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Explore the rise and fall of the powerful African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, known for their wealth, trade routes, and Islamic influence in ancient West Africa.
Early African Empires http://www.hp.uab.edu/image_archive/um/painting06.jpg
Kingdom of Ghana • Ghana • developed in West Africa between the Niger (NI-jhur) and the Gambia Rivers • kingdom there from about AD300 to about 1100
kingdom of Ghana • Ghana • kingdom of Ghana probably began when several clans of the Soninke people of West Africa came together under one leadership. Soninkes were among the first peoples to live in the region
Ghana / People • People • Berbers, the people of the desert. They were traders who crossed the deserts in caravans, or large groups. The Berber traders exchanged salt and mined in the desert for gold.
kingdom of Ghana • Ghana • natural resources- gold and iron. • good at making things from iron. Ghanaian warriors used iron to make trade swords, daggers, arrows and other weapons.
Kingdom of Ghana • Ghana • rivers helped Ghana to grow rich-used to transport goods/develop trade. • Ghana became wealthy by controlling trade and acting as a go-between for gold and salt that were exchanged in its territory.
Kingdom of Ghana • Ghana • became a rich and powerful nation, • Camels used as transportation • Ghana relied on trade
Kingdom of Ghana • Islamic Mosque in Ghana • After 700 AD, the religion of Islam began to spread over N. Africa • Muslim warriors came into Ghana and fought with the non-Islamic people
Kingdom of Ghana • Decline of Ghana • Local warriors then broke away from power of Ghana and formed their own local kingdoms. • This ended trade networks and weakened Ghana.
Accomplishments of the Ghanians • Ghana Empire • They established important trade routes • They controlled the gold and salt trade • They controlled roads and charged taxes for passage, creating a wealthy nation
Mali http://www.btsadventures.com/img/mosque.jpg
Kingdom of Mali Mali succeeded Ghana as the major kingdom in the western Sudan. The empire of Mali contained the former Ghana and much more territory. Ghana was destroyed by the leader of the Sosso tribe led by Sundiata. He moved the capital to Niani. Islam became the major religion and Mali became a key region in the Islamic world
Kingdom of Mali • King Sundiata • Ruled from around 1230-1255 AD. • led the people in conquering and expanding his kingdom
Kingdom of Mali • King Mansa Musa • A descendant of Sundiata • (1312-1337). He extended the boundaries of his empire, promoted trade and commerce, and encouraged the spread of learning. He developed the gold and salt trade of Mali and his kingdom became very powerful and rich
Kingdom of Mali • King Mansa Musa • was a Muslim • built many mosques or in western Africa • Made a pilgrimage to Mecca, the holy city of Islam • He spread his wealth throughout the cities he passed
Kingdom of Mali • King Mansa Musa • made a pilgrimage to Mecca, with 60,000 servants and followers and 80 camels carrying more than 4,000 pounds of gold to give to poor.
Kingdom of Mali • Decline of Mali • When Mansa Musa died, no powerful ruler followed and Mali weakened. • a group of people called Berbers came into area and others from the south to claim territory • By the end of the 15th century, it had dwindled to a small, unimportant state.
Kingdom of Mali • Mali replaced Ghana as the greatest power of the Western Sudan, taking over the trans-Saharan gold/salt trade. • The rulers were called “mansa” which means emperor
Geography of Africa • Geography • Africa is the Richest continent in the world. NATURAL RESOURCES! • Sahel- strip of land with little rain fall • Savannah- open grass land
Kingdom of Mali • Accomplishments • They established trade an commerce throughout their empire • They promoted learning and education • They received fame through Mansa Musa’s hajj(pilgrimage)
Cultural Characteristics • Religion • Animism- the belief that bodies of water, trees and other natural objects had spirits • Islam
Africa produced many great civilizations. During the time of the Middle Ages of Europe, the African kingdoms of Mali, Ghana and Songhay were places of advanced learning and great wealth. At the time of ancient Egypt, Nubia was a powerful force with an advanced culture. Strong leaders and vast natural resources helped these cultures rule large areas of northern and western Africa for hundreds of years. Return
Now that you know a lot about the kingdoms of Africa, use the web in your packet to write an essay. Click on the picture of Africa in the center.
Songhay http://www.exzooberance.com
Songhai • The Songhai Empire was established after the Mali Empire declined. The Songhai built a great center for trade and Islamic learning at Timbuktu, in the heart of the salt caravan routes from the Sahara to the Atlantic coast
This map was created in 1375. The same trade routes were used by the merchants of the Songhay kingdom. What kinds of pictures do you see on the map and why do you think the mapmaker put them there? http://www.sfusd.k12.ca.us/schwww/sch618/Travelers/Catal_AtlasAfrica.jpg
The picture above is one artist’s idea of what the great Songhay leader, Sunni Ali might have looked like. Sunni Ali saw that the kingdom of Mali was weakening and he led his soldiers to conquer the area. He began the kingdom of Songhay. He also set up a complex government to rule all the lands he had conquered. http://www.abcorpaffairs.com/gallery/
Silk, Ceramics, Beads, Islam from Europe and Asia All three kingdoms of West Africa relied on trade for their strength and wealth. Look at the map at complete the “In and Out of Africa” worksheet in your packet. Salt Timbuktu Gao Jenne Gold, Ivory, Wood, Slaves Coming into West Africa Coming from Africa and going to Europe and Asia
Click here to complete a scavenger hunt about western Africa. Use the “Scavenger Hunt” worksheet in your packet. http://www.africanculturalcenter.org/4_4tradekingdoms.html#
This is a photo of a mosque, or place of worship for Muslims, in western Africa. Many mosques were built of local materials. Sunni Ali died in 1492 CE. His son took over the rule of Songhay but he did not accept Islam as a religion. Islam was accepted as a religion by many people in northern Africa. One of Sunni Ali’s generals, named Muhammad Ture, overthrew the new king and made himself king of Songhay. Ture was a follower of Islam (Muslim) and so he made Islam the religion of his kingdom. http://www.thewoz.ca/ghana/_larabanga1.jpg
For more detailed information on Songhay, click on the picture. Songhay remained a rich and strong kingdom under Muhammad Ture’s rule. It had a complex government centered in the city of Gao, and great centers of learning. But later rulers were not as powerful. In the late 1500s, Morocco invaded Songhay to take its rich trade routes. Moroccans had a new weapon, the gun, and the army of Songhay did not. This led to the fall of Songhay. (Photo courtesy of African Origin of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Diop)
Accomplishments of the Songhai • They established a great center of Islamic learning in the empire • They encouraged skilled craftspeople and artisans • They built and maintained a large army
Kingdom of Songhai Downfall: Soldiers from Morocco invaded and overpowered Songhai
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