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Title IA Set-Aside Funds: The National Perspective Christina Dukes National Center for Homeless Education cdukes@serve.org. Session Outline. Become familiar with important advanced homeless education concepts Eligibility Unaccompanied Youth Transportation Title IA IDEA
Title IA Set-Aside Funds:The National PerspectiveChristina DukesNational Center for Homeless Educationcdukes@serve.org
Session Outline • Become familiar with important advanced homeless education concepts • Eligibility • Unaccompanied Youth • Transportation • Title IA • IDEA • Learn good practices and implementation strategies by networking with colleagues
Title I: Useful Resources • NCHE Information by Topic: www.serve.org/nche/ibt/sc_titlei.php • NCHE Related Legislation Webpage: www.serve.org/nche/legis_other.php (including new Title IA ARRA Guidance)
Title I: The Basics • Title IA of NCLB requires districts to set aside Title IA funds to be used to serve homeless students • Homeless students are automatically eligible for Title IA services, even if they don’t live in a Title IA school attendance area or meet the academic standards required of other students for eligibility • Homeless students can receive support from Title IA school-wide programs or targeted-assistance programs • Homeless students are eligible to receive Title IA support for the rest of any academic year in which they become permanently housed • State and local Title IA plans must describe coordination between Title IA and McKinney-Vento
Federal law does not give any set method for determining the set-aside; some suggested methods include: Project for next year based on this year’s numbers and any anticipated new needs or change in the homeless population Multiply the # of homeless students by the Title IA per pupil allocation Match your McKinney-Vento subgrant Reserve a % of your Title IA funds based on your district’s poverty level Title I: Calculating the Set-Aside
Title I: Usage of Funds • Set-aside funds can be used to provide: • Services to homeless students attending Title IA or non-Title IA schools that are comparable to those provided to non-homeless students in Title I schools • Services to homeless students that are not ordinarily provided to other Title I students and that are not available from other sources, according to the need of the homeless student (e.g. comparable may not mean identical) • Title I funds should be used to support the student in meeting the state’s academic standards
Title I: Permissible Usages of Funds • Tutoring (including in shelters, motels, and other places where homeless students live) • School uniforms (if not available from other sources) • Transportation to participate in afterschool activities • Health, nutrition, and other social services, if not available from any other source (including basic medical equipment, such as eyeglasses and/or hearing aids)
Title I: Permissible Usages of Funds*New ARRA Guidance* • Title IA set-aside funds should be used only to the extent that services and supports are not available from other sources • LEA may use Title IA ARRA funds to provide, where appropriate, items or services including, but not limited to— • Items of clothing, particularly if necessary to meet a school’s dress or uniform requirement • Clothing and shoes necessary to participate in physical education classes • Student fees that are necessary to participate in the general education program • Personal school supplies such as backpacks and notebooks • Birth certificates necessary to enroll in school • Immunizations • Food
Title I: Permissible Usages of Funds • Medical and dental services • Eyeglasses and hearing aids • Counseling services to address anxiety related to homelessness that is impeding learning • Outreach services to students living in shelters, motels, and other temporary residences • Extended learning time (before and after school, Saturday classes, summer school) to compensate for lack of quiet time for homework in shelters or other overcrowded living conditions • Tutoring services • Parental involvement specifically oriented to reaching out to parents of homeless students • Fees for AP and IB testing • Fees for SAT/ACT testing • GED testing for school-age students • Supporting the position of the local liaison
Title I: Prohibited Usages of Funds • Transportation to/from the school of origin for the regular school day • Rent • Utilities • Clothing for parents