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  1. Last Name, First Name Hour: Name you would like to be called: ID # : Grade: Your E-mail address: 1. Find the seat with the index card with your name2. Fill out your index card with the information on the card below3. On the back of your card, please write THREE interesting facts about you that YOU WILL SHARE WITH THE CLASS

  2. Schedule Check • Please take out your schedule and make sure you are in the right class • Mrs. Dyke – AVID 9 – Rm. 1001

  3. Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: All signature forms due Friday Sign up for Remind by Friday Teacher Introduction Assignment Binder and Portfolio Materials will be due the SECOND Friday – August 1st Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 Today’s Agenda: AVID Overview Go Over Syllabus Get to know your classmates Objective: I will learn various skills and strategies that will help me become a more effective students. Essential Question: What skills do students need to develop to become better students?

  4. About me… • Mrs. Heather Dyke • This is my 19th year teaching • My 15th year at CHS • I started at Willis Jr. High • I have taught dance, PE, and health

  5. About me… (cont.) • I have been married to my husband, Scott, for 13 years • I have 2 boys • Shane is 8, he is a 3rd grader at CTA Liberty • Cody is 5, he is in Kindergarten at CTA Liberty • I love music and dance • I love camping, hiking and running

  6. Who are you? • Stand up next to your desk • Speak LOUD and PROUD! • Tell us your name • Share with us the 3 facts about you that you wrote on your card

  7. What does AVID stand for? Advancement Via Individual Determination [L. avidus]: eager for knowledge

  8. Research Skills/Papers • Public Speaking • Cornell Notes • Philosophical Chairs • Socratic Seminars • Scholarship Research • Goal Setting • Mission Statements • Self Discovery & Reflection • Tips for Success • Binder Checks Themes in AVID(Grades 9-12) Organization Time Management Money Management College Readiness Tutorials College Exploration Career Exploration The Process of Getting a Job Study Skills Guidance Lessons

  9. THINK WIN-WIN Everyone can get what they want. SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD Listen to people sincerely. SYNERGIZE Work together to achieve more SHARPEN THE SAW Renew yourself regularly 9th Grade Areas of Focus BE PROACTIVE Take responsibility for your life. BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND Define your mission and goals in life. PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST Prioritize, and do the most important things first.

  10. The Mission of AVID “AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.”

  11. AVID Student Profile Average to high test scores 2.0 – 3.5 GPA College potential with support Desire Determination

  12. What AVID is NOT A remedial class Study hall

  13. Students must meet at least one criteria below: 1st to attend college Historically underserved in college Low income Special circumstance

  14. Sample Week in AVID

  15. Tutorials

  16. Cornell Notes

  17. Purpose of AVID Tutorials Create deeper understanding of core curriculum Develop academic skills Reflective learning Encourage leadership skills

  18. 10% • 20% • 30% • 50% • 70% • 80% • 90% Of what they READ Of what they HEAR Of what they SEE Of what they SEE, HEAR, and SAY Of what they DISCUSS Of what they DO Of what they SAY as they DO something Students remember…

  19. Academic Rigor “Rigorous curriculum is a greater factor in determining college graduation rates than class standing, standardized test scores, or grade point average.” - Clifford Adelman

  20. AVID increases the # of Low income students in college Minorities in college Students graduating from college

  21. AVID Graduates 97% plan to attend college 66% will enroll in a four-year university 31% will enroll in a two-year college 78% of AVID students are accepted to four-year universities 83% of their parents have less than a four-year degree

  22. Completion of Four-Year College Entrance Requirements 76% of all graduating seniors DO NOT meet university requirements 89% of AVID students meet university requirements! Only 34% of students in the United States complete university requirements

  23. Nationwide Nationwide 76% of students from affluent backgrounds attend college. Only 4% of community college students transfer to a four-year college or university AVID seniors graduate with an average G.P.A. of 3.1

  24. Why AVID works Rigorous curriculum Support Creates a team Provides students with the “hidden curriculum”

  25. My webpage… • http://www.cusd80.com/Domain/980

  26. AVID webpage… http://www.cusd80.com/domain/1129

  27. Remind…

  28. Get out a blank piece of paper and copy this graphic organizer

  29. AVID Standards • Character Development • Communication • Writing • Inquiry • Collaboration • Organization • Reading • College Preparedness

  30. Character Development • Self-awareness • Goals • Community and School Involvement • Ownership of Learning

  31. Communication • Speaking • Listening

  32. Writing • The Writing Process • Writing Skills • Writing Applications • Writing to Learn

  33. Inquiry • Costa’s Levels of Thinking • Tutorials • Socratic Seminar and Philosophical Chairs

  34. Collaboration • Types of Interactions • Tutorials

  35. Organization • Organization and Time Management • Note-Taking • Research and Technology • Test Preparation-Test Taking

