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Heavy metal toxicity is more common than you might expect, especially from mercury. Regular detoxification with cleansing programs and daily use of the right supplements can help your body to stay free of toxins...<br>
Heavy Metal Detox Heavy metal toxicity is more common than you might expect, especially from mercury. Regular detoxification with cleansing programs and daily use of the right supplements can help your body to stay free of toxins... Often overlooked, Mercury toxicity can play a large role in the development of common disorders. Sub- clinical mercury toxicity occurs when there is enough mercury in the body to aggravate a number of symptoms or other disorders, but not identifiably high enough to meet the clinical definition of toxicity by this heavy metal. Complicating matters further for the treatment of moderate mercury toxicity is that different people will generally tolerate different levels of mercury in their bodies. Common health concerns aggravated by even moderate levels of mercury include: candida, allergies, MS, Lupus, adrenal stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue, leaky gut and others. Mercury is a highly toxic substance that is found throughout our environment. We take in small amounts of the metal from our water and food supply, especially when we eat fish. Everyday products like cosmetics, fabric softeners, batteries, plastics and paints also contain trace amounts. The prime source of mercury exposure is through mercury dental fillings. Mercury particles released from the amalgams enter the blood stream slowly on a daily basis gradually over time and get stored in tissues, where they begin to have a negative effect on different bodily functions. Mercury goes into the central nervous system and brain where it tends to deposit in the pain center. It can also cause kidney, cardiac and respiratory problems. Significant amounts of mercury in the body have been known to cause asthma, arthritis, depression, hyperactivity, dermatitis, dizziness, fatigue, gum disease, hair loss, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, headaches, slurred speech, memory loss, muscle weakness and increased salivation. Mercury detoxification involves dietary, supplemental and physical interventions. It focuses on ways to safely move the mercury out of storage, through the circulation and out of the body. It is essential that the main organs of detoxification, the liver, kidneys and bowels are working properly so that the mercury does not redeposit in other areas. For information on general detoxification see the article titled, Detoxification. Once the body is functioning optimally it is time to remove mercury from the system. Removal of mercury amalgams should be done by a dentist with specialty in the area. This will ensure that steps are taken to prevent more mercury from going into the body during the removal process. They will also offer guidance on how many should be taken out at one session, the length of time between sessions and what type of filling should replace the amalgams. Chelation therapy is an intravenous process that can be used to remove mercury, and other heavy metals, from the system. Contact a health care professional who does chelation therapy to discuss if this is an option for you. A number of different nutritional supplements can provide support if you suspect mercury is having a negative effect on your health. NAC. This amino acid has a potent chelating effect on all heavy metals, including mercury. Chelation occurs when the metal is bound to an acid (in this case an amino acid). This allows the mercury to be pulled out of the tissues and then excreted during the natural processes of elimination. NAC is generally tolerated well by most people and does not usually cause any of the typical symptoms associated with detoxification. In fact, it can be used when mercury fillings are being removed to help prevent re-absorption of the mercury released during the process of removal. NAC also helps to cleanse the liver which can make it easier for it to detoxify the body and deal with toxins like heavy metals easier. NAC is also used by the body to manufacture another amino acid, glutathione, which plays a very important role in detoxifying chemical pollutants in the body. People with mercury toxicity
are often deficient in glutathione because mercury interferes with its activity. Glutathione can be taken as a separate supplement, but because of its molecular structure and poor absorption, taking NAC has been proven to raise blood levels higher than taking actual glutathione itself. VITAMIN E and SELENIUM. These two nutrients are potent antioxidants that work together to fight the effects of mercury toxicity. They help the body manufacture an enzyme (glutathione peroxidase) that enables the body to deal with toxins like heavy metals effectively. Higher levels of mercury increase the body’s need for this important enzyme which it quickly depletes. ANTIOXIDANTS, ESPECIALLY FOR THE BRAIN. Mercury causes an incredibly high amount of free radical damage to the body, in particular to the brain and nervous tissues. This is partly why people with mercury toxicity often feel depressed, have trouble concentrating, and feel fatigued. Not all antioxidants can easily permeate the protective membranes