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How Your M arketing P lan Can T rump the Competition

How Your M arketing P lan Can T rump the Competition. Sunday, February 16, 2014. Stephen Pacinelli VP of Events, Move Inc @ stevepacinelli. www.marketing.realtor.com/roi. What Should I Spend My Money On?. VALUE CHAIN. Real Estate Consumers.

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How Your M arketing P lan Can T rump the Competition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Your Marketing Plan Can Trump the Competition Sunday, February 16, 2014 Stephen Pacinelli VP of Events, Move Inc @stevepacinelli

  2. www.marketing.realtor.com/roi

  3. What Should I Spend My Money On?


  5. Real Estate Consumers How quickly do real estate consumers expect a response to their inquiry in today’s market?


  7. …ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN RESPONSE TIME 2013 Survey of California Home Buyers - 04/2013

  8. AND LET’S NOT FORGET ABOUT THE MIT STUDY* • The odds of contacting a lead if called within five minutes versus 30 minutes are 100X GREATER. • The odds of qualifying the lead increase 21X if called within five minutes compared to 30 minutes. *Kellogg/MIT Lead Response Management System Study

  9. THE BUZZWORD FOR 2014: RESPOND NOW! In the next 30 minutes if you don’t respond they’ll be calling your competitor…

  10. Enter FiveStreet

  11. FiveStreet solves the 5 minute response challenge.

  12. RESPONSE TIME IS KING • Sixty-six percent of buyers only interviewed one real estate agent in their search. • Two-thirds of recent sellers only contacted one agent before selecting the agent used to sell their home.

  13. View Aggregate Reports

  14. View Consolidated Leads

  15. THE RESULT IS A NEWEND TO END SOLUTION SPECIFICALLY TARGETED AT TEAMS AND BROKERS Media, Branding andLead Generation Agent/Team CRM Lead Collection, Intel, Responding, Routing, Reporting

  16. COMMONALITIES OF HIGHLY RATED RESPONSES Sense of Urgency Personalization Displayed expertise Always end with a question

  17. People that have never closed an online lead • Thank you for your interest in (address). What would you like to know about that property? I am looking forward to doing business with you. • Thank you for your email. I will contact you soon to discuss. I look forward to meeting with you. Thank you for your business! • Thank you for contacting me and how can I help you find your new home?

  18. COMMONALITIES OF HIGHLY RATED RESPONSES Sense of Urgency Personalization Displayed expertise Always end with a question

  19. Dear Steve, I wanted to get in touch to discuss a new virtual tour technology which may be of interest to you and your readers. Through reading numerous articles on Tech Savvy Agent, it is apparent that your you and your readers are always on the look out for the latest technology which would help Agents market their properties. I work with MySweep, a new web app for creating walk through virtual tours from single images, we call them Sweeps. Over 10,000 sweeps have already been created by Photographers globally, you can check out some examples here: https://www.mysweep.com/samples. Real Estate photographers have been using Sweeps for major property listing sites in Spain and UK, such as www.niumba.com so I thought our recent global launch may be of interest. The key advantages include: Easy and automatic navigation: The user does not need to make any clicks to navigate, allowing the user to traverse spaces seamlessly. No special equipment needed: Just a wide angle lens and a tripod. Easy production: Upload the photos, choose the transitions between them and create. Photographer has full control of the end result: No stitching or funny algorithms are involved in the creation of a Sweep. The photographer controls the path, color and appearance of every shot and lighting level. Compatibility: Sweeps can be viewed on any platform that supports HTML5 or Flash, hence: iphone, iPads, Android devices and on any desktop browser. Shareable: Sweeps can be embedded in Facebook or other social media tools. Pay as you sell: Sweeps are created using a web-app in MySweep (www.mysweep.com) so there is no upfront license fee for the Sweep creation engine. Create as many Sweeps as you like for free and only pay when you want to display it on an external website. Do you think your readers would be interested in learning about Sweeps? Best Wishes Nick Tinker

  20. Real Estate Connect Speakers - Happy New Year and thank you again for agreeing to speak at Real Estate Connect. We are looking forward to an incredible event! Please keep the following in mind to ensure a great experience for the audience during your talk/panel: 1. Deliver tangible, useful, practical takeaways that our audience can use immediately in their business. We want people to leave Connect with a notebook full of ideas they can implement right away! Takeaways like "read/use this website," "do this, don't do that," "try this," "read this book," "use this app," etc. Tie high level thoughts to actionable takeaways. The audience wants actionable information. 2. Your energy level is crucial to success. In these big rooms people need to feel engaged no matter where they are sitting. Bring high energy, smile, and look at the audience when speaking, not at the moderators. Be animated and excited to be on stage. 3. Have a point of view. People want to know what you think. Bring a perspective and point of view to your conversation. Please make sure you are in the meeting room at least 30 minutes prior to your presentation. When you check in at the Connect registration desk, you'll receive a card indicating your assigned meeting room. Most of you are not using slides but I have attached the template in case you are. Please remember to have your slides back to me by January 10th. Please respond to this email with your cell number in case I need to reach you with a last minute change. My cell is 985-966-2265. Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you soon! Best, Drew


  22. Keller Williams Exclusive Digital Agent Package

  23. Cross Platform Branding

  24. Best source for quality online leads? 18%

  25. Visit us at booth #113 EDUCATION SESSIONS Collect at least 4 stamps and turn in your card to be entered for a chance to win an iPadAirTM*! Drawing will be held on Tuesday, February 18th at 4:30 p.m. *Not required to be present at time of drawing to win. Odds of winning depend on number of entries. Watch the demo and get you FREE “Tech Savvy Agent” video coaching DVD • Enter our DAILY drawing • for a chance to • win an iPadMiniTM! • (must be present to win)

  26. Visit us at booth #113 Enter our drawing for a chance to win an iPad AirTM! Watch the demo and get you FREE “Tech Savvy Agent” video coaching DVD

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