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These are two interchangeable terms for the hormone that is secreted from<br>the adrenal gland when our body perceives a threat. It is responsible for the u201cfight or flightu201d<br>reaction. Epinephrine activates the bodyu2019s energy reserves thus keeping us safe by allowing<br>us to fight for survival, or to flee from dangerous situations. It causes increased heart rate;<br>blood pressure and blood flow to the brain, muscles, lungs and heart. Unfortunately the<br>body produces the same response to real physical threat & mental or emotional stress.<br>After an extended stressful time the adrenal glands, and epinephrine

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  1. Epinephrine These are two interchangeable terms for the hormone that is secreted from the adrenal gland when our body perceives a threat. It is responsible for the “fight or flight” reaction. Epinephrine activates the body’s energy reserves thus keeping us safe by allowing us to fight for survival, or to flee from dangerous situations. It causes increased heart rate; blood pressure and blood flow to the brain, muscles, lungs and heart. Unfortunately the body produces the same response to real physical threat & mental or emotional stress. After an extended stressful time the adrenal glands, and epinephrine becomes depleted and an individuals shows signs of adrenal fatigue. They become worn out and unable to respond mentally, emotionally and physically to situations where quick, efficient action is required. This situation is common in today’s society where everything needed to be done yesterday and we feel as though we are constantly on the go. Many people suffer from low energy, depression, anxiety, poor sleeping and eating patterns and hypertension, all common symptoms of adrenal depletion. To optimize levels of epinephrine in our body, and improve our response to stress, several supplements can be used. For specific information (dosing, safety issues, etc.) on each supplement follow the link. Direct stimulation of epinephrine, although not always beneficial to our health, is most commonly done with the herb Ephedra. The active ingredients in ephedra are ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, alkaloids that stimulate the nervous system in the same way that epinephrine does. Medicinally ephedra is used for asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies, coughs and colds. By increasing the body’s metabolic rate and decreasing appetite, ephedra is an aid to weight loss and athletic performance. Vitamins and minerals can be taken that support the production of hormones in the adrenal gland, thus allowing the body to rebuild its levels of epinephrine at its own pace. For example, the B vitamins, especially B5, vitamin C and zinc are found in large amounts in the adrenal gland and help it to function efficiently. Adaptogenic herbs help people during stressful times and recovery from illness and fatigue. They do this by mimicking the structure of the body’s own hormones, increasing cellular repair, improving immune functioning and regulating blood sugar and brain chemicals. Many different herbs and mushrooms are used for this purpose including the ginsengs, astragalus, licorice, shiitake and maitake.

  2. 2 Nutritional Information Epinephrine– Quick Facts Source · Adrenal Gland. Deficiency Symptoms · Inability To Adapt To Stress, Low Energy, Depression, Anxiety, Poor Sleeping And Eating Patterns And Hypertension. Supplements · Ephedra, B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Zinc, The Ginsengs, Astragalus, Licorice, Shiitake And Maitake. Important Information Click For Products · Depletion Of Epinephrine Is Usually A Sign Of Depletion Of The Entire Adrenal Gland And Its Hormones. · Lifestyle Changes, Including Stress Reduction, Are Also Important For Supporting Epinephrine Production.

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