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Motivation and the Regulation of Internal States Motivation and Homeostasis Learning about Hunger. Motivation and Homeostasis. Motivation: means “to set in motion,” refers to the set of factors that initiate, sustain, and direct behaviors . Is an inferred state: hypothetical Instinct :
Motivation and the Regulation of Internal States Motivation and Homeostasis Learning about Hunger
Motivation and Homeostasis • Motivation: • means “to set in motion,” • refers to the set of factors that initiate, sustain, and direct behaviors. • Is an inferred state: hypothetical • Instinct: • complex behavior that is automatic and unlearned • occurs in all the members of a species. • Examples: migration and maternal behavior • Do humans have instincts?
Theories of motivation • Drive theory: • McDougall, 1924 • Theory that states the body maintains a condition of homeostasis, in which any particular system is in balance or equilibrium. • Any departure from homeostasis, such as depletion or nutrients or a drop in temperature, produces an aroused condition or drive, • This drive impels the individual to engage in appropriate action such as eating, drinking, or seeking warmth. • Incentive theory: • Bolles, 1967 • recognizes alternative sources of drive beside internal • Notes that people and animals motivated by external stimuli, not just internal needs.
Theories of Motivation • Arousal theory: • Fiske and Maddi (1961); • Yerkes/Dodson 1967 • people and animals behave in ways that keep them at their preferred level of arousal. • Optimal arousal and optimal performance interact
Control systems and Homeostasis • Control system: • System which sustains a (life) function • Has a variety of loops and functions • Uses a set point to determine optimal performance. • Negative feedback loop: • Set point: point of equilibrium for the system • Furnace and thermostat are a control system and set point • Furnace is the control system • The thermostat is set at a set point; furnace maintains house at that set point
Why is this so important? • Must be SOME kind of central (brain) control of regulatory behavior • Hunger • Thirst • Fear/Aggression • Sex • Some of those must be learned • E.g., favorite kind of food • Fear of clowns • When to have sex • WHAT exactly controls our starting and stopping of these behaviors? • Multiple factors • Very complex!!!!
temperature • Preoptic area of the hypothalamus: • The “thermostat” of the hypothalamus, • which contains separate warmth-sensitive and cold-sensitive cells. • Some of these neurons respond directly to the temperature of the blood flowing through the area. • Other neurons receive input from temperature receptors in other parts of the body, including the skin.
How do you know you are thirsty? • Local thirst: • Thirst is sensation arising from dry mouth • Local “sign” or cue • Data suggest dry mouth not a sufficient “cause” to induce drinking • Intracellular vs. extracellular thirst • Intracellular: losing water from cells • Extracellular: losing water volume outside of cells • Knew that volume loss = thirst, but what about intracellular hydration?
How do you know you are thirsty? • Gillman (1937): classic experiment on cell dehydration • Injected dogs with NaCl or Urea into bloodstream • NaCl does not penetrate cells; Urea does penetrate cells • Premise: if injected concentration of NaCl in bloodstream higher than in cells, would pull water out of cells and make you thirsty • Urea should not produce this effect • Dogs drank only with NaCl • Showed that dehyrdating cells was what was important
Two kinds of thirst • Osmotic thirst: • occurs when the fluid content decreases inside the cells. • blood becomes more concentrated than usual • usually because the individual has not taken in enough water to compensate for food intake. • As a result, water is drawn from the cells into the bloodstream by osmotic pressure. • Hypovolemic thirst • occurs when the blood volume drops due to a loss of extracellular water. • This can be due to sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea • Also to severe bleeding! • Double-depletion hypothesis: • Takes both osmotic and hypovolemic effects to make you drink • Suggests multiple inputs and multiple outputs
Signaling the brain • NST (nucleus of the solitary tract) of medulla • Receives signals of reduced blood volume in the heart • This occurs with volemia • is signaled by the vagus to the in the medulla. • OVLT: organumvasculosum lamina terminalas • Area of hypothalamus bordering third ventricle • Detects reduced water content of cells that contributes to osmotic thirst • communicates the water deficit to the median preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, • This results in initiation of drinking. • median preoptic area of the hypothalamus • Receives signals from NST • Initiates drinking.
Hormonal changes and thirst • Lowered blood volume is also detected by receptors in the kidneys, which trigger release of the hormone renin. • Renin increases production of the hormone angiotensin II. • Angiotensin II circulating in the blood stream informs the brain of the drop in blood volume. • It stimulates the SFO (subfornical organ), • a structure bordering the third ventricle • one of the areas that is unprotected by the blood-brain barrier.
Satiating thirst • Voluntary dehydration: • We stop drinking before water deficit is made up • Why? If we didn’t, we would literally drown our cells • Two mechanisms to control satiation • Learning: unlikely, would be dead before learned! • Underlying physiological mechanism • Inhibition of drinking • Sequence of drinking: drink-stomach-absorbed in intestines-to bloodstream-to cells • Mouth factors important cues • Stomach factors: fullness • Intestines: again, sensation of fullness • Cells: signal as get water, not when full
Hunger:choosing what to eat • The simplest form of dietary selection involves: • distinguishing between foods that are safe and nutritious and those that are either useless or dangerous. • Choosing appropriate food for setting • Most likely use taste to do this. • In humans, all taste experience is a result of just five taste sensations: • sour, • sweet, • bitter, • salty, • and the more recently discovered umami. • Umami is often described as “meaty” or “savory.”
Satiating thirst • Voluntary dehydration: • We stop drinking before water deficit is made up • Why? If we didn’t, we would literally drown our cells • Two mechanisms to control satiation • Learning: unlikely, would be dead before learned! • Underlying physiological mechanism • Inhibition of drinking • Sequence of drinking: drink-stomach-absorbed in intestines-to bloodstream-to cells • Mouth factors important cues • Stomach factors: fullness • Intestines: again, sensation of fullness • Cells: signal as get water, not when full
Hunger:choosing what to eat • The simplest form of dietary selection involves: • distinguishing between foods that are safe and nutritious and those that are either useless or dangerous. • Choosing appropriate food for setting • Most likely use taste to do this. • In humans, all taste experience is a result of just five taste sensations: • sour, • sweet, • bitter, • salty, • and the more recently discovered umami. • Umami is often described as “meaty” or “savory.”
Hunger: taste IS important • Taste receptors are located on taste buds • Taste buds found on surface of tongue • Contained in papillae • Papillae are small bumps on the tongue and elsewhere in the mouth. • Taste neurons travel through the thalamus to the insula, the primary gustatory (taste) area in the frontal lobes.
Hunger: A Complex Drive • Sensory-specific satiety: • the more a particular food an individual eats, the less appealing the food becomes. • Can still eat other “tastes” • Think of eating dessert after a large meal! • Sensory-specific satiety is the brain’s way of encouraging you to vary your food choices, which is necessary for a balanced diet. • Sensory-specific satiety takes place in the NST (nucleus of the solitary tract) in the medulla.
Obesity: reset setpoint • basalmetabolism: • the energy required to fuel the brain and other organs and to maintain body temperature • Appear to be differences in basal metabolism in obese vs. normal weight individuals • In the average sedentary adult, about 75% of daily energy expenditure goes into resting or basal metabolism • The remainder is spent about equally in physical activity and in digesting food. • In normal weight individuals- this is much lower