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Ayurveda -National and International scenario

Ayurveda -National and International scenario. Prof. M. S. Baghel Ex Ayurveda Chair, Debrecen, Hungary E x Director, Institute for P G T & Research in Ayurveda Gujarat Ayurved University , Jamnagar, India E mail : baghelayu@rediffmail.com. Present era belongs to:. Era of Knowledge

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Ayurveda -National and International scenario

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  1. Ayurveda -National and International scenario Prof. M. S. Baghel Ex Ayurveda Chair, Debrecen, Hungary Ex Director, Institute for P G T & Research in Ayurveda Gujarat Ayurved University , Jamnagar, India E mail : baghelayu@rediffmail.com baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  2. Present era belongs to: • Era of Knowledge • Era of female strengthening • Era of NCD/ life style disorders • Golden era for Ayurveda and TMs • Parallel existence of plural medical systems (Medical Pluralism) baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  3. Need / Scope for Ayurveda in developed Countries • It is truism that What you really value is what you miss, not what you have - Jorge Luis Borges TM has become an extremely valuable commodity for the world today, precisely because it provides what the world misses the most. • The low-income developing countries miss the modern medicine because they cannot afford it whereas high-income developed world miss the holistic wisdom implicit in TM. • The symbiotic mutually interdependent handicap of the two worlds of the world might, it is hoped, through TM, solve the global health crises elucidated at the outset, even while giving a boost to the bottleneck stagnation in modern medicine – a medicine that medicine desperately needs. baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  4. Some facts for resurgence of Ayurveda • Control of infectious diseases, epidemics • Resurgence of Life style disorders • Failure of conventional medical system in control of Life style disorders • Increasing adverse effect menace of modern medicines • Growing understanding of fundamental principles of Ayurveda • Growing demand for the traditional way of life • Growing cost of health care • Favorable political support from Government baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  5. Factors attracting the attention to TM-Holistic approach as opposed to over specialization • Holistic approach to human being in respect to body-mind-soul triangle • Importance of individual, its constitution (Prakruti) in planning of individual diet and treatment plan (personalized medicine) • Concept of homeostasis as basis of health in Ayurveda • Importance of sensible life style in harmony with nature, climate and customs • Use of natural resources as medicine to which our body system is geared through predisposition • Deep spiritual thinking of Ayurveda resulting respectful attitude towards nature and its ecological balance • Hazardous effect of modern chemical therapeutic agents baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  6. Strength of Ayurveda to offer public in developed countries • Total Health care • Life style consultation • Psychological consultation • Spiritual way of life • Rejuvenation (Rasayana) therapy • Panchakarma therapy which rejuvenates biological systems of body • Management of life style / NCD disorders • Management of chronic and incurable diseases • Management of adverse and toxic effects of drugs baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  7. Psycho- neuro-Immunology (PNI) • In recent past Psychology has attained a significant role in the area of disease production and most of the diseases found having some psychological basis in their genesis. • Thus, this branch of medicine has developed from Psycho-neuro to Psycho- neuro-Immunology (PNI) to Psycho-endo-neuro–immunology to Psycho-endo-neuro–immune – epigenetics status. • PNI takes an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating psychology, neuroscience, immunology, physiology, genetics, pharmacology, molecular biology, psychiatry, behavioral medicine, infectious diseases, endocrinology, and rheumatology. baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  8. Requirements of developed countries • Reducing the cost of Health care in developed countries • Management of life style disorders • Management for chronic and incurable diseases • Non availability of management of iatrogenic disorders, adverse and toxic effects of drugs • Requirement of safe, cost effective and holistic medical system baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  9. Health care program in demand • Life style management • Stress management • Aesthetics and beauty care • Diet and cooking advices • Management of oral hygiene and care of ear nose throat • Prenatal and post natal care • Knowledge of sexual behavior and Kamashastra • Child health care management and baby massage baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  10. Ayurvedic therapies are able to produce Ancient techniques, therapeutics (Rasayana), Panchakarma, Yoga are being accepted to accomplish the following goals of treatment – 1. Strengthen immune system. 2. Efficient detoxification system. 3. Responsive inflammatory system. 4. Optimal metabolic system. 5. Balanced regulatory system. 6. Enhanced regenerative system. 7. Harmonize the life force. 8. Free radical scavenging or anti oxidant baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  11. Programs for popularization of Ayurveda abroad • AYUSH Cells established by few embassies • AYUSH CHAIRS nearly seven created working only 3/4 • Ayurveda recognition by foreign governments • Asia • Europe • America • Australia • Research in Ayurveda abroad – Pharmaceutical industry, Universities, Hospitals, NGOs • Ayurvedic business/ pharma Industry • WHO - initiatives baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  12. Opportunities

