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Creative Project Presentation Preferences

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Creative Project Presentation Preferences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentation style: Rate the following 6 being the best fit, 0 being the worst. If I have to present a project, I would rather: _____Sing a song, write a poem _____Act it out _____Write a story, analogy _____Draw diagrams _____Make a game _____Make a poster _____Do a PowerPoint or Prezi When in groups I: ____Am a good leader ____Am a good follower ____Work well with almost anyone ____Usually do all the work ____Learn better ____Get easily distracted Other comments: Name (First Last Initial) Decorate this with a collage of pictures (hand drawn, cut out, photographs… that tell a little about you.) Learning style: Rate the following 4 being the best fit, 1 being the worst. _____Auditory _____Visual _____Kinesthetic _____Oral Circle one: I need to sit in the front. I would prefer to sit in the front I don’t want to sit in the front. I don’t care where I sit. (Other)________________________

  2. Extracurricular activities: Sports I play at the school: Outside of school: Clubs I am in at the school: Other organizations/groups I am part of: Job: Hobbies: Dissection preference: _____I want to be the one making the incisions. _____I will make incisions if I have to , but I would rather not. Year of graduation_________ Birthday_____/_____/_____ Siblings__________________ ________________ ________________ Pets____________________ ________________ ________________ I work best: ____By myself ____With a partner ____In a small group ____In a large group Is there anything else I should know about you? Favorites: Color__________________ Dessert________________ Salty treat______________ Candy_________________ Entre__________________ Appetizer_______________ Holiday_________________ Animal_________________ Actor__________________ Actress_________________ TV Show________________ Movie__________________ Book___________________ Magazine________________ Cartoon_________________ Singer/band______________ Type of music_____________ Radio station_____________ Sport to play______________ Sport to watch_____________ Partner preference: 1__________________ 2__________________ 3__________________ 4__________________ Person I would NOT work well with: ____________________ Check one below: ____I would NOT like to work with someone of the opposite sex. ____I am willing to work with someone of the opposite sex.

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