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Contemporary Leadership: Skills, Culture, Innovation & Change

Explore modern leadership practices focusing on management of culture, strategic direction, change management, innovation, data-driven decision-making, and key leadership characteristics. Learn how to reinforce a positive organizational culture, embrace innovative practices, and effectively use data for progress.

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Contemporary Leadership: Skills, Culture, Innovation & Change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are aleader.” John QuincyAdams

  2. SessionOutline • Exploration of contemporary leadership practices...the skills needed to be successful intoday'stimes. Manyskills are needed: here are five thatstand out. • Management ofculture • Strategicdirection • Changemanagement • Innovation • Using data for decisionmaking • We will also focus on leadership characteristics thatcause leaders to beunsuccessful.

  3. culturalcompetence

  4. People want to work at your agency because of theculture Trust inleadership Top Leaders Are Not Insecure About Other LeadersSucceeding Gossip isminimal Lateral Leadership Is effective:boundaryless It’s Not Just A Job Looking out for the greatergood Opportunity forcollaboration Fear IsMissing Communication Is thoughtful and in alldirections Change IsWelcome

  5. Reinforcement ofCulture • Measurement of currentculture • Organizational Culture Inventory by HumanSynergistics, as anexample • Aspirations for desiredculture • Alignment of systems to reinforceculture • Role ofvalues 0 J.y- rni; :i:i .c bel1• e.fs . o1r s 1 attitudes ..· c o l lec ,!v1 e b av org an1zat11 onala. lumid us 1 goats (: e-xecut1on o. f work •culture eth ic s va lue s O WDrlklng 11" 11 11a II' It eS _ . m bol.! - V)i n certtivesystems]commun1cat1on .> cl.SSUmptiolilS

  6. Tracking AssessmentFramework Are the purpose, direction and approach defined anddocumented 1. clearly? Is the purpose understood byemployees? 2. 3. Have you engaged individual or employee groups who caninfluence theoutcome? 4. Have you acknowledged their input andideas? 5. Are needed financial, human, technical resources inplace? Is a strong and effective team ready to lead and guide theprocess? 6. 7. Do systems and processes support thechange? Are leaders at all levels of the organization involved andcommitted? 8. Do those affected by change have access to information and a wayof providing ongoing input andfeedback? Are systems in place to assessprogress?

  7. Every organization needsone core competence:innovation. PeterDrucker

  8. Open Innovation BestPractice Companies Strategy Process • Targeted, needsbased • Integrate and align open innovation processeswith • relevantprocesses • Enhance broad andspecific scouting of newideas • Measurement • Develop compellingmeasures • Change management to drive commitment • Partner broadly internallyand externally • Build and managekey relationships Roles • Establish a championgroup • Seek team memberswith specialized skills 22

  9. DataUse • Significant improvements in the use of data, but a long way togo • Significant pain point foragencies • Technology to support better data analysis is growing exponentially • Challengesexist : -Skillsets -Scattered data -Informationsilos -Inflexible financial and budgetingsystems -On-premisesoftware

  10. I Li.feis\ki und.erweo:r, changei&ood..

  11. Barbara@hellerheller.com

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