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Advances in identifying genetic and non-genetic risk factors of rheumatoid arthritis

Advances in identifying genetic and non-genetic risk factors of rheumatoid arthritis. Jessica Larson Advisor: Sam Powdrill, PA-C. Objectives. Review of epidemiology & pathophysiology of RA Understand functional impairment

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Advances in identifying genetic and non-genetic risk factors of rheumatoid arthritis

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  1. Advances in identifying genetic and non-genetic risk factors of rheumatoid arthritis Jessica Larson Advisor: Sam Powdrill, PA-C

  2. Objectives • Review of epidemiology & pathophysiology of RA • Understand functional impairment • Learn risk factors that determine the onset & severity in development of RA • Pre-RA red flags • How to advise patient in clinic to reduce or prolong outcome of RA

  3. Epidemiology • Most common inflammatory polyarthritis • One percent or 2.1 million adults in US • Women 2-3x more affected than men • Age of onset is 40-60 years old • Smokers 4x more likely to develop • First-degree relative prevalence rate is 2-3x more like to develop • Mortality is higher, in severe RA mortality approaches that of CHF or Hodgkin disease

  4. Pathophysiology Review http://www.hopkins-arthritis.org/rheumatoid/rheum_clin_path.html#preven

  5. Functional Impairment www.faqs.org/health/images/uchr_06_img0591.jpg www.csmc.edu/images/354031_Adv_Rheumatoid_Arthritis-2sm.jpg.jpg http://podiatry.curtin.edu.au/encyclopedia/rheumatoid_arthritis/figure1.jpg

  6. Functional Impairment www.faqs.org/health/images/uchr_06_img0591.jpg www.csmc.edu/images/354031_Adv_Rheumatoid_Arthritis-2sm.jpg.jpg Morning stiffness >1 hour http://podiatry.curtin.edu.au/encyclopedia/rheumatoid_arthritis/figure1.jpg

  7. Functional Impairment www.faqs.org/health/images/uchr_06_img0591.jpg www.csmc.edu/images/354031_Adv_Rheumatoid_Arthritis-2sm.jpg.jpg Arthritis of >3 of the following joints: PIP, MCP, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, and MTP joints http://podiatry.curtin.edu.au/encyclopedia/rheumatoid_arthritis/figure1.jpg

  8. Functional Impairment www.faqs.org/health/images/uchr_06_img0591.jpg www.csmc.edu/images/354031_Adv_Rheumatoid_Arthritis-2sm.jpg.jpg Symmetric involvement of joints http://podiatry.curtin.edu.au/encyclopedia/rheumatoid_arthritis/figure1.jpg

  9. Functional Impairment www.faqs.org/health/images/uchr_06_img0591.jpg www.csmc.edu/images/354031_Adv_Rheumatoid_Arthritis-2sm.jpg.jpg Rheumatoid nodules http://podiatry.curtin.edu.au/encyclopedia/rheumatoid_arthritis/figure1.jpg

  10. Functional Impairment www.faqs.org/health/images/uchr_06_img0591.jpg www.csmc.edu/images/354031_Adv_Rheumatoid_Arthritis-2sm.jpg.jpg Positive serum rheumatoid factor http://podiatry.curtin.edu.au/encyclopedia/rheumatoid_arthritis/figure1.jpg

  11. Functional Impairment www.faqs.org/health/images/uchr_06_img0591.jpg www.csmc.edu/images/354031_Adv_Rheumatoid_Arthritis-2sm.jpg.jpg Radiographic changes including erosions or bony decalcification http://podiatry.curtin.edu.au/encyclopedia/rheumatoid_arthritis/figure1.jpg

  12. Risk Factors

  13. GENETIC HLA - DR complex DR-1 & DR-4 NIMA & NIPA HLA - I kappa BL NON-GENETIC Smoking Neuroendocrine imbalances: Low sex hormones Low cortisol levels Vascular endothelial alterations in men Immunologic markers Risk Factors

  14. Pre-RA red flags CCP antibody immunological markers appear many years (as many as 12) before onset of RA with increased risks if: • Smoking (>20 pack-years) • Coffee consumption (>10 cups/day) • Ever use of oral contraceptives • First-degree relative of schizophrenia • Obesity (3x risk) • Age of menarche >15 years old (2x risk)

  15. What can PAs do? • If there is a family history of RA, it is especially important to NOT SMOKE • Anti-CCP test is a blood test that can be ordered by the PA • RF is ~81-87% specific post-onset • CCP is ~96% specific and available earlier • Tell them to stay active and loose weight

  16. References • Arnett FC, Edworthy SM, Bloch DA, et al. The American Rheumatism Association 1987 revised criteria for the classification of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 1988;31:315-324. • Barrera P, et al. Noninherited maternal antigens do not increase the susceptibility for familial rheumatoid arthritis. European Consortium on Rheumatoid Arthritis Families (ECRAF). Rheumatol. 2001 May;28(5):968-74. PMID: 1136122 • Berg L, Ronnelid J, Sanjeevi CB, Lampa J, Klareskog L. Interferon-gamma production in response to in vitro stimulation with collagen type II in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with HLA-DRB1(*)0401 and HLA-DQ8. Arthritis Res. 2000;2(1):75-84. PMID: 11219392 • Combe B, Eliaou JF. Can the prognosis of early rheumatoid arthritis be predicted? Presse Med. 1995 May 20;24(18):839-41. PMID: 7638113 • Cornelis F, Faure S, Martinez M, Prud’homme JF, Fritz P, Dib C, et al. 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