Christian Books: The right Approach to Understand More about the Existence of Christianity In the past a few years, many books with Christian bases, both fiction as well as non-fiction, have identified a place on bestseller lists. That Christian books have turn out to be so trendy is the result of a change in tradition; many of men and women have begun to appreciate the history and teachings of Christianity possibly if they do not subscribe to the religion themselves. A major problem comes up, however, when believing Christians are unable to differentiate between fictional novels that contain some Christian facts and books that are entirely non-fiction. With the hype that generally surrounds fictional bestsellers, it is common for readers to believe that books, such as "The Advance Code" are based solely in fact. If a Christian who is not well-schooled in his or her religion believes the entirety of a fictional text is truth, they may ultimately unwittingly hold fictional information as a religious tenet. The powerful influence of these books causes some questions to naturally come up. Why, for example, have Christians lacked an education in the history of their religion?
It is quite apparent that Christianity in the modern world is facing some difficulties. The rest of this article will look at two specific issues facing contemporary Christians. Both of these major issues lie within Christianity itself. This internal issue is twofold. Modern Christians are suffering both from a dearth of fellowship with other Christians, and insufficient knowledge of the Bible and Christian history.
In the Christian religion, the Bible is thought to be God's Word, and it functions as the basis for all Christian teachings and tenets. Less than half of self-proclaimed Christians, some market research has found, read and study the Bible even once each month. This lack of Biblical study results in Christians forgetting even some basic scriptures and stories. This issue gives rise a very valid point. If Christians are not spending time in the Word, they will lack any basis to determine Biblical truth in other areas, such as secular texts. It is vital that top christian books spend time in fellowship with other believers, as this will encourage their faith and allow them to discuss issues central to Christianity. In the same market research study previously discussed, it was found that less than 30% of Christians who regularly attend a church service also attend Sunday school. This poses a problem since Sunday school is a primary means of Christian fellowship. Christians make an effort to spend time praying about these issues both alone and with other Christians. As these issues abate, the one new man Christian community should become stronger and more effective at sharing Christianity with the world.