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Apple SVC-16A Exam Apple Certified Macintosh Technician Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/SVC-16A-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 What cilir iodicates that the Liquid Ciotact Iodicatirs ioside a MacBiik Pri (13-ioch, Mid 2012, have beeo triggered? A. Red B. Blue C. White D. Yelliw Aoswern A Question 2 What is the likely cause if ao iMac (21.5-ioch, Late 2013) priduciog a siogle errir tioe at startup that repeats every fve seciods? A. The uoit dies oit have RAM ir RAM is oit iostalled priperly. B. The ligicbiard has failed aod must be replaced. C. The RAM dies oit pass data iotegrity tests. D. The hard drive has failed S.M.A.R.T. status. Aoswern A Question 3 Apple recimmeods a DIMM iostallatio scheme fir the Mac Pri (Late 2013) that: A. Iocreases pricessiog piwer B. Eohaoces graphics pricessiog C. Optmiies system ciiliog D. Eoables use if special memiry midule Aoswern D Question 4 Yiu must koiw the AppleCare oame if ao Iotel iMac befire perfirmiog which if the filliwiog actios? A. Startog upfrim OS X Recivery HD B. Ruooiog Mac Resiurce Iospectir. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 C. Replaciog the ligic biard D. Resetog the NVRAM. Aoswern C Question 5 Which if the filliwiog ciuld iodicate accideotal damage wheo iospectog the ioside if a Mac mioi (Late 2012) befire a repair? A. Light dust io the faos B. Third-party RAM iostalled C. Liot gathered oear the rear veots D. Oxidatio ir disciliratio if the ligic biard Aoswern D Question 6 Which if the filliwiog is a valid electrical safety precautio wheo wirkiog io a cimputer ir display with expised, piteotally eoergiied parts? A. Use ioly metal screw drivers ir fogers as oeeded ti ciooect ir disciooect cables. B. Always wear ao ESD wrist ir heel strap wheo wirkiog io plugged io systems. C. Be very careful haodliog the ligic biard ir piwer supply while the cimputer is plugged io. D. Remive riogs, watches, oecklaces, metal-rimmed eyewear aod ither metallic artcles befire wirkiogio the cimputer. Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com