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Hello. Feel free to look through your agenda (the grayish colored binder) and all the “fun stuff” on your desk. We will go over all that “stuff” today and tomorrow. Fun…fun…fun! - Mr. Taff. Welcome to 8 th Grade Social Studies!.
Hello. Feel free to look through your agenda (the grayish colored binder) and all the “fun stuff” on your desk. We will go over all that “stuff” today and tomorrow. Fun…fun…fun! - Mr. Taff Welcome to 8th Grade Social Studies!
[On the back, write one interesting fact about yourself] Student Information Card
Select an index card and marker from the basket on the table in the front of the room. • ATTN: There might not be enough markers for everyone so please share! • Fold the card in half lengthwise (like a hotdog bun). • Print your name in the center of each side of the card. • Place the card in front of you (Share the markers with other classmates when finished). “DO NOW” ACTIVITY – 5 min.
Rules/Guidelines • I don’t have a handout…things in here are simple!
To leave the room, ASK for permission. If you have permission, come and grab a pass from me and then sign out on the “sign out form” by the door. Please come back!!! Pretty simple…pretty easy, right? Permission to Leave the room…
Based on a 7.0 scale • Tests/Quizzes = 30% • Homework = 30% • Projects will count as homework • Class work = 30% • Group work “in class” is considered class work • Class Participation/Materials = 10% Grading Scale…
Who is your BEST teacher ever & why? Who is your WORST teacher ever & why? QUESTIONNAIRE
Core 2 start “My Teaching Style”
“I am convinced that schools attempt to cover far too much material and that superficial understandings (or non-understandings) are the inevitable result. It makes far more sense to spend a significant amount of time on key concepts, general ideas, and essential questions and to allow students to become thoroughly familiar with these notions and their implications.” — Howard Gardner
To be Critical Thinkers…What? Here’s my point…
I want you to be able to make decisions in your life…and make the RIGHT ones! If I can make you think for yourselves, then I’ve accomplished my goal here. End of core 1, 3 & 4 What are you hoping to take away from this class?
Please place “1” item of yours at the front of the room while I am “in the closet.” When everyone has placed an item up here, I will come out and try to guess who belongs to the item. If I guess correctly, that student then has to take over and continue the process until completed. Let’s have some fun!!! Guess the student’s item
Students have different learning styles. Each of us is stronger in some types of intelligence than in others. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • You might be “word smart,” or have verbal-linguistic intelligence. • You might be “music smart,” or have musical-rhythmic intelligence. • You might be “number smart,” or have logical-mathematical intelligence. • You might be “picture smart,” or have visual-spatial intelligence. • You might be “body smart,” or have body-kinesthetic intelligence. • You might be “people smart,” or have interpersonal intelligence. • You might be “self-smart,” or have intrapersonal intelligence. “Multiple Learning Styles”
The Goals of Public Schooling What is An American Education ???
Is cramming as much info as I can down your throat beneficial to you? NO!!! • FACT = We are becoming more schooled, yet less educated overall. Quality or Quantity?
JCMS Policy book Please take em’ out!
You can all expect a fun and enjoyable year with me. I ain’t your typical history teacher…so be warned! You might actually enjoy history.
This question was taken from a survey of random employers throughout the US: “Other than being able to do the job, what do you think most employers look for in an employee?” Please take these 5 minutes to write down what you think are the top 5 qualities or skills. Do Now - (Friday, Aug. 27th)
Creating a Cooperative, Tolerant Classroom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What should I expect in this class? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You will be working in several types of small groups throughout the year and must know how to move into each type of group quickly and efficiently. Before you move into groups, I will tell you the materials you will need to take with you, (2) with whom you will be working with and, (3) where you will be working. I will consider groups to be prepared only when all are seated quietly and properly with materials out and ready. Your desk arrangement is important to group success. Desk Olympics
1. Break tension and be friendly. 2. Learn and use names. 3. Arrange desks properly. 4. Use positive body language. 5. Be aware of eye contact. 6. Listen to others and take turns giving ideas. 7. Use positive comments, encourage, and express appreciation. 8. Be helpful and assist each other. 9. Disagree in an agreeable way. 10. Stay on task. Cooperative Skills
Human Statues - Each group will be assigned something different that they must work together to mimic with their bodies, ex:some kind of object or person/animal. I will award ring pops to group members who can physically represent their object or animal the best! If the class can immediately identify it, that group will receive 2 bonus points for the day. Team Building Activity
1. Students have different learning styles. 2. Cooperative interaction increases learning. 3. All students can learn. 4. Students learn best when they have a clear goal. 5. Both reading and non-reading activities improve learning. “Key Ideas Behind My Style/Approach”
Onslow County Policy book Please take em’ out!