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Crisis Prevention and Recovery

United Nations Development Programme. Crisis Prevention and Recovery . CPR practice: role of BCPR. Leadership on crisis issues Policy leadership Global programmes and partnerships Knowledge products Fostering a network of experts Country office support

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Crisis Prevention and Recovery

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  1. United Nations Development Programme Crisis Prevention and Recovery

  2. CPR practice: role of BCPR Leadership on crisis issues • Policy leadership • Global programmes and partnerships • Knowledge products • Fostering a network of experts Country office support • Technical advisory services for programme development • Immediate Crisis Response • Catalytic funding

  3. BCPR Services to the practice: • Development funds: Trac 3 (other categories and Thematic Trust Fund for CPR) • Trac 3, category II-immediate response • SURGE (SOP’s, deployments, toolkit) • Technical support in CPR areas including political/strategic level. • ExpRes consultant roster • BCPR/UNV Rapid Deployment Facility

  4. BCPR: ECIS region portfolio size • 2007: approximately USD 5.8 million allocated to projects and programmes. • 2008: approximately USD 8.7 million allocated to projects and programmes.

  5. BCPR-ECIS priorities for 2009: Bureau targets: • Comprehensive, integrated CPR programmes: Tajikistan • Comprehensive DRR programmes: Tajikistan • Knowledge Management and production of relevant knowledge products • Under served outcomes: (restoring) local level governance capacity. • Focus areas: • Integrated country office support • Gender/ 8 Point Agenda • Community of practice • Countries/topics: • Armenia, Georgia, Kosovo, Tajikistan, SEESAC, DRR, frozen conflicts.

  6. BCPR: Global thematic expertise • Conflict prevention and recovery team • Conflict prevention and peacebuilding • Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration • Justice and security sector reform • Small arms and mine action • (UN Framework team for preventive action) • Early recovery team • IASC Cluster working group on early recovery • Recovery needs assessment • Reintegration and recovery • Livelihoods and area based recovery • Disaster risk reduction team • Disaster recovery • Urban risk • Risk identification and assessment • Mainstreaming and governance • Capacity development for disaster risk reduction

  7. Staffing: CPR Regional Team (tent.) • Regional team leader (Bratislava) • Programme Specialist (Bratislava) • Conflict Prevention Specialist (Bratislava) • Regional Disaster Risk Adviser (Almaty) • Policy Adviser (New York)

  8. THANK YOU FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.undp.org/cpr mogonzalez@undp.org Serdar.bayriyev@undp.org Joachim.ramakers@undp.org

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