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Get Ready for A & P!. Genetics, Genetic Abnormalities & Bioethics. Early Ideas about Heredity . People knew that sperm and eggs transmitted information about traits Blending theory - traits blended Problem: Would expect variation to disappear However, variation in traits persists.
Get Ready for A & P! Genetics, Genetic Abnormalities & Bioethics
Early Ideas about Heredity • People knew that sperm and eggs transmitted information about traits • Blending theory - traits blended • Problem: • Would expect variation to disappear • However, variation in traits persists
Gregor Mendel • The founder of modern genetics Fig. 11-2, p.170
Gregor Mendel • Strong background in plant breeding and mathematics • Using pea plants, found indirect but observable evidence of how parents transmit genes to offspring
Genes • Units of information about specific traits • Passed from parents to offspring • Each has a specific location (locus) on a chromosome
Alleles • Different molecular forms of a gene • Arise by mutation • Dominant allele masks a recessive allele that is paired with it
Allele Combinations • Homozygous • having two identical alleles at a locus • AA or aa • Heterozygous • having two different alleles at a locus • Aa
A pair of homologous chromosomes, each in the unduplicated state (most often, one from a male parent and its partner from a female parent) A gene locus (plural, loci), the location for a specific gene on a chromosome. Alleles are at corresponding loci on a pair of homologous chromosomes A pair of alleles may be identical or nonidentical. They are represented in the text by letters such as D or d Three pairs of genes (at three loci on this pair of homologous chromosomes); same thing as three pairs of alleles Fig. 11-4, p.171
Genotype & Phenotype • Genotype refers to particular genes an individual carries • Phenotype refers to an individual’s observable traits • Cannot always determine genotype by observing phenotype • 3 major genotypes : homozygous dominant (AA) homozygous recessive (aa) heterozygous (Aa)
Tracking Generations • Parental generation P mates to produce • First-generation offspring F1 mate to produce • Second-generation offspring F2
Monohybrid Crosses Experimental intercross between two F1 heterozygotes AA X aa Aa (F1 monohybrids) Aa X Aa ?
Mendel’s Monohybrid Cross Results 5,474 round 1,850 wrinkled 6,022 yellow 2,001 green 882 inflated 299 wrinkled 428 green 152 yellow F2 plants showed dominant-to-recessive ratio that averaged 3:1 705 purple 224 white 651 long stem 207 at tip 787 tall 277 dwarf Fig. 11-6, p. 172
Trait Studied Dominant Form Recessive Form F2 Dominant-to- Recessive Ratio SEED SHAPE 5,474 round 1,850 wrinkled 2.96:1 SEED COLOR 6,022 yellow 2,001 green 3.01:1 POD SHAPE 882 inflated 299 wrinkled 2.95:1 POD COLOR 428 green 152 yellow 2.82:1 FLOWER COLOR 705 purple 224 white 3.15:1 FLOWER POSITION 651 long stem 207 at tip 3.14:1 STEM LENGTH 787 tall 277 dwarf 2.84:1 Fig. 11-6, p.172
Probability The chance that each outcome of a given event will occur is proportional to the number of ways that event can be reached
True-breeding homozygous recessive parent plant F1PHENOTYPES aa True-breeding homozygous dominant parent plant Aa Aa a a Aa Aa A AA A Aa Aa Aa Aa An F1 plant self-fertilizes and produces gametes: F2PHENOTYPES Aa AA Aa A a A AA Aa a Aa aa Aa aa Monohybrid CrossIllustrated Figure 11.7Page 173
Test Cross • Individual that shows dominant phenotype is crossed with individual with recessive phenotype • Examining offspring allows you to determine the genotype of the dominant individual
Punnett Squares of Test Crosses True-breeding homozygous recessive parent plant F1 PHENOTYPES aa True-breeding homozygous dominant parent plant Aa Aa a a Aa Aa A AA Aa Aa A Aa Aa Fig. 11-7b1, p.173
Punnett Squares of Test Crosses An F1 plant self-fertilizes and produces gametes: F2 PHENOTYPES Aa AA Aa A a AA Aa A Aa aa a Aa aa Fig. 11-7b2, p.173
Dihybrid Cross Experimental cross between individuals that are homozygous for different versions of two traits
Dihybrid Cross: F1 Results purple flowers, tall white flowers, dwarf TRUE- BREEDING PARENTS: AABB x aabb GAMETES: AB AB ab ab AaBb F1 HYBRID OFFSPRING: All purple-flowered, tall
