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First Grade Curriculum Night. Welcome to Room 5! Thank you so much for coming. Please take a moment to tour our room and to sign up for Conferences. We will be starting the first presentation at 5:30 PM. Mrs. Rachel Fisher. Contact info: rachel.fisher@vansd.org
First Grade Curriculum Night Welcome to Room 5! Thank you so much for coming. Please take a moment to tour our room and to sign up for Conferences. We will be starting the first presentation at 5:30 PM.
Mrs. Rachel Fisher Contact info: rachel.fisher@vansd.org (the quickest way to reach me is by e-mail!) or leave me a phone message 975-0734
I am very glad that you are here! My goals for tonight’s curriculum night: • To share the expectations for your child • To help you understand the work your child will be doing throughout the school year • To share information about how parents can support their child’s learning
Daily Schedule • 8:20 Bell Rings • 8:20-8:35 Organize, get ready for the day • 8:30 School Begins • 8:30-8:45 Class Meeting • 8:45-10:00Guided Math • 10:00-10:15 Recess • 10:15-11:45 Reading • 11:45-12:30 Recess/Lunch • 12:30-1:00 Math Focus Wall • 1:00-1:45 Writing • 1:45-2:45 Science, Social Studies, Thematic Study, RTI • 2:45-2:50 Clean up, get ready to go home • 2:50 Dismissal • Arts Block Schedule: • Monday: Music • Tuesday: Library • Wednesday: PE • Thursday: Dance • Friday: Art
Classroom Management • Ogden Students are: • Respectful • Responsible • Safe • We are a PBIS school!! • Behavior expectations are taught throughout the school. • Posters are on display so First Graders know what it “looks like” and what it “sounds like” to be a model student. • For making good choices students may earn Cougar Paws, positive notes/calls home, stickers, stamps, trip to the “Prize Pocket Chart” etc. • For making poor choices students can expect the following consequences: • Two verbal warnings • A trip to the Thinking Spot (“Stop and Think” exercise) • A trip to the Time Out Spot (Yellow Form – Phone call from Mrs. Fisher) • A trip to the Office (Pink Form – Phone call from Mrs. Whipple)
Reading (120 minutes each day!) • This is a very important year for your child, as your child will be becoming a reader! • We use a variety of grouping strategies to ensure your child’s individual developmental needs are met: • whole group • small group • individual
Wonders The Wonders program is designed for flexible use with children of varied needs. The guided reading structure is appropriate for beginning readers and children who are becoming fluent readers. Students progress through each unit at a pace appropriate to their development. Wonders includes instruction and practice in… The alphabet, Phonemic Awareness, Letter-Sound Relationships, Blending, Irregular words, Multi-syllable words, Fully decodable passage reading, Integrated spelling, Integrated writing, Integrated Handwriting
Writing • Children will have numerous opportunities to practice writing in the classroom. This further reinforces what they have learned in shared and guided reading. They are using the skills of reading to produce writing (sounding out words, sight words, and reading what they have written). • Examples of how writing is used in the classroom: • Guided writing, Quick writes, Class Books, Journals • Please note: We use finger spelling to help sound out words in writing. As the students are learning to read and write it is OK if they do not spell the words correctly. • Cat = kat
Spelling • We will send home weekly spelling lists. • The words are selected from the Wonders reading curriculum. • Spelling Tests are given each Friday. • These tests are scored and sent home. • Students earning a perfect score on their tests will be a part of the 100% Club!
Math (60 minutes each day) Math is an important subject this year, as your child is developing their concept of numbers and their relationships. We will be using the enVisionmath curriculum. Your child will be learning many new math vocabulary words. Please look for the “Topic Letter” at the start of each unit and the “Reteaching” Mat prior to every test.
enVision Math Scope & Sequence (K) Topic 6: Numbers to 100 Topic 1: Understanding Addition Topic 2: Understanding Subtraction Topic 3: Five and Ten Relationships Topic 4: Addition and Subtraction facts to 12 Topic 5: Addition facts to 20 Topic 6: Subtraction facts to 20 Topic 7: Counting and number patterns to 120 Topic 8: Tens and ones Topic 9: Comparing and ordering numbers to 100 Topic 10: Adding with tens and ones Topic 11: Subtracting with tens and ones Topic 12: Length Topic 13: Time Topic 14: Using data to answer questions Topic 15: Geometry Topic 16: Fractions and shapes
Grades 1 - Developing Little progress toward grade level expectations. Meets few or no grade level expectations. Example: Work was not completed. If assignment was attempted, it was done carelessly. Handwriting was done quickly and the student made little effort to try and write neatly. No details were put in drawings and the background was not colored in. Coloring was completed quickly and not neatly. One or two colors were used. The quality of work was unsatisfactory.
Grades 2= Basic Progressing toward grade level expectations. Meets some grade level expectations. Example: The assignments were done quickly and little effort was made. Handwriting was completed, but without being careful. Details are lacking in drawings and the background was partially completed or not done. Coloring was done quickly and not neatly. Very few colors were used in the illustrations.
Grades 3= Proficient Consistently meets grade level expectations. Example: Assignments were completed. Overall, the quality of work is good. Care was taken to complete assignments according to the directions given. Handwriting is neat and letters are formed carefully. Drawings are full of details and the background is colored in. Many colors were used in the illustrations.
Grades 4 -Advanced Consistently performs above grade level expectations. Example: Assignments were done on time. The quality of work is outstanding. Attention was paid to all parts of the assignments. Handwriting is very neat and letters were formed very carefully. Drawings were full of details and great care was used in coloring. Background was colored in and many colors were used in the illustration. Student did above what was expected and used their time very productively.
Your Child’s Work I will typically send home work samples that your child has completed from the week on Friday. Please check your child’s backpack and look through their work. Note the score that your child earned. Discuss it with them. If there is a skill or concept that your child had trouble with, please practice this skill with them at home. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions!
Important “What did you do at school today?” Please ask your child what they accomplished on a daily basis! If a child can explain what they have learned, they have truly mastered that concept!
Housekeeping Homework: Look for the packet in your child’s purple “Homework “ folder to be sent home each Friday. Snack : Please feel free to send a healthy snack to school each day. Communication Home and School : Please don’t hesitate to be in touch! Look for Mrs. Fisher’s Weekly Newsletter each Friday. Birthdays: You may send in store bought treats for the class. We will celebrate in class with a birthday song, a paper crown, and a trip to the Treasure Chest. Red Hot Readers: A school-wide program to encourage reading at home! Scholastic Book Orders: Book Orders will be sent home occasionally, in case you would like to purchase inexpensive books for your children AND earn books and supplies for our classroom. Box Tops/ Campbell’s Labels: Please send them in! Volunteers: Please sign up tonight, if you are interested! You must be cleared through the office. Conference Dates: Wed 10/22 1pm-4pm, Thurs 10/23 8am-4pm, Fri 10/26 8am -12pm
Thank you! Thank you very much for joining me this evening! Please be in touch with any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year! Visit our class webpage through the Ogden School Website! http://portalsso.vansd.org/portal/page/portal/Building_Pages/Ogden_ELEMENTARY_SCHOOL/HOME:Welcome
What is Guided Reading? Guided Reading is an approach that enables a teacher and a small group of children to think about, talk about, and read a book together for a specific purpose. The teacher guides the group in reading through a story that the children will later read independently. Monitoring and evaluating progress are done during this reading. The material to be read is selected based on the individual needs of each child. At the emergent reader level, many of the guided reading books contain just a few words on each page, have pictures that match the text, contain fewer sentences, use simple language patterns, and have many easy sight words. Gradually, these reading supports decrease.