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Management Information System

Management Information System. Lecture Notes for Business Introduction By Fahmy Radhi. Management Information System (MIS). Interrelated components that collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision making and Problem Solving

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Management Information System

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  1. Management Information System Lecture Notes for Business Introduction By Fahmy Radhi

  2. Management Information System (MIS) • Interrelated components that collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision making and Problem Solving • Information that rely on computer hardware and software for processing and disseminating information

  3. Information System within an Organization

  4. Functions of an Information System

  5. Functions of an Information System • Input – the collection of raw data for processing information system • Processing – the conversion of data into information for more meaningful • Output – the distribution of processed information • Feedback – output that is returned to help evaluate or correct input

  6. MIS Activities • MIS is activities to manage information for problem solving and decision making in an entity by managed the following activities: • Acquiring information by gathering data and processed the data to be the valuable information efficiently • Using the information in the most effective way • Discarding the information at the proper time

  7. Differences between Data and Information • Data consists of facts and figures that are relatively meaningless to user. E.g. the number of hours worked for each employee in the company • Information is processed data that are more meaningfully. E.g. the hours works for each employee multiplied by the hourly rate, the out put information is the gross earning

  8. Skills required in MIS • Computer literacy • understanding of computer terminology • a recognition of the strength and weakness of the computer • an ability to use the computer • Information literacy • Understanding how to use information at each step of problem solving process • Understanding where information can be obtained • Understanding how to share information with other

  9. Computer-based information Subsystem • Electronic data processing (EDP) – produces some information as by product of the accounting process called Accounting Information System (AIS) • Management information system (MIS) – the computer application should be implemented for the primary purpose of producing management information.

  10. Computer-based information Subsystem • Decision support system (DDS) – an information producing system aimed at a particular problem that a manager must solve and decision. • Office automation (OA) – facilities of computer and communication that increase productivities for manager and office worker in conducting their activities • Expert System (ES) – computer application that can be used by managers in problem solving and decision making

  11. Computer-based information Subsystem

  12. Functional Information Subsystem • Human Resources Information System • Manufacturing Information System • Manufacturing Intelligence Subsystem • Industrial Engineering Subsystem • Financial Information System • Marketing Information System • Marketing Research Subsystem • Marketing Intelligence Subsystem

  13. Main Reason interest in MIS • Increasing Complexity of Business Activities influenced by: • International economic • Worldwide Competition • Increasing complexity of Technology • Shrinking time frames • Improving rapidly Computer Capabilities

  14. Information Specialists • System analyst is an expert who works with user in developing system at defining problems and in preparing written documentation of how the computer will assist in solving the problem. • Database administrator works with user and system analyst in creating the data needed to produce the information needed by users

  15. Information Specialists • Network specialist works with user and system analyst in establishing the data communication network that ties together widespread computing resources • Programmers use the documentation prepared by the system analyst to create the software program that lead the computer to transform data into information needed by users • Operators operates the computing equipment and using software program

  16. Information Specialists

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