Dihybrid Cross: F2 Results X AaBb AaBb 1/4 AB 1/4 Ab 1/4 aB 1/4 ab 9/16 purple-flowered, tall 1/4 AB 1/16 AABB 1/16 AABb 1/16 AaBB 1/16 AaBb 3/16 purple-flowered, dwarf 3/16 white-flowered, tall 1/16 AaBb 1/16 AAbb 1/16 Aabb 1/4 Ab 1/16 AABb 1/16 white-flowered, dwarf 1/16 AaBB 1/16 aaBB 1/16 aaBb 1/4 aB 1/16 AaBb 1/16 Aabb 1/16 aaBb 1/16 aabb 1/16 AaBb 1/4 ab
Dominance Relations Complete dominance Incomplete dominance Codominance
Incomplete Dominance Incomplete Dominance X Homozygous parent Homozygous parent All F1 are heterozygous X F2 shows three phenotypes in 1:2:1 ratio
Incomplete Dominance homozygous parent X homozygous parent All F1 offspring heterozygous for flower color: Cross two of the F1 plants and the F2 offspring will show three phenotypes in a 1:2:1 ratio: Fig. 11-11, p.176
Codominance: ABO Blood Types • Gene that controls ABO type codes for enzyme that dictates structure of a glycolipid on blood cells • Two alleles (IA and IB) are codominant when paired • Third allele (i) is recessive to others
ABO Blood Type Range of genotypes: IAIA IBIB or or IAi IAIB IBi ii Blood Types: A AB B O Fig. 11-10a, p.176
ABO and Transfusions • Recipient’s immune system will attack blood cells that have an unfamiliar glycolipid on surface • Type O is universal donor because it has neither type A nor type B glycolipid
Temperature Effects on Phenotype • Rabbit is homozygous for an allele that specifies a heat-sensitive version of an enzyme in melanin-producing pathway • Melanin is produced in cooler areas of body Figure 11.16Page 179
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance Patterns If parents are both heterozygous, child will have a 25% chance of being affected Fig. 12-10b, p. 191
Autosomal Dominant Inheritance Trait typically appears in every generation Fig. 12-10a, p. 190
Huntington Disorder Autosomal dominant allele Causes involuntary movements, nervous system deterioration, death Symptoms don’t usually show up until person is past age 30 People often pass allele on before they know they have it
Achondroplasia Autosomal dominant allele In homozygous form usually leads to stillbirth Heterozygotes display a type of dwarfism Have short arms and legs relative to other body parts
Autosomal Dominant Inheritance Fig. 12-5, p.190
Sex Chromosomes Discovered in late 1800s Mammals, fruit flies XX is female, XY is male In other groups XX is male, XY female Human X and Y chromosomes function as homologues during meiosis
The X Chromosome Carries more than 2,300 genes Most genes deal with nonsexual traits Genes on X chromosome can be expressed in both males and females
The Y Chromosome Fewer than two dozen genes identified One is the master gene for male sex determination SRY gene (sex-determining region of Y) SRY present, testes form SRY absent, ovaries form
Crossing Over • Each chromosome becomes zippered to its homologue • All four chromatids are closely aligned • Nonsister chromosomes exchange segments
Effect of Crossing Over After crossing over, each chromosome contains both maternal and paternal segments Creates new allele combinations in offspring
Crossover Frequency Proportional to the distance that separates genes A B C D Crossing over will disrupt linkage between A and B more often than C and D In-text figurePage 178
X-Linked Recessive Inheritance Males show disorder more than females Son cannot inherit disorder from his father Fig. 12-10, p.194
Examples of X-Linked Traits Color blindness Inability to distinguish among some of all colors Hemophilia Blood-clotting disorder 1/7,000 males has allele for hemophilia A Was common in European royal families
Color Blindness Fig. 12-12, p.195
Pedigree Symbols male female marriage/mating offspring in order of birth, from left to right Individual showing trait being studied sex not specified generation I, II, III, IV... Fig. 12-19a, p.200
Duplication Gene sequence that is repeated several to hundreds of times Duplications occur in normal chromosomes May have adaptive advantage Useful mutations may occur in copy
Duplication normal chromosome one segment repeated three repeats
Deletion Loss of some segment of a chromosome Most are lethal or cause serious disorder
Deletion Cri-du-chat Fig. 12-13, p.196
Inversion A linear stretch of DNA is reversed within the chromosome segments G, H, I become inverted In-text figurePage 196
Translocation A piece of one chromosome becomes attached to another nonhomologous chromosome Most are reciprocal Philadelphia chromosome arose from a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22