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Agricultural Sector Management Information System (MIS) Standard Operating Procedures

Agricultural Sector Management Information System (MIS) Standard Operating Procedures. Presentation for ASWG meeting 16 May, 2019. Outlines of the Presentation. Management Information System (MIS) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Plan MIS. The Management Information System (MIS).

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Agricultural Sector Management Information System (MIS) Standard Operating Procedures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agricultural Sector Management Information System (MIS) Standard Operating Procedures Presentation for ASWG meeting 16 May, 2019

  2. Outlines of the Presentation • Management Information System (MIS) • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) • Plan MIS

  3. The Management Information System (MIS)

  4. Purpose of the MIS for the Agricultural Sector • Facilitate planning and managementof the agricultural sector - timely provision of accurate information • Monitor implementation of PSTA 4, Annual plans and Imihigo • Increase transparency of agricultural data at all administrative levels (aggregated data can be traced back to the source, i.e. district, sector or even cell or village in the future) • Easy generation of agricultural data reports (from single database) • Secure and easy handling of large quantities of agricultural data MIS is based on District Health Information System 2(DHIS2) open source platform used in over 100 countries  sustainable and flexible– no need for programming (indicators, users, data entry forms, reports etc. can be designed by system administrator). Since August 2016 supported by Agri-TAF (DFID) until December 2019

  5. Main features of the MIS • Security and user rights - Each user has specific rights for accessing certain functions of the MIS. Sector staff can only enter data for their own sector. The system is stored at the National Data Centre (NDC). • Data entry, validation and approval. User friendly data entry forms are designed for users at sector, district and national level, including INGOs. • Dashboards and reporting facilities. Very powerful dashboards and reporting facilities are included that are customised for each user.

  6. Status of MIS • MIS fully operational & recognised– source for monitoring performance contracts (District, MINAGRI, Joint imihigo), annual plans and INGO performance. 200+ indicators. • All data entered monthly at sector level using Android application (tablets or smart phones) or computer. • Capacity built of district and sector staff and institutions. Each quarter some districts (sectors) visited and trained. • SOP and detailed user manuals developed & validated. Initial agreements with MINALOC, MINECOFIN, NSIR on indicators and SOP. • Quality assurance mechanisms built: uploading of supportive documents (Girinka), automatic validation of records (detecting outlayers).

  7. Main focus areas (District indicators summary)

  8. Main focus areas (RAB indicators summary)

  9. Main focus areas (MINAGRI, NAEB, NISR indicators summary) MINAGRI NAEB (other than data provided by districts): NISR (Official data derived from SAS)

  10. ‘Previous’ reporting systems field data MINE COFIN MINAGRI REPORTS NATIONAL LEVEL MINALOC RAB NATIONAL NAEB NATIONAL SPIUs NAEB MIS Ag. MIS RAB STATIONS SMART Nkun. Issues: Parallel reporting, inconsistencies of reported data Duplication of MIS systems Quality of data Focal Points Cash Crop Officers District Sector Cell FPs FFS Farmers

  11. All routine monitoring data reported through MIS MINE COFIN MINAGRI NATIONAL LEVEL MINALOC NAEB NATIONAL RAB NATIONAL SPIUs NAEB MIS Ag. MIS NISR • Proposal: • No parallel reports, all institutions report through MIS • Districts use MIS for their reports to MINALOC • MINALOC, MINECOFIN, NISR use MIS • Import data from other systems (SMART Nkunganire; NISR SAS) Future SMART Nkun. RAB STATIONS MINAGRI DASI Cash Crop Officers District Sector Cell FPs FFS Fac. Farmers

  12. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

  13. Challenges • SOP in place but not (yet) fully institutionalised: • Data quality, some indicators reported by sectors. Reasons: • Insufficient consultation/validation of data: District staff do not adequately consult/validate MIS data provided by sectors; • Data collection methods: some data based on estimates, difficult to measure (area cultivated/crop, area progressive terraces, number of cattle vaccinated, etc.) • Few delayed reports provided by sectors • Parallel reporting: district separate reports to MINALOC and MINAGRI; & RAB weekly reports  different data • Capacity/resources to manage system – Agri-TAF ends in 2019

  14. Purpose of SOP • SOP set clear procedures for the use of the MIS and responsibilities of the various stakeholders: • Role of each user with respect to access rights (who can use what functions), data entry, data validation and approval, analysis and report generation. • Timing of activities – what data should be reported monthly, quarterly, seasonally and annually - at what dates and by whom. • Quality standards – instructions on how data must be collected and reported. • Purpose SOP: to ensure that compliance standards are met and that it is clear who is accountable for certain data and activities. • The SOP describes the validation and approval process

  15. Roles MINAGRI and agencies

  16. Roles Decentralised level

  17. Roles Other Institutions

  18. Time of reporting and validation

  19. MIS Plan

  20. MIS Plan for next 2 years • Support the full implementation of the SOP • Address data quality issues • Configure the MIS for new data requirements 2019/20 plans, etc. • Integrate and support the development of new modules (NGOs, MCCs, FP mobile phone, Coops, Projects, Surveys, other demands) – some in progress already • Integrate with other systems: Data warehouse (link up with ALIS and other apps), Satellite crop monitoring, LODA, Smart Nkunganire, Farmer registration application, Livestock insurance application, other. • Create customised dashboards & HTML reports for management • Capacity building and coaching of all users & provide TA

  21. Satellite Crop Monitoring status • End of June: • Scaled up at country level • Detailed land use 20x20 m • Agric. Production assessment every 10 days • Analysis functions and interactive maps

  22. Thank you

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