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This presentation discusses the implementation of cochlea implants in Greece and the collaboration with parents and organizations of the Deaf. It also explores the development of educational tools for the education of the hearing impaired.
Satellite Module GR(cochlea implants;collaboration with parents andorganisations of the Deaf;development of educational tools) Comenius project: “Comparative exchange study of teaching methods, models, procedures and supplementing supportive measures for the education of the hearing impaired” Presentation of the Athens Lyceum for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing during the Comenius project meeting at the Cyprus Deaf School Nicosia, Cyprus, March 15th-19th, 2009 Dr. Chrissostomos Papaspyrou, Ioannis Tsotsoros
Cochlea Implants:Overall situation in Greece • In Greece, cochlea implants (CI) seem to be far less implemented than in other European countries • Parents do not easily give their written informed consent for the CI operation • Social insurance guidelines allow full expense carrying on the part of state • Doctors are now extremely careful as regards the screening of candidates for CI operation eligibility • There is still a controversial discussion regarding the pros and contras of CI implementation
Cochlea Implants:Situation at our school • Very few pupils at our school have so far been fitted with a CI (none so far fitted with an ABI – auditive brain stem implant) • As far as the academic achievement of these pupils is concerned, CI did not show any benefit • These pupils exhibited low diligence as well as some degree of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) • These pupils exhibited difficulty to integrate themselves in the peer community
Cochlea Implants:Important points for discussion • Are CIs ethically acceptable, according to the 1964 Helsinki convention regarding Medical Ethics Codex? • Does the overall benefit legitimate the extremely invasive and expensive operation? • Are CIs free of severe adverse effects regarding the psychosocial development? • Which are the impacts of CI implementation on the Deaf Community as a cultural/linguistic minority?
Collaboration with parents:Overall situation in Greece • In accordance with legislature guidelines, parents of pupils in special education schools form associations; associations belonging to the same municipality merge into broader federations; federations form further a confederation on national level • Associations of parents are represented in the legally prescribed official boards aiming to collaboration among various participating representatives (national authorities, local representatives, educational staff, pupils, parents etc.)
Collaboration with parents:Situation at our school • Due to the fact that our school accepts pupils from all over Greece, it is very difficult to keep a continuous contact with parents in general • Some parents are very collaborative and engaged, while other ones rather seem inert and indifferent • Collaboration of teachers with engaged parents as regards the follw-up of homeworks as well as coping with some peculiar difficulties is evaluated as highly benefactive for our pupils • Sometimes parents come to participate in meetings on peculiar issues
Collaboration with parents:What can further be done • It is important that regular seminars for parents are carried out at school; parents should be aware of the educational peculiarities of their offsprings as well as of their own possibilities to support school work • Parents should be offered support to deal with difficult situations arising in the family • Parents should be encouraged to visit our school more frequently
Collaboration with Deaf organisations:Overall situation in Greece • In Greece, there are several Deaf associations that form together the Hellenic Federation of the Deaf (HFD); there are several sports associations too, which form the Hellenic Sports Federation of the Deaf (HSFD) • The HFD has established some committees, among which there is a committee on educational affairs that keeps contact with schools • The HSFD keeps direct contact with schools regarding only the participation of students/pupils in certain officially acknowledged sports events
Collaboration with Deaf organisations:Situation at our school • Many Deaf members in the HFD and the HSFD are ex-students of our school; therefore our school keeps a social contact with all Deaf organisations • The HFD sends SL interpreters to us every time we need to arrange broader seminars, excursions, feasts and cultural events • In case of major issues (for example reforms) we collaborate with the HFD to submit adequate proposals
Collaboration with Deaf organisations:What can further be done • It is desirable, that the HFD regularly invites representatives from our school (as well as from other schools for the Deaf) to attend assemblies related to educational issues and make their proposals • Deaf organisations should engage themselves more regularly with educational issues • It is desirable that representatives from the HFD are invited to our school as visitors, in order to understand the multivariable educational procedure implemented at our school
Development of educational tools:Overall situation in Greece • The Paedagogical Institute in Athens has recently developed some multimedia tools for the Deaf aiming to support teaching and learning in class • These tools are based on bilingual patterning, that is via Greek Sign Language and written Greek together with other visual material • These tools are oriented to the general interdisciplinary curriculum that is followed in general schools
Development of educational tools:Situation at our school • In the past we have developed traditional educational tools aiming to adapt the curriculum issues to the peculiarities of our pupils • We are now regularly using some multimedia tools for the Deaf designed by colleagues but not developed at school • We have recently established a multimedia studio at school that will soon provide the facility to develop our own multimedia tools in collaboration with our pupils
Development of educational tools:Important points • It is crucial that teachers develop their own educational tools in collaboration with pupils; generally available tools can of course be used, but it is impossible for general tools to account for all educational peculiarities • Regarding multimedia educational tools for the Deaf, it is important to develop at an early stage: (a) a tool for contrastive grammar teaching, and (b) sign language terminology for the various curriculum topics