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Purity in God’s Word!. What is purity?. Matt. 5:8 , “ Blessed are the pure in heart .” Pure from Greek, καθαρός ( katharos ) which means, “pertaining to being ritually clean or pure.” (L&N, 53.29) One acceptable to God or good in His eyes. What is purity?.
What is purity? • Matt. 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart.” • Pure from Greek, καθαρός (katharos) which means, “pertaining to being ritually clean or pure.” (L&N, 53.29) • One acceptable to God or good in His eyes.
What is purity? • καθαρός (katharos) Vines, “Free from impure admixture, without blemish, spotless…ethically, with the significance of being free from corrupt desire, from guilt.”
Purity in the Bible • καθαρός (katharos) • Physically – clean, Matt. 23:26 (clean dish), 27:59 (clean linen) 3:7 • John 13:10-11 Jesus washes disciples feed, uses “clean” 3 times – a transition from physical to spiritual.
Purity in the Bible • καθαρός (katharos) • Acts 18:6, “I am clean.” • Acts 20:26, “I am innocent of the blood of all men.” • 1 Tim. 3:9, “with a pure conscience” • Titus 1:15, “to the pure all things are pure…”
Purity in the Bible • καθαρός (katharos) • Heb. 10:22, “Our bodies washed with pure water.” • James 1:27, “Pure and undefiled religion.”
Purity in the Bible • ἁγνός(Hagnos) • “Pertaining to being without moral defect or blemish and hence pure.” (L&N 88.28) • 2 Cor. 7:11, “you proved yourself clear...”
Purity in the Bible • ἁγνός(Hagnos) • 2 Cor. 11:2, “that I may present you to Christ a chaste virgin…” • Phil. 4:8, “whatever things are pure…think on these things.”
Purity in the Bible • ἁγνός(Hagnos) • 1 Tim. 5:22, “…keep yourself pure.” • 1 Pet. 3:2 “when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied with fear.”
Purity in the Bible • ἁγνός(Hagnos) • Jas. 3:17, “Wisdom from above is first pure...” • James 4:8 “Cleanse your hands you sinners; and purify your hearts.”
Purity in the Bible • ἁγνός(Hagnos) • 1 Pet. 1:22, “Since you have purified your souls…” • 1 John 3:3 “and everyone who has this hope purifies himself, just as He is pure.”
Purity in the Bible • Εἰλικρινής(Elikrines) Unmixed! Pure motives • 2 Pet. 3:1 “stir up your pure minds.” • ἄδολος(Adolos) – sincere, without guile.1 Pet. 2:2 “pure milk of the word”
Purity in the Bible • Summary, purity is something that is undiluted and unpolluted.
What is a pure heart? • A pure heart is the inner person (will, emotions and attitude) that is unpolluted and undiluted in its loyalty to God.
What is a pure heart? • One cannot purify himself of sin, he must take the necessary steps to have his sins washed away (cf. Ac 22:16)
What is a pure heart? • Not only does it involve good conduct (actions), but it is accompanied by clean and proper motives.1 Pet. 1:222 Tim. 2:221 Tim. 1:5
What is a pure heart? • A pure heart lives to serve God! • He is motivated by his relationship with God – cf. 2 Tim. 2:22 • He will keep God’s moral laws as well as His commands!
What is a pure heart? • A pure heart serves God! • Realization the body is the temple of God – 1 Cor. 6:19, Rom. 8:9, Jn. 14:23 • We seek to keep His “house” clean – Psa. 24:3-4, 140:13
What is a pure heart? • A pure heart serves God! • He will sanctify himself before God – 1 Pet. 3:15 • He will be putting God first – Matt. 6:33, cf. Matt 6:24, Lk. 8:14, Jas. 4:4
What is a pure heart? • A pure heart seeks to keep itself pure • What we do proceeds from the heart – Matt. 15:16-20, • Jn. 3:19-21 – darkness vs. lightAre we allowing light or darkness into our hearts? • Thought: Do we WANT the wrong things?
What is a pure heart? • A pure heart is not afraid to be examined • 2 Cor. 6:11, a heart wide open • 2 Cor. 13:5 – Are we AFRAID to examine ourselves?
What is a pure heart? • Examining the heart! • We ought to welcome examination if it promotes improvement! Psa. 26:2-5, cf. Acts 25:11, Jn. 8:46 • AM I ready to stand before God right now?
What is a pure heart? • A pure heart has no ulterior motives • Jas. 4:7-8 speaks of the double-minded man. • When our motives are pure, we have nothing to fear.
CHALLENGE: This week take some time to HONESTLY examine the motives behind your conduct. Would you want God to audit your life right now? IF not, you have work to do!