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Timber Fire Design in AxisVM: Fire Effects and Charring Depth Calculation

Perform structural fire design of timber elements in AxisVM using fireload cases. Define fire effects, calculate charring depth, and access informative tables for fire resistance parameters. Utilize timber design parameters and fire design calculations for optimal results.

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Timber Fire Design in AxisVM: Fire Effects and Charring Depth Calculation

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  1. Structuralfire design of timberelementsinAxisVM TD8 module

  2. Fireloadcase Fireloadgroups Differentfirescenarioscan be modeledusingfireloadgroups! FIRE SCENARIO 1 – fireinroom1orinroom 2 (mutuallyexclusiveloadcases) FIRE SCENARIO 2 – fireinroom 1 and inroom 2 (simultaneousloadcases)

  3. Only fire effects can be defined in a fire load case!

  4. Availablefirecurves: Standard temperature-time curve (so called ISO fire curve) Parametric fire curve The software calculatesautomaticallythecharringdepthaccordingtotheselected design code. Definition of fire effects on timberelements The charringdepthcan be calculatedincase of unprotected and protectedelementsaswell. The notionalcharringratecan be specifiedbytheuser.

  5. Fire effects in informative tables The following parameters are listed: required time of fire resistance, type of fire curve, fire load density, expositiontype, properties of fire protection and notionalcharringdepth. The tables can be saved in the documentation.

  6. Timber design parametersinfire Parameters related to structuralfire design of timberelementscan be defined after clicking on Design parameters button on the Timberdesign toolbar. Fire design can be performed in AxisVM if there is fire load case in the selected load combination and there is fire effect assigned to the selected element (in the fire load case).

  7. Design results

  8. Design calculations After clicking on Design calculations button, the detailed calculation is available. This calculation can be saved into the documentation. In case of fire design, the type of fire curve and the effectivecharringdepthare also shown.

  9. Resulttable Among timberdesign result tables, Utilizationin fire table summarizes the fire design results. The table is emptyifthereare no fire design resultsrelatedtotheselectedcombination.

  10. Cross-sectionoptimizationinfire ! If TD9 module is installed, timbercross-section optimization can be performed for load combinations that contain fire load case with respect structuralfire design rules.

  11. Inter-CAD Ltd. 2019 Furtherinformation… Detaileddescription of TD8 moduleintheUser’smanual (User’smanual of AxisVM X5) 4.10.1. Loadcases, loadgroups 4.10.30. Fireeffectsontimberelements– TD8 module 6.7.2. Timberbeamfire design – TD8 module Donothesitatetodownloadthetrial version of AxisVM X5 with 30 dayslicense (AxisVM X5 trial version)and tryournewmodules! axisvm.eu

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