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Uniting in Team Ministry: Achieving Spiritual Excellence Together

Explore the power and benefits of team ministry in the Christian context, guided by scriptural principles. Discover how collaboration enhances effectiveness, safety, and spiritual growth in service to God. Learn essential strategies for selecting, training, and working with co-laborers to fulfill common spiritual goals.

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Uniting in Team Ministry: Achieving Spiritual Excellence Together

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  1. LESSON 10 Team Ministry

  2. Definition • When two or more leaders work • together to accomplish a single spiritual • task (common goal). • Many Christian Leader have collapsed • physically, mentally, morally or • emotionally under heavy load. • God has ordained ministry to work • in team. Team Ministry

  3. Scriptural Pattern • Jesus and His disciples • Moses was rebuked by Jethro, his • father-in-law to form eldership • Paul, Silas and Timothy • The 12 Spies Team Ministry

  4. Purpose and Advantages 1.Living demonstration of the principle of body of Christ(1Corinthians 12: 12-27) 2. More effective and produce greater results (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) Team Ministry

  5. Purpose and Advantages 3. Provides greater possibility for safety and balance in ministry…many advisers (Proverbs 11:14) 4.Help us guard ourselves from immoral traps set by the enemy Team Ministry

  6. How will a Team Ministry Succeed? 1. Team up with the LORD(Mark 16:20) 2.Commitment-give yourself to the team…without reservation. Measure of success corresponds to the measure of commitment (1 Corinthians 15:58) 3. Individual and corporate prayer life. The team that prays together will minister together (1 Corinthians 15:58) Team Ministry

  7. How will a Team Ministry Succeed? 4.Leadership principle- Though no member is more important than another, for the sake of order and efficiency, one must take leadership and have the final responsibility. 5.UNITY is a MUST Team Ministry

  8. How to CHOOSE a Co-Laborer? 1. By dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ 2. By their love for lost souls 3. By their willingness to serve unnoticed 4. By their unity in Spirit Team Ministry

  9. How to TRAIN a Co-Laborer? 1. By giving direction not confusion 2. By giving encouragement not condemnation 3. By being of service and not to be served 4. By giving discipline not unconcern Team Ministry

  10. How to WORK with Co-Laborer? 1.Family spirit in the team- cultivate loyalty and trust T ime R espect U nconditional Positive Regard S ensitivity T Team Ministry ouch

  11. How to WORK with Co-Laborer? 1.Family spirit in the team- cultivate loyalty and trust 2. By maintaining and encouraging a forgiving spirit 3. By maintaining a teachable spirit 4. By maintaining a good communication Team Ministry

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