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“The Cremation of Sam McGee”. Ballads – Take Notes!. Learning Target. Analyze characteristics of different forms of poetry - Ballad. Analyze how meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, poetic devices (rhyme, rhythm, repetition, refrain) and figurative language.
“The Cremation of Sam McGee” Ballads – Take Notes!
Learning Target • Analyze characteristics of different forms of poetry - Ballad. • Analyze how meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, poetic devices (rhyme, rhythm, repetition, refrain) and figurative language.
Need to know! Hyperbole • An exaggeration that is beyond realistic.
Finish these sentences in your notes… • It was so cold… • It rained so hard… • The snow was so deep…
Need to know!!! Alliteration • Repetition of consonant sounds in words close together in a line or lines in a poem. (Think about tongue twisters.)
Need to know! Imagery • Imagery are words that describe what the senses experience. The use of words that describe what we see, feel, smell, touch, and taste are all examples of imagery. • The cloud in the sky… vs. • The fluffy, grey cloud in the clear, blue sky…
Need to know! Word meanings… • Denotation – Denotation refers to the actual intended meaning/definition of a word. • Connotation – Connotation refers to the suggested word meaning that surround the word. It is the feelings behind the word. • Example – Hate means a strong dislike for something, but there are negative feelings associated with the word. You may say you hate to eat watermelon, but there is also a suggestion that goes beyond just not wanting to eat it that includes negative feelings and sets a tone to the message.
Need to Know!!! MOOD • The overall feeling of a work of literature. (Also sometimes referred to as “atmosphere”) • Can often be described in one or two adjectives such as frightened, happy, sad, or nostalgic. • A writer produces mood by using imagery and using word choices that convey a certain feeling. • The setting can also contribute to the mood. • Example: “The hot sun beating down on the workers” vs. “The warm sun glowing at the workers” creates a different mood.
“The Cremation of Sam McGee” • Set in the Yukon (Canada) or land of the midnight sun. • Sam is cold and asks the ballad’s speaker, his partner “Cap” to cremate him when he dies. • Cap makes a promise to do so.
Cremation and Prospecting • A cremation is the burning of a body to ashes. • When someone dies and is cremated, they put the body in a large furnace that has high temperatures to make it so the body turns to ashes. • Prospecting is where men go in search of gold in the Yukon Territory where the temperatures fall to minus 68 degrees at night.
Page 636 • Follow along as we read “The Cremation of Sam McGee” by Robert W. Service
Upload Graphic Organizer • Go to my webpage • Go to “Language Arts 8” • Click on Graphic Organizer and upload it to notability. • Complete the graphic organizer. • Share with me at jrunni@mypanthers.org • H# LastnameFirstname Sam Graphic