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Andrew Barraclough Assistant Director of Insight Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

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Andrew Barraclough Assistant Director of Insight Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

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  1. This text will NOT appear on your slide show. To edit the footer: go to ‘View’ then ‘Slide Master’. Ensure you have the first slide selected Double click ‘First word Second word’(This is optional for your department, presentation title etc) Click ‘Close Master View’ Proceed as normal Add new slides by clicking on ‘New Slide’ Making Connections Andrew Barraclough Assistant Director of Insight Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust 1

  2. Today • Introducing our analysis set up at NUH • What we do as the Insight Teams • Learning from (& with) others • Building Capacity & Capability • I’ll describe some of what we are doing, please do not think I’m saying this is best practice, I’m hoping it is interesting practice for the day ahead! 2

  3. Leading the A&I Team in support of our Improvement Programme Who We Think We Are The differing views gathered from an A&I team session we had in 2014 3

  4. Joining Together Our Corporate Teams in 2015 WHAT WE DID WHY • Joining together two corporate teams IS and A&I • Keep within same budget • Rejigged 3 teams • Workforce Change – using vacancies and some at risk posts to allow expanded higher skilled analysis team • Resolve some of confusion as to where customers go for support • Give us more analysis capacity and capability • Moves us towards greater analytical maturity (eg towards more forward looking predictive work and more sophisticated tools) • Reduce single points of failure 4

  5. Information & Insight: our corporate teams We made some big changes in 2015 so that we can deliver better support across our various roles Dr Jim Hatton Deputy Director of Information & Insight Andrea Race Assistant Director of Information Andrew Barraclough Assistant Director of Insight Analysis Reporting Contracting Clinical Coding Data Quality 2 * Teams Quality and Nursing Activity and Access 5

  6. What are we trying to do with analysis? p7 From Davenport T.H., Harris, J.G., and Morison, R. Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results. 2010. 6

  7. Learning from & with Others 7

  8. The benefits of social media 8

  9. “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.” And Much More Besides….. Problem Structuring Methods SPC Business Intelligence SpreadsheetModelling Dashboard Design Machine Learning Data Visualization Predictive Modelling Simulation Text Mining Operational Research Excel R SQL Measurement for Improvement 9

  10. The Insight Teams on Why Connect 10

  11. Building Capacity & Capability Team Leaders Capacity Myself Teams Capability Organisation Fellow Analysts Beyond the Organisation 11

  12. Building Capacity And Capability Better for You Fundamental Course & variants Measurement for Imp of varying sizes - Opportunistic • When we get opportunity: • Through Committees looking at key measures eg Friends & Family Test, • Internal departmental meetings eg Pharmacy lunchtime session Measurement Message of the Week Links with University and professional training 12

  13. The Perfect Analyst? 13

  14. East Midlands AHSN Informatics Workstream • Statistics • Principles of Information design • Arguing with numbers - how to present complex data succinctly using narratives • Data conversations - how to plan, initiate and conduct conversations about data • Measurement for Improvement • Demand and Capacity • Stand and deliver – how to present data clearly and effectively (spoken / audio-visual presentations) • Beginning Data Science http://emahsn.org.uk/informatics/ 14

  15. This 15 credit level 4 module considers: • The need for measurement within healthcare improvement activities • The steps to take to develop robust measurement plans for improvement projects • The range of tools and techniques which can help in developing and delivering such plans • The application of measurement within specific topic areas within quality and safety improvement • Total Student Activity 150 hours • Direct Student/Teacher Contact 24 hours • Guided on-line learning 24 hours • Independent study 102 hours https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/our-services/services/trent-simulation/courses/msc-in-quality-and-patient-safety-improvement/ 15

  16. Demand and Supply 16

  17. Some of what have we done at NUH: • Automated reporting – with more to do • Reduced overall capacity, because we don’t have additional funds • Employed analysts with more advanced skills, e.g. simulation, statistics, prediction. • …. alongside a core of analysts with skills and knowledge of the organisation. • Creating a ‘team of teams’ • We’re trying to build our own capability and offer that within the organisation. • We’re at the start of a new phase in our journey • We want to engage much more now beyond ourselves 17

  18. Thank you for your invite and your time today.I look forward to hearing about your ideas andrew.barraclough@nuh.nhs.uk @AndrewBarraclo1 18

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