  13. Teaching - 400+ Ayurveda collegesResearch – Multi-faculty universitiesPractice – clinic, hospitalsHealth care professionalPharmaceutical IndustryMedicinal plants cultivationManagement of Pharmacies and health careIndian administrative servicesstate administrative services baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  14. Blending of other Indian sciences in Ayurvedic health care practices • Yoga • Cosmetology, Aesthetics & beauty concepts (SaundaryaVigyana) • Cookery in view of dietetics (Paakashastra) • Sexology – Kamashastra • Meditation, Spiritual Practices (Dhyana Yoga) • Music therapy • Astrology • Vaastu baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  15. Concept of Symbio healthDr Gopal Basishtha, USA • Offensive strategy – In modern medicine the defence strategy is only against diseases where the cause is known? That does not seem like a proactive defence strategy, but more like a reactive tactic. • Defensive strategy - A physician should be able to identify any dis-equilibrium in the above and should be able to guide the patient to re-establish the equilibrium and he should simultaneously be able to identify the disease and provide appropriate treatment. This combination of defence and offense strategy can provide the best results and this system is called Symbio-health. Sword and shield strategy Modern medicine has very good sword to work on offence strategy where as Ayurveda has very good defence strategy (shield)for health protection and to win the battle both the sword and shield are required Hence if Ayurveda and modern medical world works hand in hand many problems of health care can be solved and expenditure can be reduced baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  16. baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  17. Noble contribution of Ayurveda to modern day health scenario In this era of life style disorders Panchakarma and Rasayana therapy is the only hope for health care, WHO has accepted the same from TMs • In the area of prevention of the diseases – Metabolic, genetic disorders , allergic, auto-immune diseases, Seasonal variations, Aging / Geriatric , • Alternative therapy - Allergic disorders, auto immune disorders, Rhematoid arthritis & other collagen disorders, Parkinson’s disease Alzheimer’s disease, Skin disorders, Gastro – intestinal disorders • Complementary area of cooperation – Cancer, DM, IHD, CVA, Iatrogenic disorders, Br Asthma, Neuro - muscular disorders, Psychosomatic diseases – Ulcerative colitis, IBS, Psychological disorders – Stress syndromes, Anxiety neurosis, Sleep disorders, MSD, Joint Disorders baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  18. Weaknesses

  19. In appropriate en-effective, unresponsive educational system • Half hearted Government support • Sub standard condition of Ayurvedic teaching Institutions • Poor status of Government run Ayurvedic Institutions • Loss of faith of Ayurvedic physicians in their own system • Misconception among public regarding delayed effect of Ayurvedic drugs • Media creation of toxic effects of TMs due the use of minerals and metals • No linkage/ understanding / collaboration between the patron countries of Ayurveda to counter the negative market strategies baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  20. Need to develop effective components of medicine • Anaesthesia • Analgesia • Antibiotic baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  21. Resource crunch - Medicinal Plants • Cultivation • Training of farmers for cultivation and collection of herbal material • Collection and preservation • Marketing of herbal material • Minimum support price for medicinal produce • Preparation of food supplements and health supplements baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  22. Threats

  23. What is Ayurveda? • Whether herbal medicine is Ayurveda ? Herbal pharmacological studies and inclusion of them in IPC • Whether life style & dietetics is Ayurveda? • Whether vegetarianism and spiritual way of life is Ayurveda? • TSMs without philosophical & scientific base v/s Ayurveda • Massage therapies v/s Ayurveda (Panchakarma) • Herbal Medicine/Phytopharmaceuticals / Neutraceuticals baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  24. World wide surge has created problems • Demand for safety and efficacy data of highest level citing various reports & regulation of the countries using these medicines (JAMA). • Strict regulation of education, practitioners & pharmacies of TMs. • Availability of authentic source material, over exploitation and non compliance of good agricultural practices in the field of herbal medicines. • Commercialization of Trade of herbs leading to exploitation, adulteration, trade jealousies. • Biodiversity act / Natural resource preservation Act baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  25. World wide surge has created problems • Problems of IPR due to the world wide commercialization. • Misuse of TM practices for sheer commercialization by non qualified or improperly qualified practitioners in various developed countries due to non availability of regulatory procedures. • Regulatory norms being formulated by various countries without properly understanding the fabric of TMs. • Professional rivalries of pharmaceutical industry of the systems and practitioners (Stake holders) baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  26. To Sum up • World is eagerly waiting for the help of Ayurveda in solving their health problems • Govt. of India is ready to offer financial help for the development of Ayurveda as international brand • All the stake holders of Ayurveda i.e. researchers, practitioners, teachers, law makers, professional organizations of Ayurvedic practitioners have to respond to call of the time “Now we have to perform or we will perish.” baghelayu@rediffmail.com

  27. Thank You baghelayu@rediffmail.com

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