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1. The Ohio State UniversityDepartment of Family MedicineKey Results Areas (KRAs) 2010-11 Updates as of 10/17/11
2. Number of Departmental Faculty
3. Retention of Department Faculty
4. Medical Student Interest Programs
5. Resident Satisfaction(Note: Insufficient data in 2001-02, 2008-09,and 2009-10 to plot.)
6. Fellow Satisfaction
7. % Physicians NCQA Certified: Diabetes & Back Pain
8. Pay for Performance: Medicare(Note: Began 7/1/07; data available each November.)
9. High-Impact Journal Publications
10. % of Medical Students Matching in Family Medicine Residencies
11. % of Ohio State Family Medicine Residency Positions Filled in Match
12. Length of Stay: Days
13. RVU Production @ 75% of MGMA
14. Research Award $ per Regular Faculty Member (OSURF Grants)
20. ACGME-Accredited Residency/Fellowship Programs
21. Loss per Physician FTE
22. Reserves
23. % Research Expense Funded: Dedicated FTE (OSURF and Endowment)
24. Clinical Trials Revenue
25. Endowment Principal
26. Endowment Income/Development Funds
27. Overall Patient Satisfaction: Primary Care Network(Note: Vendor change in 2008-09; cannot compare to previous years because of different scoring mechanism.)
28. USN&WR Family Medicine Ranking(Lower Ranking is Better)
29. USN&WR COM Primary Care Ranking(Lower Ranking is Better)
30. In-Patient Admissions
31. Out-Patient Visits
32. Research Awards(OSURF Grant Projects: PI/CO-PI, Expenditure Allocations, & Deposits)
33. OSURF Applications Submitted
34. OSURF Applications – Funded/Non-Funded (Note: Data always one year in arrears)
35. OSURF - Funded Projects With FTE Support and/or Other Designed Role
36. Research $ Awarded (OSURF)
37. CME Programs
38. Number of Fellows in ACGME-Accredited Fellowships