  36. Reading • Vocabulary • Textual Analysis

  37. College Preparedness • Guest Speakers • Field Trips • College and Career Knowledge • College Entrance Testing • College Admissions/Financial Aid

  38. Materials Needed Materials Needed: • 2 ½ or 3 inch 3-ring view binder • 1 inch 3-ring view binder • Color dividers (a minimum of 1 per class) • At least 16 sheet protectors (2 for your AVID Binder and 14 for your portfolio) • 2 black ink pens • 2 #2 pencils • Zipper pouch to store supplies • 2 different colored highlighters • 1 pack of filler paper (college ruled) • A planner • 1 USB flash drive • 1 scientific calculator (with sin, cos, tan, and probability functions)

  39. Grading Percentages

  40. Final Exam • The final exam is cumulative and is worth 20% of your semester grade. • All students will take Final Exams. Students who have no more than 4 absences (one tardy or sweep counts as one absence) in the class and a grade of 75% or higher, and who are present in class on the final exam day, may choose whether or not to have the final exam calculated into their grade.  This policy does not apply to courses which may require final exams, including but not limited to IB, AP, and Dual Enrollment classes. • A school field trip or campus event does not count as an absence. • Even if you are exempt from the final, you are still required to attend class on the day of final exams.

  41. Binders • Binders will be checked and graded in the AVID class weekly. Binders and/or backpacks will be graded for organization, Cornell notes, materials & supplies, a completed daily planner, daily “to do” lists, and learning goals and scales. If you are absent for Binder Check, due to illness, you may request a Binder Check on the day you return. Additional binder checks by mentors occur throughout the year so binders must be organized at all times. A minimum of three (2) pages of Cornell notes/learning logs are required for EACH CLASS each week for a total of ten (10).

  42. Classwork, Homework, and Projects • Class work and homework assignments are designed to help students to develop personally and academically and to ultimately prepare them for college and a career. Essays will be written in MLA format. • There will be numerous individual and group projects each semester.

  43. Tutorials • Students will be graded on each tutorial session. Students earn points for their questions, participation, and reflection during the tutorial process. Since tutorials are a collaborative effort, students must be present and participate to receive credit. Students who are absent due to illness may make up points by completing a tutorial by visiting one of the learning centers and having a teacher present help and sign off on their tutorial paper. • Tutors will assist students on their path towards arriving at answers, but they will not provide the answers for students.

  44. Portfolio • Students will collect specified documents to be placed in a portfolio. Portfolios will be assessed at least once per semester

  45. Homework • Homework is due at the beginning of the class period. • Any assignments turned in late will be worth HALF credit unless you have an excused absence.

  46. Warm-Ups • At the beginning of each class period, there will be a warm-up activity. • You will get a weekly handout for recording your warm-up answers. • You cannot turn in a warm-up on a separate paper. • All the warm-ups for the week must be on the same handout, turned in every Friday

  47. Class Rules/Expectations 1) Follow all rules and procedures outlined in the student handbook 2) Treat teachers, fellow students, guest speakers, and property with respect 3) No food or drink in class expect for water 4) No cell phones or headphones will be used during class. If they are out, they will be confiscated. After your first offense, your cell phone will be turned in to administration 5) Sit in your assigned seat everyday

  48. Restroom Pass • ONE person may leave the class at a time • They must sign-out in my book, including the date, your name, the class period, and the time you left the room • You must also write down the time you return • You CANNOT leave the room without the blue pass • If you fail to follow these procedures, you will not be allowed to leave the classroom during class • You CANNOT leave the classroom for a drink of water. Bring a water bottle with you if you are thirsty.

  49. Evacuations/ Lock Down • Evacuation (Fire Drill): • Leave binders, notebook, materials; take purses & backpacks • Walk QUIETLY out the front door, through the double doors, and to the left in front of the pool • Stay TOGETHER there until “All Clear” • Lockdown: • I will lock all the doors, turn lights off & put up a GREENsign in the front door window • If you are in bathroom or hallway, get to class ASAP! • All students will stay away from the doorway • NO TALKING!!!

  50. Tardies/Sweeps You are considered tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings. If you are not in the room when the last bell rings, you will be sent to the sweep room. ·If you are swept when as assignment is due, you must turn in that assignment that day to receive full credit ·If you miss a test or quiz while you are in sweeps, you must come to my room right after school to make up that test or the grade will result in a zero ·It is your responsibility to get any notes or assignments that were given during the class that you missed. ·If you are swept more than 3 times, your make-up work will not be accepted and all missing assignments will be entered as zeros. The sweep-make up work procedures also apply to missing class for ISD or evening school

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