NSD ~ 19.5 for INL again ~13% lower as indicated by severalanaysis. But the Phenix values are clearlytoolow IMHO. This confirms the discussion I have put into the paper on our 200 GeV data. 5.11 3.43 0.03 \ #sqrt(s) <N> d(stat+sys) 7.07 4.25 0.03 > bubble chambers 14.2 6.37 0.06 / 23.6 8.12 0.08 \ 30.4 9.43 0.18 \ 44.5 10.86 0.16 > ISR (Inelastic ) 52.6 11.55 0.17 / 62.2 12.25 0.21 / 200. 21.4 0.45 \ 546. 28.3 0.95 > UA5 900. 35.6 0.92 / Notes:e The errors given are the quadratically added statistical and systematic errors, except for the bubble chamber measurements for which only statistical errors are given in the references. The measured values at 200, 546, and at 900 GeV exclude single diffractive dissociation. References: J. Benecke, Nucl. Phys. B76, 29 (1976) W.M. Morse, Phys. Rev. D15, 66 (1977) A. Breakstone, Phys. Rev. D30, 528 (1984) G.J. Alner et al. (UA5), Phys. Lett. 167B, 476 (1986) Ansorge et al. (UA5), Z. Phys. C43, 357 (1989)
Still to do • Update section on Pythia calculations. probably add one or two figures. • Make data-tables for all figures.