that surround the brain, two in particular that can are grape seed extract and ginkgo biloba. Both contain active nutrients called polyphenols which are much stronger in their free radical quenching effect that either vitamin C or beta carotene. While these others are necessary for other functions in the body (including the detoxification of mercury), ginkgo and grape seed, because of their affinity for the brain are more effective in this respect. Other antioxidants that can be used to support mercury detoxification and during mercury amalgam removal are: alpha lipoic acid, methionine, zinc, carotenoids, pycnogenol, chlorella, and green tea. DETOX SUPPLEMENTS like milk thistle, dandelion, garlic, burdock, fibre, and oxygen supplements can offer support for mercury detoxification in a secondary way because they all support different organs or systems involved in the general processes of elimination and detoxification in the body. Milk thistle supports the liver, dandelion the kidneys and urinary tract, garlic and burdock the blood, and fibre the intestines. Because these organs and systems are stressed further during mercury detoxification, it is important that they be supported as much as possible to prevent re-absorp-tion of the mercury or other toxins. Eat the following foods to help the body process mercury, sulphur-containing foods (beans, onions and garlic), fibre (oat bran and apple pectin), cilantro, fresh fruits and vegetables. Alfalfa sprouts contain nutrients that help the body eliminate toxins. Drink 2L of steam distilled water daily. Eat fish in moderation. The fatty tissue contains most of the toxins so always broil fish to remove as much fat as possible. Avoid packaged or fast foods, coffee, black tea, chocolate, alcohol, white sugar, salt, condiments, tobacco, dairy products, fried food, preservatives and artificial sweeteners. To help your body eliminate toxins, there are some changes you can make and activities you can do. Increase circulation by performing regular, moderate exercise. Overall stress levels should be reduced to free up your detox organs to remove toxins. Another way to stimulate circulation as well as the immune system is to brush your skin with a fibre brush toward your heart. Hydrotherapy will strengthen your immune system and help to remove toxins; alternate hot and cold water a few times at the end of your shower for 30-60 seconds. If you will be using a sauna to increase detoxification, be sure to increase fluid intake so as to avoid dehydration. What you can do to help maintain Heavy Metal Detox : TAKE A CHELATING SUPPLEMENT LIKE NAC TO HELP REMOVE LEAD & MERCURY. TALK WITH YOUR DENTIST ABOUT HAVING AMALGAM FILLINGS REMOVED. CONSIDER I.V. CHELATION; DISCUSS IT WITH YOUR PRACTITIONER. SUPPORT YOUR BODY WITH IMPORTANT ANTIOXIDANT NUTRIENTS. (SEE LIST BELOW). IMPROVE YOUR BODY'S ABILITY TO REMOVE TOXINS WITH HERBS LIKE MILK THISTLE, DANDELION, BURDOCK, AND OTHERS. EAT PLENTY OF FRESH VEGETABLES. DO NOT CONSUME CAFFEINATED OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. TAKE SAUNAS; THEY ASSIST IN THE DETOXIFICATION PROCESS. HEAVY METAL DETOX QUICK FACTS MERCURY TOXICITY IS OFTEN MISDIAGNOSED AS DEPRESSION. MERCURY FILLINGS HAVE BEEN BANNED IN SWEDEN AND SEVERAL OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. DENTISTS HAVE A GREATER INCIDENCE OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND SUICIDE THAN OTHER PROFESSIONS. Nutritional Information Therapeutic Effect Supplement Dosage Glutathione + L-Cysteine (Nac) As Directed, On An Empty Stomach With Water Or Juice Only. 500mg Nac Twice Daily. Liver Supporting Nutrients That Are Part Of The Detoxification Of Heavy Metals. Selenium 200mcg Daily Neutralizes The Toxic Effects Of Mercury. Vitamin E 400-800iu Daily Helps Selenium Work More Effectively. Protects The Cells From Free Radical Damage. Milk Thistle 500-1000mg Daily Supports Liver Function. Helps Remove Toxins From
Therapeutic Effect Supplement Dosage The Body. Alpha Lipoic Acid 250-500mg Daily Helps To Remove Heavy Metals From The Body. A Potent Dual Solubility Antioxidant. Grape Seed Extract 100-200mg Daily A Potent Antioxidant That Helps To Quench Free Radicals, Especially In The Brain. Ginkgo Biloba 60-120mg Twice Daily Supports Brain Function. A Potent Antioxidant That Helps To Quench Free Radicals, Especially In The Brain. Fiber As Directed Needed For The Effective Elimination Of Toxins From The Intestines Burdock, Red Clover As Directed Herbs That Help To Remove Toxins From The Blood. Garlic As Directed Boosts The Immune System, Which Can Often Be Depressed In Someone With Excess Mercury. A Blood Purifier. Lecithin 1-2 Tablespoons Twice Daily Helps To Protect Nerve Cells And The Brain From The Damage Mercury Can Cause. Beta Carotene + Mixed Carotenoids 25 000iu Potent Antioxidants. Vitamin B Complex 100mg Twice Daily Used In The Detoxification Pathways. Supports The Brain And Nervous System. Buffered Vitamin C With Bioflavinoids 4000-10000mg Daily Helps Remove Heavy Metals From The Body. Strengthens The Immune System. Also Beneficial For Supporting Heavy Metal Detoxification: Multivitamins, Vitamin A, Apple Pectin, Garlic, Kelp, Lecithin, Cilantro And Chlorella. For Informational Purposes Only. Please Consult Your Health Care Practitioner Before Taking Natural Health Care Products. Click Here For Full Disclaimer.